Licences for the Hypersoft // system

"Hypersoft licences are offered according to a logical and proven system. In doing so, we cater to the different interests of our customers and can also optimally take into account the different requirements of different utilisation concepts. Our aim is to always provide you with fair offers that are customised to your project.


With this flexibility and the incomparable variety of services, you will be able to implement your sophisticated digitalisation ideas unerringly and rely on perhaps the best POS system in the world. The complexity of Hypersoft's own solutions in combination with the integrated high-performance partners and the liberal interface concept have been securing the investments of enthusiastic Hypersoft customers and Hypersoft partners for decades. "

Basic structure of the licensing concept...

  • Licence purchase and support on the basis of agreed service level agreements (SLA)

  • Licences as Software as a Service (SaaS)

  • Licences as pay as you go (PAYG) according to use

There is a combination of these methods, whereby you also have the choice between purchase or SaaS for the standard licences, for example. This is complemented by a hardware-as-a-service concept, so that you have the choice between buying and "renting" 90% of our devices.

Differentiated fair licence settlement

The provision of licences and billing models follows the ITIL concept, according to which programme services are provided and billed based on usage. Our response is just as complex as the industry and its requirements. This has brought us and our customers to the forefront of what is technically feasible in recent decades. In your interest, we invite you to familiarise yourself with our billing model and use it to your advantage. Using the example of a cash register licence, we will show you the possibilities:

Example on a Hypersoft cash register licence...

A cash register licence distinguishes whether it is used in Quick Service or Full Service. You can combine these in an object as you wish and in unlimited numbers. The two licences are called:

  • Hypersoft UX Quick Service

  • Hypersoft UX Full Service

You have two options for using the licences, which you can also mix within a location:

  1. Purchase of the licence and service, updates, upgrades via a service contract

  2. Rental of the licence as SaaS (Software as a Service) a price including service contract.

Such a SaaS licence has no minimum term and can be cancelled monthly (12 months after deactivation, you can reactivate the licence or switch to the purchase under 1).

What do these licences contain? See the Hypersoft POS Licenses

Example of Pay as you go with NoCOO (digital invoices)...

Digital invoices are the digital standard today. Hypersoft is not just about saving thermal paper, because the NoCOO system also uses digital contact with your customers for marketing measures, among other things (everything else and details are described in detail in theNoCOONoCOO - Digital Billing chapter). This means that every active contact (every invoice) can be used for an advertising campaign.

As there are big differences in the frequency of use and we want to make NoCOO fairly accessible to everyone, we count every invoice as an activity. We then combine these small activities into a larger unit that can be billed clearly. With NoCOO, 166 invoices are always summarised in a so-called campaign and one campaign corresponds to €1 in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. A campaign therefore has the campaign divisor 166 in NoCOO, which we also abbreviate to CD166. Pay as you go(PAYG) is also known as payment by use.

Further customisation to actual demand with packages and "flat" rates...

If you use much higher quantities of a product like NoCOO, you are rightly entitled to special pricing, because you are only using a portal in which the invoices (and your cashless merchant and customer receipts) are stored digitally. That is why Hypersoft also has a package and a "flat" for all products that count as activities. You can conveniently book or deselect both on a monthly basis.

If you are not sure whether a package or a flat rate is worthwhile for you, wait until shortly before the end of the month and take a look at your current campaigns in your portal access. If you would have preferred a package or flat rate, please inform your vendor or our support so that this can be applied retroactively for the entire current month (billing takes place on approx. 3-5 days of the following month).

Your unique cloud licence, the CloudBOX...

If you want to extend your Hypersoft POS system with digital services such as webshops, you will need the Hypersoft CloudBOX. The NoCOO Digital Billing and TSE Online Archive and Report Manager Collection services even manage without them. If you use at least one of the following products, you need a CloudBOX once. The CloudBOX is the basis for:

  • Webshop

  • web voucher shop

  • Merchandise Shop

  • Ticket Shop

  • Self Order Terminal

  • (Guest Order Terminal)

Like the cash register software, the web shop can be used in two variants.

  • SaaS (Software as a Service) and HaaS (Hardware as a Service)

  • Usage-based billing via campaigns and checks.

Like NoCOO, activities are also added to the webshop. However, since it makes a difference whether a coffee or a gourmet candlelight dinner is sold, there is a so-called check commission, which is calculated on turnover. Here, too, there are packages and flat rates - and, most importantly for you, probably the most cost-effective and powerful eSolutions payment for this application!

