Order type settings

The settings per order type allow you to satisfy very different expectations and needs with one database.

Options per order type

The webshop offers different order types. There are different settings for each order type, which you can access via the respective order type:

Global settings for all order types

  • Holiday message

  • Lead time and cycle

  • Item availability

  • Product recommendations

  • pledge

  • Voucher layout

  • Ticket layout

  • Order for following days

  • List of names as daily transaction number

Settings for browsing

The browse function lets you present your product range without implementing a shopping cart or order function. All merchandise groups and items can be displayed, queries, allergens, nutritional values etc. can be selected, but without allowing a check-out. You can use this order type, for example, if you cannot yet process orders for delivery or pickup, but still want to present your offer in a modern way.

  • Designation and description

  • Visibility of the order type on the home screen in the location details

Settings for collection

The order type Pickup allows your customers to place an order, which has to be picked up in your restaurant according to your lead time. There is no restriction according to postal code, minimum order value or delivery charge.

  • Designation and description

  • Visibility of the order type on the home screen in the location details

  • Customer data and mandatory fields

  • payment methods

  • gratuity

Settings for delivery

The Delivery order type lets your customers place an order that will be delivered by you to a desired address. For the order category Delivery, you can also enter the postal codes supplied per location, a minimum order value and a delivery charge. Likewise, different delivery addresses can be stored for the order type delivery. For deliveries you can use other programmes: eSolutions Delivery

  • Designation and description

  • Visibility of the order type on the home screen in the location details

  • Customer data and mandatory fields

  • Selection of payment methods

  • Delivery area (postcode), delivery charges, minimum order value, free shipping from

  • gratuity

Delivery: Free shipping from...

In the settings of the delivery area you can make the global setting from which amount the delivery charges should be waived.

Minimum order value...

The minimum order value determines the minimum amount per postcode and location from which an order may be executed. The minimum order value is displayed below the shopping cart. If a customer chooses to order without reaching the minimum order value in the shopping cart, a note will be displayed to him/her to inform him/her how high the minimum order value for this postal code is. Additionally, product recommendations will be offered to him/her to reach the minimum order value.

Delivery fee...

Specify a delivery fee per postcode and location, which will be added to the total. Delivery charges are not discountable, nor are deposits.

As soon as you use delivery charges, the customer data "Postcode" and "City" automatically become mandatory fields.

Taxation of the delivery fee is based on the first (and highest) stored tax rate of the respective location, which is automatically transmitted from your POS system to the shop.

Orders for subsequent days...

A value between 1 and 30 can be stored here, which corresponds to the number of days:

1 = No daily selection is offered in the shop, orders are only possible for the current day. (default)

2 - 30 = A daily selection is offered, which is offered depending on the opening hours in the shop for the order types delivery and collection. See the details on the workflow with follow-up days from the user's point of view.

In the order overview you can use the filter Future orders... to view orders for subsequent days.

Postcode and city...

After selecting the desired location, first create the postal codes supplied by this location. You can either create individual postal codes or use a from-to function in which the last two digits are generated automatically. If several locations are able to supply the same postcode, the customer has the possibility to choose one of the possible locations.

Postcodes can also be created several times per location to store an additional city name. This is mainly intended for rural areas where there are several small towns with only one postcode, but which have different delivery charges or a different minimum order value. For this purpose, enter the different city names after the identical postal codes to generate an additional query of the city in the web shop.

You can edit your entries directly in the table.

If you do not enter any postal codes, all cities (worldwide) can be supplied. As soon as you have entered at least one postcode, only the stored postcodes will be supplied. If you would like to enter postcodes alphanumerically, e.g. in the United Kingdom, please use the single entry only.

Different delivery addresses...

For the order type Delivery, customers can maintain one or more different delivery addresses and reuse these for future orders. Depending on the settings of your desired customer data, however, deviating delivery addresses can only consist of the following data:

  • c/o
  • Street/No
  • add-on
  • postcode
  • Place
  • country

All other fields are hidden for the entry of a different delivery address.

