Initialise process cards

Whitelist entry at the POS

For this purpose, the POS terminals used for issuing the cards are set with the switch Activate transaction cards automatically so that the cards are automatically entered in the whitelist. When a card is held up to the reader, you receive a dialogue that simultaneously enters the card in the whitelist.

Each card read is confirmed with a green flash of the dialogue. If you activate the acoustic signal, a signal tone is also emitted (depending on the technical support of the PC used).

Advanced card configuration

If you have manager status and whitelist entry, the dialogue expands and releases the Advanced Map Configuration:

When the manager finishes logging in, the last settings made here apply to all other cards, even if an operator without manager status works according to them. In this way, the manager can also easily set different defaults per situation.

Element / Switch Function / Description
Acoustic signal Each whitelist entry can sound an acoustic signal (depending on the support of the PC).
Initialise as operator card

This allows you to produce operator cards. In this context, they can, for example, activate an employee price level or specify a discount. If a card initialised in this way is used for the first time at the POS, the operator must be assigned as with every new operator key.

Card limit In the Card limit field, enter the credit limit of the card.
Minimum consumption The value for the minimum consumption can be entered here. These settings will not be used for further newly initialised cards after the dialogue is closed if you are using QUICK Check-In.
Discount Price Level Loss

The Discount, Price Level and Loss Reason fields allow you to create special cards. These settings are not used for further maps after the dialogue is closed.

OK End dialogue


Use process card as operator card...

After the transaction card has been initialised as an operator card and assigned to an operator, it can be used at the POS. When the operator card is held up to the reader, a selection is made for the desired activity:

Log in Operator at the cash desk to log in for booking
Open own process Open the personnel procedure for this operator
Time recording Open time recording dialogue

Variant with grouping

With the optional grouping monitor, you use an additional monitor (touch screen) at Easy Check-In to also be able to form customer groups. This grouping then enables the Kitchen Monitor to advertise dishes so that groups of customers can receive their order at the same time. The Kitchen Monitor takes care that completion takes place together. Optionally, the Kitchen goods issue programme can be used with a grouping if the customers collect the orders themselves.

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