Further documentation: CloudBOX licence

Permitted and non-permitted combinations of UX and Classic licences...

The Hypersoft UX Quick Service and Hypersoft UX Full Service licenses may not be combined with other POS licenses (including non-Advantage licenses) in one location. The Hypersoft UX mPOS Freestyle licence and the SOT Freestyle licence can be used for both UX licensing and Classic licensing. These combinations of licence models are possible:

  Classic Hypersoft POS Licence Advantage SOT Standard mPOS Standard All other standard products
Hypersoft UX Quick Service and Full Service






Hypersoft UX mPOS Freestyle






SOT Freestyle UX






All other standard products






Combinations in practice

If products are offered for selection in several methods, you have the option of combining the methods in coordination with your vendor:

  • You purchase two Hypersoft POS cash register licences and two POS terminals with POS printers. For the two cash register licences you receive a Hypersoft software maintenance contract for updates, upgrades and support.

  • You would like to use stock management with the controller, but are unsure whether you can get this discipline established in your business. You choose the controller as SaaS, have no acquisition costs and pay one amount per month for licence usage, updates, upgrades and support (should you have successfully implemented the controller you can still decide to purchase a licence). You take your payment terminals as HaaS so that they have a "permanent guarantee" and fixed calculable costs.

  • You would like to introduce the Hypersoft Webshop as standard in your company in the coming years. They expect few but important turnovers and experiences. You receive this in a combination of SaaS with low costs (Campaigns) per actual order.

Technical licence table


On Premises (On-Prem) are programmes that are installed on your computers. The Cloud programme runs on (our) servers and is available via the internet.

Hypersoft offers you an unrivalled selection of useful point of sale and eSolutions programmes. Of course, we cannot be technical leaders in all areas at the same time. Thus, we consider our technically leading programmes as Best Practice and supplementary programmes as Tools (percentages inform you that the development of the first basic version has not yet been completed). From both groups we also have alternative solutions through 3rd parties and partner companies, so that you can continue to use existing programmes and practices with our existing integrations, or prefer them for reasons of other weightings.

One licence per location expands the entire system, so one customer base licence can be used at all tills in a location.

After you order licenses, it usually takes up to 48 hours for us to assign the required license to your customer account.

license On-Premise/ Cloud Licence / SaaS *L/S Product per unit/ location Activities requires existing licence(s)
Backoffice Suite On-Prem L S Device *Z - Hypersoft POS
CloudBOX Further documentation: CloudBOX licence

Stock Management Controller

On-Prem L S Locations(*Z) -  
duty roster On-Prem L S Location - Backoffice Suite
eBooking aleno...

Hypersoft reservation powered by aleno licences Further documentation:

eBooking Hypersoft Reservation Hypersoft reservation licence Further documentation:
Enterprise Reports (wait...) cloud evaluative      
eSolutions Bonus System cloud S 20 Location yes Hypersoft POS, customer base
Guest-Order-Terminal cloud evaluative Device yes Miscellaneous
eSolution Guest Order Terminal Zentr.


S - -


- -
Self Order Kiosk (SOT) Further documentation: eSolutions Self Order Kiosk (SOT) licences
eSolutions SOT Central Licence


S - -


- Webshop
eSolutions SOT Third-party devices (payment method) informative S 30 Device - -
eSolutions SOT Driver Pack (third-party) informative S 30 Device - -
Web vouchers Location o. Central cloud S 29 Location yes Hypersoft POS
eSolutions Webshop eSolutions Webshop and voucher licences Further documentation:
Web-Voucher shop cloud S 20 Location yes  
eSolutions YourAPP Location cloud S Location - Hypersoft POS
eSolutions YourAPP Head Office


S - -



Hypersoft Pay payment terminal integration and eCom Payment

see link L S see link - Hypersoft POS

Hypersoft POS Full Service

On-Prem L S Device (*Z) - -

Hypersoft POS Quick Service

On-Prem L S Device - -
Hypersoft mPOS Client-Server On-Prem L S Device - Hypersoft POS
Hypersoft mPOS Handheld On-Prem L S Device - Hypersoft POS
Hypersoft mPOS Tablet On-Prem L S Device - Hypersoft POS
MCP Workstation On-Prem L S Device -  

