CloudBOX Live Connector

The CloudBOX Live Connector is used to exchange data between the Hypersoft CloudBOX and your location system (POS/mPOS, etc.). After setting all the information, the programme is automatically started by the Terminal Commander at the site and connects independently to the CloudBOX site server set up for you.


The programme operates in the background or minimised after the start. You can open it from the info area of the task manager, but it does not have to be operated:

In general, the client monitors the processes at the POS and automatically transmits them to the CloudBOX after each change. All communication is displayed in the interface and also stored in a daily log file:

(Hypers-\ETC\Clntxxxx\ IHOC_yyymmdd.LOG where yyyymmdd corresponds to the current date)

Initiate escalation...

If the Internet connection to your location is interrupted, no more reconciliations or orders can be carried out. If the Internet is then online again, the client connects to the CloudBOX again fully automatically. If the programme does not reconnect within the time specified in the escalation setting, the escalation is carried out and, depending on the setting, an HS-SSP message and/or an escalation e-mail appears. If the application is restarted at the time of an escalation, the HSSSP message is removed first and a new connection with the server is established; if this is still not possible after the stored time, a new escalation is started and an HSSSP message and/or a mail is executed again.

Example of an SSP message...

Example of a mail...

Technical background of the CloudBOX Live Connector

The CloudBOX Live Connector recognises and processes the following incoming requests or information from the CloudBOX (eSolutions page):

  1. Determine the next free seat for a table and report back together with a unique user token. Optionally, a nickname can also be transferred. This is then saved in addition to the seat. If no nickname is given, one is automatically generated in the POS, guest x where x corresponds to the seat number.

  2. Transmit new orders (item bookings) from the CloudBOX to the POS. A so-called new balance is then triggered (in the standard system, this also triggers the order voucher; if you do not want this, use the options described here: Output receipt order automatically or individually).

  3. The information that a guest has started the payment process.

  4. Transfer of the payment process after successful payment to the Hypersoft Pay system of the POS.

  5. The information that a payment has been terminated. This releases the process again, even if a payment process was cancelled.

  6. Service call with corresponding text. This will be transferred to the deposited station with the deposited text (see CloudBOX settings) and the transferred text in the message system of the POS.

Re point 1. (Request a free seat for a table)...

After each restart or after each new connection to the CloudBOX, the POS transmits all open processes involved in in-house ordering. I.e. the table processes for which a seat was requested.

Re point 4. (payment)...

When the payment process is transferred, the CloudBOX Connector determines the NoCOO information and reports it back directly. It is therefore different from an order from the WEBShop, because there the billing first takes place at the POS with which the NoCOO information is created and then subsequently emailed to the guest.

It is therefore always necessary to use NoCOO in conjunction with the CloudBOX Connector.

In-House Order and Group Order...

For group orders, an order can be placed on a table number with a so-called group code. In this case, an extra transaction is created in the system and the table number is included in an extra field. The receipts/invoices can thus carry and print the correct table number despite the extra process. In the group order, a group name is also transmitted along with the group code; this is also saved internally per transaction and can thus be included on the receipts.

DigiPager and Hardware Pager in the CloudBOX Live Connector ...

For in-house orders, the DigiPager is carried per seat and order; this applies not only to group orders but also to table orders. For these digital pagers, a next free DigiPager number is automatically determined and stored in the operations with the offset of 10000. Thus, from now on, a distinction is made between physical pagers (hardware) and digital pagers (software).

All pager numbers less than 10000 are hardware pagers and from 10000 to 19999 are DigiPagers (suitable for ePing). A function is available in the eSolutions interface for forwarding/calling pagers, which is then prepared internally by ePing and executed via the CloudBOX Live Connector.

[WebMethod(Description = "CallDigitalPager", EnableSession = true)]

public string CallDigitalPager(string PagerNumber, string ItemDetails)

The "PagerNumber" and optionally item details "ItemDetails" can be passed here.

The pager number is checked in the function for the range between 10001 and 19999 and if it was generated via an InHouse Order, it is released internally for calling/notifying.

The item details are optional for the time being and currently have no function.

Portal Connector Further documentation:

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