Daily closing procedures and options

In order to carry out a daily closing with your cash register system, there are different methods which we would like to offer you for selection. Together with the daily closing, you can create reports on the front office reporting, which must be kept according to the legal requirements you are subject to.


In most cases, you also use the Report Manager. It has an automatic report export, which allows you to create convenient reports and data exports automatically and even send them by e-mail.


Daily Closing Report Automation

Possible tasks and options in this context


  1. Transferring cancellation requests to losses
  2. Payroll for personnel consumption
  3. Closing open operations
  4. Conclusion of cashless payment transactions (BZV)
  5. Accounting of operators
  6. Output of front office reports
  7. Execute day-end closing
  8. Complete cash book
  9. Switching off stations and peripherals


  1. Manual or automatic daily closing for individual cash registers or profit centres
  2. Manual or automatic daily closing for all cash registers
  3. Automatic termination


  1. Automatic transaction closing at day-end closing
  2. Automatic report generation

Further documentation:

Noteworthy information on firings

The manual final report

Cash closure in the Task Planner


Automate close

Switch off cash register station

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