Live Report (free of charge)

cloud - - - Hypersoft POS
Cash book (free of charge) cloud - Location - -
Kitchen Monitor System On-Prem L S Device - Hypersoft POS
Customer base Cloud & On-Prem L S Location - Hypersoft POS for on-prem
Payment.... (various) informative - Location - -
Report manager On-Prem L S Location - Hypersoft POS
NoCOO Digital Billing Licences NoCOO Digital Billing Licences Further documentation:
Time recording Time recording licences Further documentation:

Secondary programmes:






IF 01: eSolutions and app integration On-Prem & Cloud S 59 Location yes Hypersoft POS
IF 01: eSolutions Payment-Only On-Prem & Cloud S 10 Location yes Hypersoft POS

Interface 14/16: Hypersoft Pay payment terminal integration

On-Prem L S Device - Hypersoft POS
Interface 17: EC/KK foreign device interface On-Prem   Device yes  
Interface 19, IF 20, IF21: Hotel PMS connections On-Prem L S Location - Hypersoft POS
IF 57: Online Ordering for Deliverect On-Prem S 20 Location yes Hypersoft POS
IF 59: 3rd Party HKS Interface On-Prem S 80 Location - Hypersoft POS

eSolutions SOT Webshop Replacement Licence


S 50



Deprecated, will be replaced by CloudBOX

3rdParty = The licence concerns the performance of a 3rd party. For reasons such as support services, or technical, organisational conditions, these are kept at Hypersoft.

informative = the licence is used informatively, usually no programmes are activated with it, but for example a support service is offered.

Logic = The licence is required for technical / logical reasons, this status is mostly free of charge ( S - - = free of charge).

B = Advantage Licences are bundles of several programmes, each of which is charged per POS workstation. If the bundle fits and you have few POS jobs, this is a favourable alternative.

*L/S = Indicates how you can purchase or use the programme. With the licence transfer (L) you purchase the licence and receive service and updates via a software maintenance contract (LF indicates programmes with fixed service costs that are not billed on a percentage basis depending on the service model. With the SaaS model (S)(stands for Software as a Service) you pay for the use of the programme on a monthly basis, which includes service and updates. Example 10,- are the standard SaaS costs in Euro.

*S = The SQL licence requires different specifications depending on the number of connected devices. An SQL licence on a device is available to all programmes on it. If the programme requires a product that uses SQL anyway (e.g. POS), this SQL licence is used and not marked as SQL required.

*SN = Purely informative: Only the on-premise part accesses SQL. Here the programme works together with other programmes that already use SQL.

*Z = This licence is required in a central office or on the central server in order to use the programmes there or with the location. (*Z) = Optional accessories in the central office depending on the configuration.

*20 = One time recording licence is used for 20 employees at a time.

Easy orientation within the software licenses

You can orient yourself as follows:

Tip 1: Opt for Quick Service, Full Service or a mixture of the two.

The focus is usually on cash registers. Every customer needs at least one POS cash register licence. These are available at particularly favourable prices for the Quick Service area (without table operation) and for the Full Service area, equipped with all the comforts of service catering. You can install these programs on PCs and tablets.

Tip 2: for many cash registers or tablets: mPOS Tablet desired? (Hypersoft mPOS Tablet)

If you need a lot of cash desks with not all Hypersoft specialities you can use the mPOS Tablet license. It is a variant of our mobile cash register program, can optionally also use the basic functions of the full-service area and does not require any SQL database licenses. This solution is also particularly suitable for tablets, as it has been optimized for mobile use.

Tip 3: At the end of your planning, look for the database licences (Actian ZEN Database Licences)

The Hypersoft programs are assembled exactly according to your needs. The end result is a number of workstations (cash registers, office, etc.). For this number you need the corresponding number of SQL database licenses, whereby some workstations can also be operated without an SQL license.

Tip 4: Get advice to find the right variant for you.

If you want to use mobile cash registers (besides the possibility to use tablets), you have the CLOU MOBILE licenses at Hypersoft. The licenses can be used on special Microsoft Mobile devices and the well-known Orderman devices (also combined or later changed). These licenses do not require an SQL database.

Tip 5: Add to the back office suite.

