Hypersoft Reservation

Hypersoft Reservation 2.0

You can find an overview of the functions under Reservation functions in the Hypersoft // system.

Call up the reservation programme in the portal

You can access Reservation 2.0 via the Hypersoft portal www.myhypersoft.de under the heading MOBILE PEOPLE Customer Loyalty.

Hypersoft reservation limit

The number of tables has been tested with 200 so far. Up to this number the program can be used very comfortably.

Hypersoft reservation licences

The program requires an existing Hypersoft Customer Master 2.0license. For use at the Hypersoft POS a corresponding POS license is required, the interface of both programs is included in the reservation. The reservation contains all described functions and is offered as /SaaSClosed Software as a Service. This license is not transferred or left, but billed for the period of use (usually monthly). At Hypersoft, SaaS also includes updates and support. license.

Further documentation: eBooking Hypersoft reservation

Version change from previous versions

The previous version MOBILE PEOPLE Reservation will remain until further notice. If you are already using this version, you can switch to Hypersoft Reservation 2.0 at any time. Please contact your Hypersoft representative for more information.

Further documentation:

Configure Reservation 2.0

Reservation Dashboard

Manage reservations

Manage reservations

eBookings in cashier mode

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