Controller licences

There is a basic controller licence which already includes the main warehouse. However, this must be extended by at least one point of sale license. Points of sale are storage locations to which one or more cash registers can optionally be assigned. You can use the controller with any number of sales steles.

Within a local network, all functions of the controller are available to you per sales outlet. If the controller is needed at another location (also for the same company or the same client), additional licences must be purchased for each. There are several variants:

  • Independent branches (own client) receive their own controller licence with at least one sales outlet. The web clearing compares the data. If the controller is to be used actively in the head office (instead of only providing the item master data, for example), at least one controller licence plus sales outlet must be available in the head office. If the branch receives all master data from the head office via web clearing and is only to record orders and checks, the "Controller Webclearing Extension" is sufficient per branch as an alternative to a full controller licence.
  • For points of sale that cannot be connected to the local network, there is the option of using trading area clearing (instead of web clearing) to exchange data between locations. This then transmits the booking data and calculates the stock (per point of sale) in the head office. With a CONTROLLER license which has the number of sales points of the connected sales points you can use the Stock Management centrally. The stock data is only located in the head office, not at the connected point of sale. In the head office, however, you can use the MRP monitor and record the stock both with the Control program and with MOBILE CONTROL (the mobile device could also be brought to the location). With the CONTROLLER Web, Retail Clearing License Extension you can add a remote control session to the program. You can then enter the store stock in the head office. For this no additional MCP workstation license is necessary.

If you have several storage locations, the main difference is whether you group the stocks together or look at them individually. Although they will then need a point of sale license for each additional storage location, they will then be able to use considerably more functions.

Tabular overview of licenses and functions:

Programs in cashier mode and workstations

You can start controller programmes from the checkout mode, for example, control entry or goods requests. If you have a controller licence, you can use these programmes per cash register workstation. Each Hypersoft POS system contains an MCP workstation so that the MCP can be used directly on the POS terminal and on another PC. This controller licence contains a workstation extension. So you can use the MCP and your other licenses on one (further) PC. Remember that each PC also requires a ZEN SQL database licence. However, MCP workstations (in the warehouse or office) and tablet installations count as additional. Please note the regulation with the workplaces for this.

Further documentation: Hypersoft licenses and workstations

The Production Monitor

The simple production monitor is included in the basic controller licence. The production monitor can create its own products simply by posting them, and in the process transfer the components of the basic articles to its own finished articles. Via the cash register function Execute and parameter 70, the simple production mode can be started directly from the cash register mode.


Note that this programme is discontinued in this form and should not currently be reinstalled.

With Mobile Control you can comfortably use many stock management functions with one mobile device. Mobile Control is an extension licence that applies per mobile device and requires at least one existing controller licence with a point of sale.

Licensing with Orgasoft.NET

See the chapter on Variants of the workflow with Orgasoft.NET.

Further documentation:

Licence table controller


CONTROLLER Headquarters

Mobile Control

production monitor

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