Hypersoft Suite
Maximum security for your business and your investment in Hypersoft
Protecting your company and your investment in Hypersoft is our top priority - now and in the future. Sustainable added value from our partnership is based on the secure and correct handling of the digitalisation of your business processes and the comprehensive protection of your POS system.
Fiscal correctness, fraud protection and state-of-the-art technical security measures are seamlessly integrated.
Secure processing of your booking data
The Hypersoft Suite is specially designed to securely record, organise and evaluate booking data from POS systems. This data forms the basis for precise control of your sales and legally compliant proof of taxable income. This results in special requirements for the security and integrity of your POS system.
To fulfil these requirements, we have developed the HS-SSP (Hypersoft - Service for Security and Verifiability). This service ensures that all relevant safety and testing requirements are met. The most important information on this is summarised in a special HS-SSP document, which is available to you as a Hypersoft system owner at any time via the Hypersoft portal or on request.
With Hypersoft, you can rely on a secure, future-proof solution that creates trust and strengthens your back for your day-to-day business.
Further documentation:
Antivirus programmes with Hypersoft
Data protection, obligations, AVV and templates
Data basis for catering webshops