Human Resources with locations

You can either enter the employees in the head office and have them transported to the locations via web clearing or create your own employees in locations. If the sites need to protect employee data in terms of data protection, employee data can be anonymised during transfer.

To prevent unwanted changes at the site, the switches are locked for editing at the site when the employee master is maintained at the head office.

Head office staff

The location list is displayed in central offices for convenient editing:

On the right, the locations can thus be changed quickly.

time recording data

Time recording data is compared with Web clearing from the store to the head office. However, time data can only be recorded in the store. All changes are then compared between the head office and the branch. It should be noted that if changes were made at the same time, the branch would have priority, or the information in the head office would be overwritten with that of the branch. This only applies to the same employee within a synchronization cycle. The time recording table is synchronized, changes in the head office are thus also transmitted to branches. Stamp times for which the employee has not stamped are transferred to the central system if the stamp time is more than two days in the past.

Time recording licences Further documentation:

Biometric data

Biometric fingerprint data must always be recorded where it is to be used (i.e. in the branches). Biometric data of Hypersoft Fingerprint Capture cannot be matched between sites and or headquarters.

Hypersoft UX Time Recording Biometrics Further documentation:

gastromatic interface

The gastromatic interface also supports site management and central controls.

gastromatic integration Further documentation:

Further documentation:

Webclearing and Trading Area Clearing Licenses

Site Management with Hypersoft Suite

Anonymous transmission

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