Hypersoft Procedure Prepaid

Prepaid usually refers to a credit balance in the hypersoft system. In this context, we are talking about prepaid credit from the following areas:

  • Prepaid credit in the customer database,

  • Prepaid credit from cards used with vending machines.

Hypersoft additionally stores bookings from the vending machines (if connected) in the online database of the card management.

Special procedures in card management

In card management, /allocation items are to be deposited:

  1. Items for charging

  2. Items for disbursement

  3. Items for consumption

These must be created as basic items for this purpose.

Prepaid TSE signings with and without allocation items

If no allocation items are stored, the bookings are made according to a static standard. If these parameters cannot be changed via assignment items, the described procedure regarding journal and TSE are applied congruently to the assigned items . An important option is the choice of taxation when charging or when consuming, which is described below.

Item for charging...

For top-up, the item "Debit top-up" (statically created) is used. The cash register function debit top-up is used.

ProductID: 99999999

VatTAB: 0

Vat: 0

(Viewing in the hypersoft system as a display)

The item is booked in the journal and the payment type cash/ non-cash is booked in the payment.

In the TSE example bar:

Order-V1 / 1; "Debit charge";25.00

Cash voucher-V1 / Beleg^0.00_0.00_0.00_0.00_25.00^25.00:Bar

Charging can also take place without cash, depending on the configuration of the cash register function for charging at the POS:

Cash voucher-V1 / Beleg^0.00_0.00_0.00_0.00_25.00^25.00:Unbar


Items for disbursement...

For the item for withdrawal (of credit), the item "Debit withdrawal" (statically created) is used.

ProductID: 99999998

VatTAB: 0

Vat: 0

(Viewing in the hypersoft system as a display)

In the TSE:

Order-V1 / 1; "Debit payout";-5.00

Cash voucher-V1 / Beleg^0.00_0.00_0.00_0.00_-5.00^-5.00:Bar

Here, the payout is always booked in cash.

Item for consumption...

The item for consumption should only be booked if the turnover was already taxed when the credit was loaded. To ensure that no new taxation takes place, the system then makes a negative offsetting entry for an appropriately configured and assigned allocation item, which offsets the turnover accordingly. In this case, however, it is then essential to assign an allocation item for the item for charging area, which taxes the turnover when charging.


The item for consumption is booked by the system as an offsetting entry when paying for a transaction with prepaid credit. The negative amount reduces the payment amount accordingly.

The item is booked in the journal, in the payment the payment type PrePaid (7) is used for the total amount. A payment type must be created for this, as described under Prerequisites for these pre-paid systems.

In the TSE example:

Order-V1 / 1; "Art-1";6.00

Cash voucher-V1 / Beleg^6.00_0.00_0.00_0.00_0.00^6.00:Unbar

Item for minimum consumption....

Minimum consumption is booked when:

When closing a transaction that is to have a minimum consumption via card management, the system posts the missing minimum consumption based on the stored allocation item. There is no special treatment of TSE or reference in the journal here.

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