The voucher (offline) management
Voucher (Offline) Management helps to create and manage offline vouchers for a location. For cross-location vouchers, we recommend using our eSolutions-compatible Web-Vouchers (online vouchers), which can also be expanded to include a digital web voucher shop. For details and basic legal knowledge of the two systems, see the general topic Vouchers Online or Offline. Standard vouchers from the voucher management system can also be printed with a barcode and thus automatically read and verified. This also ensures that a voucher can only be used once. Vouchers can either have a monetary value or only be valid for special items. For monetary amounts, for example, you can determine whether residual values are retained or expire. You can also determine the validity period.
Standard vouchers can be created with a POS printer or a Boca ticket printer. It is also possible to upgrade pre-produced vouchers.
Remember that a voucher can have the same value as cash and therefore you should secure all procedures related to the vouchers against abuse and fraud. We do not know the workflow in your company and therefore cannot judge the security of the barcodes within your company. If required, you can implement higher security requirements with web vouchers. In any case, coordinate the taxation of vouchers with your tax advisor. Hypersoft supports different variants.
Further documentation:
Hypersoft procedure for vouchers
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