Manager Status
The manager status assigned to in the operator authorisations is an important setting for special access to the POS system. It extends the operator's authorizations as follows:
Any cash register functions can be linked to the cash register function Check Manager in a macro and are then only accessible with the manager status.
- Access to the function Work as operator
- Access to setting up Side Panels in POS Designer
- Access to Manager Operator Transfer
- Access to special price levels that you have marked as "Manager only".
- Start programs from cashier mode (without the setting All)
- Text blocks for free text input can be stored.
- Texts can be edited for the Attach Text function.
- Access to the function Skimming
- Initialize (activate for operation) cards and advanced configuration of cashless cards
- View of the processes of other operators with tip book afterwards
- Access to the function Teams
- Permission to exit the cashier dialogue to access the operating system (you can have the operating system additionally protected if required).
- Permission to view the Front Office report overview by pressing the cash register function Report (without first entering a report number).
- Ability to unlock employee operations that have not been settled after day-end closing.
- Start the view of the dispensing interface with 77 + Execute
- Starting the MCP from the service button (Hypersoft logo in checkout mode)
- Manually create and copy back the data backup from the cashier mode with the commands 301 Execute or 300 Execute
- The cash register function Retour (Ticket) is extended in order to set already used tickets back to the status unused.
- If one has the authorisation to Manager Void, this is extended with the Manager setting so that one can cancel for other operators.
- Changing printer connections via the service area (Hypersoft logo) is now only possible with the manager status.
- Wallet-Control Correction of the change.
Further documentation:
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