Noteworthy information on forms

Enclosures on forms

If the unit price of an insert is not printed on the invoice, the text of the insert is extended by up to 9 characters.

Printing time spans with variables

You can insert variables in the header and footer texts of forms and order receipts to print a specific time in the future. This is suitable, for example, for offering an offer within a period of time.

If the variables §ADDMINxxxx (Add minutes) or §ADDSTDxxxx (Add hours) are contained in the header or footer, these variables are printed with the corresponding system time plus the specified value (four-digit placeholder xxxx). If for example now 13:00 o'clock would be and §ADDMIN0030 is indicated, 30 minutes are added to the current time and printed out accordingly 13:30. You will receive a cheaper "Item xy" if you order it by 13:30 on presentation of this voucher.

Fixed forms 19 and 20

The 19th. Form is defined for voucher receipts/receiptsfor transaction cancellations and deposits/withdrawals and the 20th form is defined for voucher receipts/receiptsfor transaction cancellations and deposits/withdrawals. Form for tax receipt. This applies to both global and custom forms. If you are interested, please also see Configure voucher management.

Further documentation: Post incoming and outgoing payments

Global form defaults

In the form defaults you can change settings that apply to all forms. You can access the Form Defaults settings here: Form Specifications. Standard defaults are available; settings in this regard serve your personal preferences.

The switch Signature information as text in can be switched off. If both switches are off ( text & QR code ), a German TSE system activates signature information as text when leaving the dialogue, so that at least one variant is output on the invoice.

Characters for attachments...

Further bookings can be appended to bookings. The presentation of these annexes shall be preceded by special characters. These can be specified in the field Text to be printed before appending.

Signs for multipliers...

You can print any character between the number of items and the item text. For example, the x is suitable for this. This is used on forms (but not, for example, in the internal master task overview).

Signature information...

Details on the "Signature information as QR code" can be found here: KassenSichV Bill obligation

Own forms per POS station

The Hypersoft forms system works with 18 freely definable global forms.

Alternatively, you can use your own 18 freely definable forms for each cashier's station (or just your own deviating defined form). However, you should only use this if the twenty global forms are not enough for you.


If you use the function Keyboards as on other cash registers (for example, cash register 2 works with keyboard of cash register 1 ), then the forms of this other cash register are also used. If one or the other participating POS is one with its Own Forms , the reference to the form with the corresponding number (for example, the 2nd form) applies. form). Since the two funds do not refer to the same form 2, (unintentional) differences can therefore arise.

Fixed forms

The 19th. Form is fixed for voucherreceipts /receipt for transaction cancellation and the 20th form is not available. Form for tax receipt. This applies to both global and custom forms. If you are interested, please also see Configure voucher management.

Number ranges for forms

Each form has its own number range. You can customise these number ranges. The document number is an additional number and independent of the number ranges of individual forms. Document numbers clearly identify the respective document across all forms.

Rules for formatting with spaces

These types of receipts and forms, which are printed on POS printers, have predefined elements and options. In areas where you can enter text, unnecessary spaces are filtered out by the system in the rules. So you cannot move positions with spaces. If you want to do this, you can enter a dot . in front of the spaces, for example, so that the spaces remain.

Sorting of items on invoices (forms)

To be able to sort items on forms by merchandise category, you assign sort numbers to merchandise categories. For complete sorting of all items, it is necessary to assign all sort numbers to the merchandise categories involved. Superordinate main groups or merchandise categories do not require an additional sort number if the subdivisions they contain have been assigned sort numbers. To assign the sorting numbers, go to the area Sort number of the merchandise categories

Using Windows Printers for Forms

For special requirements, you can use a Windows printer instead of the special POS printers (usually with thermal paper), which enables extended possibilities in terms of design and colours.

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