Points of interest for point of sale clearing
Restrictions in the depth of functions
Point of sale clearing is to be understood as a "substitute connection for data transport in the absence of a LAN". A stable LAN connection is also preferable when investments have to be made. It's not a LAN economy solution.
Our stations monitor each other in a standard network (with LAN connection). A point-of-sale clearing system cannot, or only to a limited extent, make use of these monitoring programmes and must assume that it will receive master data, just as the other side assumes that it will receive transaction data. Therefore, the use of point of sale clearing should be based on almost 100% available technical components. The point-of-sale clearing is in parts always in the status"emergency operation without server" and can therefore communicate interruptions and technical problems much worse than systems installed in the standard.
For this reason, point of sale clearing should only be set up by trained experts and a responsible administrator should be available. The operation for daily use is then safely automated. Pay attention to the conditions in connection with the CONTROLLER: Stock Management Questions & Answers FAQ
Note the exceptions at the right end of the Site Managementfunction table.
Point-of-sale clearing and eSolutions
Locations that are connected to point of sale clearing can also be used as an eSolutions location, provided they use a unique customer number that is unique for each location/point of sale. A point-of-sale clearing system is then viewed in the Hypersoft Connector like a location system with web clearing and the item data is reported to the portal accordingly. Therefore, only the general differences and restrictions of point-of-sale clearing apply in connection with eSolutions.
In this context you have to activate the switch Support trading area point of sale the Online Order Connector and then you can assign (besides other filters like assortments) exactly the items to the point of sale that you want to offer online.
Further documentation: Configure trading areas
Daily settlement with the sales outlets Clearing
Especially at points of sale clearing it is important to leave the cash terminal switched on for at least 5 minutes after the daily closing. The booking data is transmitted during this period. Otherwise, it may happen that booking data is missing and will not be transmitted until the following day. Even if no postings can be lost as a result of this, misunderstandings can arise because the reports are temporarily incomplete.
The clearing point shows the following dialog after a daily settlement:
If the completion is a shift completion after which work continues immediately, you can simply confirm with OK. The data is transferred in the background as usual during further operation.
security system
When tables are updated from the main system, each data record is checked and if an error occurs, the update is undone. This prevents problems with the data in case of possible interruptions.
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