For customer data with a different delivery address, the selected delivery address is also used as the billing address at the checkout and printed.

As soon as you use delivery charges, the customer data postcode and city in the order type Delivery automatically becomes a mandatory field.

Guest orders can only be placed with one address, a different delivery address is not offered.

Settings for In the House

Via In House Order, your customers can order more products from your restaurant from a later point in time without having to wait for service. For this purpose, each table is provided with a code or QR code, which your customers take a picture of via smartphone and thus gain access to your product range.

  • Designation and description

  • Visibility of the order type on the home screen in the location details

  • Customer data and mandatory fields

  • payment methods

  • Table list and table codes

  • Payment method

  • gratuity

Settings for trade (retail)

The trade (retail) shop is an ideal addition to your possibly already existing delivery or pick-up shop.

Regardless of your beverage and food assortment, you can offer your merchandise or trade goods here, which you can then send to your customers by parcel.

  • Designation and description

  • Visibility of the order type on the home screen in the location details

  • Customer data and mandatory fields

  • payment methods

  • Country, delivery charges, minimum order value, free shipping from

Trade: Country, Delivery fees, Minimum order value, Free shipping from

For the order type trade (retail) you can independently define which countries you would like to supply.

Use the Add Country button to define all settings per country.

The list of countries lets you select a country within Europe:

Set a minimum order value, shipping costs, and an optional threshold for eliminating shipping costs per country.

Customer data for trade (retail)...

Set the required customer data for a retail.

Please note that the required names and address fields must be defined as mandatory fields.


Trade Order Confirmation by eMail...

In the email settings, the order confirmation for retail orders can be customised as desired:

Further documentation: Retail Shop from the user's point of view

Settings for tickets

  • Designation and description

  • Visibility of the order type on the home screen in the location details

  • Customer data and mandatory fields

  • payment methods

Settings Web Vouchers Shop

If you have activated the order type vouchers for one or more locations but this order type is not displayed in your shop/app, please check your web voucher settings in the MCP. If not all settings are complete here, the order type is hidden for security reasons.

  • Designation and description

  • Visibility of the order type on the home screen in the location details

  • Customer data and mandatory fields

  • payment methods

  • Recharge vouchers

Voucher layout...

The web voucher shop uses a central layout for print@home vouchers in the standard version (for several locations), which you have stored under your central customer number.

If, on the other hand, you would like to use a separate layout per location (e.g. for different "brands"), you can use the "Voucher layout per location" button to use the print@home layout stored in the respective location instead of the central layout.

Designation and description

You can adapt the designation and description of the order types as you wish. Please note, however, that the special features per order type cannot be changed (e.g. not renaming the order type "Delivery" to "Collection").

Please note that the length of the name and description may have an effect on the display of the order type label in the shop.


The tip settings can be activated and defined separately for the order types: Delivery, Pick-up and In-house.

You can activate the tip function in the webshop settings. If you would like to use this option, you have the possibility to enter a percentage value as standard, which will be added to the total amount in the shopping cart before it is filled in. You can set this default value from 0-50%. See the section Tip in the webshop.

Users can of course adjust this value with a slider, or enter their own tip. When using the slider, we round the tip amount to 0.10 EUR, CHF, GBP in each case.


Tips and minimum order value:

The tip entered by the customer in the shopping cart for the order type delivery is not counted towards the minimum order value, only the sum of the items in the shopping cart is counted here.

Visibility of the order type on the home screen and location details

Active order types are displayed by default on the start page of the desktop view, as well as in the order type selection in the mobile version. If you would like to hide one or more order types, but still use them for individual locations, you can use the following function.

This can be particularly important if, for example, you only use the Order to Table (In House) order type in some locations but do not want to suggest to your customers that you offer this function in all locations.

Order types View Desktop and Mobile...

However, all order types of the respective location are always available via the order page in the location details.

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