Report settings chain and completion

You use the report settings in the Front Office area to adapt the evaluations of the POS system to your requirements. You can define which reports are generated together with the daily closing, determine the item sorting and customize some reports to your requirements.


Front Office Report Settings


Select the Report Settings program from the Printers & Interfaces program group.

Register chains and final report

Element / Switch Function / Description
Set chains and final report

You use this function to define which individual reports appear in the POS system when closing is performed there as a Z report or ZZ report.

Select the Final Report entry from the list to select the reports to include. The financial report should always be included in the final report.

If you want to group further reports to call them with one command, you can use the chain reports 1 to 8 for this.

Also select the chain report no. 1-9 to compile more reports. The chain reports have the X report status.

Further documentation:

Daily closing, daily change and TTA

item sorting

Select how you want the reports to be sorted in the Front Office:

  • Input sequence (unsorted)
  • item receipt text
  • Merchandise categories, then Receipt text
  • Item number / Alphanumber. In this sort order, the item number is placed before the receipt text.
Save to log file

The CLOU creates the files:

  • RepLog.txt (for all reports)
  • ZetLog.txt (only for final reports)

In the directory


RepLog.txt saves all report calls including the call parameters and the export of booking data. In the file ZetLog.txt the calls are additionally stored with the location of the call and the calling userClosed As users we call people who operate programs, in our case mostly the users of the MCP and the contained programs. (from the logon to the network).

Support per cash register

When you create a final report or any other report, it applies to all tills in your client (as long as their postings come together on the server drive).

If you want to create reports for individual funds or close individual funds, activate this option. You can then use different report calls to evaluate or close the individual funds or all of them together again (different report calls). The call for All tills is restricted to the participating tills by profit centersClosed In the Hypersoft Suite, a profit center is a group of tills that you assign to a term that represents the profit center. These groupings can be used for reports..

Please note that if you have activated this setting, it may happen that you only evaluate the postings of a cash register - possibly by mistake - although you expected a complete report.

This function cannot be used in connection with Virtual cashier stations .

Further documentation:

Main cash desk or profit center

Set Up Profit Centers

SP Version on report With this option the program version is printed as footer on all reports of the cash register.
Closing of all cash registers / profit centersClosed In the Hypersoft Suite, a profit center is a group of tills that you assign to a term that represents the profit center. These groupings can be used for reports. This allows all cash registers - whether alone or in a profit centre - to be closed. The grouping per center is not carried out. With Front Office reports, it is now only possible to evaluate profit centersClosed In the Hypersoft Suite, a profit center is a group of tills that you assign to a term that represents the profit center. These groupings can be used for reports. in the X report.
Execute final confirmation independently

When executing a Z report, a security prompt appears that offers a termination of the contract for at least 30 seconds; after the waiting time, the contract is automatically executed.

If, on the other hand, you do not want the completion to be carried out after the time has elapsed and without confirmation, switch off the automatic system here.

Independently carry out the fixing at the petty cash office

Activated by default. With this, each cash register station (including secondary cash registers) makes its own fixed entry.

With slow databases and networks, however, this can lead to waiting times at the end of the day. If waiting times occur for technical reasons, the database should be updated or the network corrected. We have integrated this switch as an interim solution.

For example, problems can occur when the switch is turned off, the main cash register was working on the fixed and you already want to work with the slave cash register again. With the switch activated, however, the procedure is safe.

Save postings for the head office

You can make your bookings available to the head office so that they can be picked up via another defined route (e.g. USB stick). No setting is required for web clearing.

Further documentation:

Connection of cash registers without server

Reset item blocking list Causes all blocked items to be unblocked again with the daily closing.
Front Office Archive

You can archive reports, for details see Front Office Report Archive.

Financial report in standard


compact financial report

You can choose between the standard financial report and the compact financial report (settings described here):

Expenses in the financial report...

If you work with expenses but do not want them to appear in the financial report, deactivate this setting.

Separate financial report for all funds...

With this, you will receive a separate financial report for each cash register station in the financial report (as far as this is for all cash registers). See the example Separate across all cash registers....

Payment methods on financial report...

If you do not want the payment typesClosed Payment categories control the behavior of the system. Payment types are cash payment, credit card payment, "on room" or customer account. to be displayed individually in your financial report, deactivate this setting.

Average display in the financial report...

The financial report shows you the transaction or customer average. This means that sales are divided by the number of transactions. If you enter the number of customers (per transaction), the system divides by this number.

Extra large turnover Contrary to all our efforts, this switch unfortunately does not increase your turnover, but prints the sum extra large.
Separate operator overview for each operator Activate this setting to get a bleed between the respective operators in the operator overview report. Optionally, you can also activate this for the discount report.
Operator overview with external access and operator transfer You can deactivate these options for the report so that it becomes clearer if necessary.
Item report with alpha and PLU numbers Extends the report No. 14 Item booking report.
Cost of goods and consumption with items Select whether you want to output Theoretical Merchandise Cost Reports and Item Consumption Reports per item or grouped into merchandise categories.
Tipping after the fact does not generate a BZV document

You use this switch to ensure that the number of receipts in reports does not include any receipts for subsequent tips.

Open operations prevent Z closing

If you deactivate this option, final reports can also be output if open transactions (unbilled transactions) exist.

Optionally, you can also have the system close open transactions automatically.

Further documentation:

Automate close

Open transaction report compact The switch causes the The Open Transactions Report (No. 25)to no longer be separated according to operators with transaction responsibility. All operations are simply listed.
Material group report also with number of pieces Activate this setting if you also want to receive the number of item bookings on your merchandise category report.
VK Prices for loss report

The loss reports are normally calculated and considered on the basis of the DEK. This allows you to use the sales prices for the loss reports.

This can also be helpful if it is too time-consuming to maintain all purchase prices for this.

If you work with free price, this cannot be evaluated, the items involved must have current sales prices.

In the Report Manager, the sales price column is added to the loss report.

Time recording Hour display in HH:MM The format is output decimally when you switch it off.

Transfer sales data to the portal cash book when fixed

If you want to transmit the turnovers of the closing reports to the cash book, activate this switch.

If you set a closing date instead of a day-end closing, no data is transferred to the cash journal.

Further documentation: Automatic-Termination-Info

Active operators must ted

You can bill the operators with a final report. If you want to force this before the day-end closing, activate this switch.

Further documentation:

Billing operators

Confirm transaction completion If you create an operator report and this operator has completed all operations, you will receive a printed confirmation in advance for security reasons. You can turn off this confirmation here.
Number of entries in racer / bum list

Sets the number of entries in the top seller report for each category. Profit stands for the listing of the items after maximum profit, turnover stands for the listing after maximum turnover and quantity shows the most sold items.

This setting also affects the Report Manager report.

hourly frequency report

Select whether you want the hourly frequency report to display hourly or half-hourly sales.

This setting also affects the hourly frequency report of the Report Manager.

Take the TTA into account for final automation

By activating this option, you can schedule the closing for 24-hour operation (after the /TTAClosed The theoretical end of day (TTA) applies the calendar day change at a time specified by you (default setting 6:00 a.m.). The programme can automatically perform closures, updates and maintenance at this time. A new sales day then begins with the first POS booking of the day.) in such a way that only the previous day is taken into account and new bookings of the next day are not taken into account for the current closing (and, as desired, are only included in the following closing).

A termination automation must be set here so that it is executed after the TTA. For example, if midnight is set as the TTA, then the automatic closing should take place after midnight, for example at 00:30.

Further documentation:

Cash closure in the Task Planner

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