Payment to customer account

There are two options for payment to a customer account. Either the customer's credit is used for payment or a payment order is created for the customer when the transaction is completed in checkout mode. The payment order is processed further with MOBILE PEOPLE Accounting. The use of credit is described in the chapter Prepaid customer cards.

Technical basics at the POS

Transactions concluded in cashier mode with the payment category customer account (+) generate a payment order. Payment orders can either be viewed and paid for using the cash register function Load customer account, or they can be settled using the MOBILE PEOPLE Accounting program. With Accounting, you can conveniently output invoices to your Windows printer or email them, so that this variant is suitable for the subsequent sending of the statement to the customers.

Further documentation:

Prepaid customer cards

Customer transaction comparison report

Send as eMail if possible

Transactions with payment to customer account can no longer be opened with the cash function Edit transaction if the payment order has already been paid with an invoice from accounting.

To older versions of Accounting:

You can use MOBILE PEOPLE Invoice to transaction transactions. You can edit, remove, or add items from transaction. Changing these transactiones has no effect on reporting and data export. All tax relevance can then only be accounted for externally - outside the Hypersoft Suite - consideration.

These entries will not be included in stock management until further notice. This means that no theoretical goods movements can be calculated if you change transactions in MOBILE PEOPLE Invoice.

To change transactions whose changes are also to be taken into consideration in terms of merchandise, in reports and in data export, you can change them using the cash flow function Edit transaction. These changes are also transferred to MOBILE PEOPLE Invoice.

Hedge transaction completion

Customers can be assigned a payment agreement in the customer master. When you close transactions on a customer account, the system can check whether the customer exists (customer data exists for the customer number), but it is possible that not every customer from the customer master is to be settled subsequently using a payment order. To secure the payment order, you can select all valid payment agreements in Card Management that are approved for payment by customer account. If no valid payment agreement is found when you try to close the transaction, the system uses this payment method to prevent the transaction from being closed with a corresponding message. The customer can then be billed and paid using a different close key.

The closing keys in checkout mode must also have the checkout function Check customer's payment type .

Further documentation:

Configure card management

Hypersoft POS Closed Loop Systems

Payment with SEPA Mandate

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