Generally, as a customer you receive a so-called Master Control Panel (MCP) that you can use at the checkout. You can easily program your items, set up operators and much more. The cash registers also include a reporting programme at no extra charge, so that simple evaluations can be viewed on the screen or printed out on the receipt printer. In addition, the basic version of the Live Report is available free of charge.

However, you get extensive evaluations and freedom in the choice of reporting periods with the Report Manager. Its reports are more powerful in A4 format and also clearer with a lot of data. In addition, you can conveniently set time periods and options. The Report Manager is also available in a package with other programmes as Backoffice Suite.

Technical Information License, Branches and Franchise

Hypersoft programs are licensed per Hypersoft customer number. Each Hypersoft customer number is linked to an address record at Hypersoft headquarters.

One client can be managed per customer number in the Hypersoft Suite. If you work with several clients, you receive one customer number for each client. Each sales outlet that is connected via sales outlet clearing also receives its own customer number.

You can define your head office as a master client and further assign any clients to this head office as a location client. This automatically results in affiliations and information is "inherited". For example, as a franchisor, you can automatically log on to any new branch with your password from the head office.

In addition, you can create independent store groups, for example, your franchise system can consist of fifty stores, ten of which belong to you as company stores and are linked to each other. In addition, you can "view" the forty franchise companies, whereby personnel data of other companies can be automatically anonymized if data protection requirements are met.

If you are a franchisee with more than one business, there are branchgroups for you. Branch groups provide you with an overview similar to that of a head office or franchisor. You can even add more operations that do not belong to the one franchise system. In this case your group of companies expands WITHOUT this "foreign" information being accessible to the master client of the other company. For a franchisor, this means that he provides a POS system that can operate both within the franchise network and "outside" the franchisee's personal branch group.

Hypersoft licenses and workstations

Almost all Hypersoft programs are multi-user capable. For example, you can operate the controller at several workstations. For this purpose, MCPworkstations are installed (MCP= Master Control Panel).

The number of MCP workstations you want to use must be available with licenses. Each licensed MCP can then access your programs at will (example: no distinction is made between CONTROLLER and time recording, both are available per MCP purchase).

Each Hypersoft customer receives the first MCP workstation once. This allows you, for example, to use an MCP workstation for one or a group of cash registers (please note: The license is valid for one MCP and does not increase with the number of cash registers). Certain licences contain additional MCP workstations, for example the Backoffice Suite and the Controller each contain an MCP workstation. This means that a POS system (+1) with Backoffice Suite (+1) and Controller (+1) already contains 3 MCP workstations.

You can therefore install the MCP once without an additional licence outside the POS terminals and , but then require an additional ZEN SQL licence (database licence). The same applies to each additional MCP workstation, each of which requires a ZEN SQL licence in addition to the Hypersoft licence.

This license right also applies to access via RDP or other desktop remote control programs. In these cases, remote access (and each of the accessing workstations locations) is considered to be the use of another licence that you should have.

Licensees and rights

A license may only be transferred by the customer to a third party if it is an original license authorized by the provider and owned by the customer. Hypersoft licenses can be transferred by transferring the license holder and against a transactioning fee from Hypersoft. You can only transfer / resell licences that you have purchased (e.g. no rental licences, SaaS licences). Hypersoft can only transfer licenses for which an active software maintenance contract exists.

Each license is secured with a license key. The license key, together with the Hypersoft customer number and your customer data, serves as the license key and may not be passed on to third parties without a change of ownership. All information about purchased program licenses is stored at Hypersoft under the Hypersoft customer number and in conjunction with the license key. One Hypersoft Suite system (one server and a number of network workstations depending on the licenses purchased) may be installed, activated and used per license key.

You can also Check licence and service status directly from the MCP.

General Licenses

In the section General Licences licences appear that are not assigned to specific programmes or programme groups.

Further documentation:

Advantage Licence (Classic)

Backoffice licences

Campaigns & Activities

Controller licences

eSolutions licences

eSolutions Self Order Kiosk (SOT) licences

eSolutions Shop & Order licences

eSolutions Webshop and voucher licences

eSolutions YourAPP Licences

Hypersoft Pay Licences

Hypersoft POS Licenses

Hypersoft mPOS licences

Integrations and interfaces Licences

Licensing in one centre

Licences from the Classic Model

Mobile People Licences

NoCOO Digital Billing Licences

Kitchen Monitor Licences

More licences

Webclearing and Trading Area Clearing Licenses

Time recording licences

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