Hypersoft Managed Support
Hypersoft supports you and your company in case of questions or possible problems not only through a constantly updated help documentation, but also through our telephone support, which is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Between 9:00 and 23:00, our experts are there to help you. Outside these hours, our friendly call centre staff will take your call and forward your request to the appropriate office.
The best option is to work with the incident system in the portal. All requests are listed here, solutions are communicated and you can even send requests directly to support and rate our responses: Manage incidents in the portal
You can reach Hypersoft Support at:
Tel.: +49 (0) 40 66 905-130
Fax: +49 (0) 40 66 905-200
eMail: support@hypersoft.de
Please always quote your customer number when contacting our support. Where exactly you can find these, apart from your contract documents, is briefly explained again in the individual subsections below.
You can find more detailed information on our support concept and the services it contains in the document Information on Cooperation, which you can view at mobile-people.de, My Company, Contracts & Documents, General.
Help options in the portal
You can find out how to use and interpret the functions and symbols in our detailed help documentation here.
You can open the documentation, among other things, before logging in to our portal by clicking on Help on the right under the Log in button.
If you are already registered on the portal, simply click on the question mark in the top right-hand corner.
The documentation is opened in a separate window and a help text matching the area of the portal from which you have called up the help is already displayed. You can display the familiar navigation bar either by maximising the window or by clicking on the menu button in the top left corner of the new window.
From the portal, it is also possible to send a case directly to Hypersoft Support to check a problem. To create such an incident, go to mobile-people.com -> -> My Company -> Incident Management and press the Create Incident button.
All incidents are collected in the incident management (including those that have already been solved), so that you have an overview of the status and our responses to the issues at all times. Your customer number is also displayed in the portal after clicking on the user symbol in the upper right corner of the dialogue. For more details see: Manage incidents in the portal
Assistance options from the MCP
In the /MCP Master Control Panel is the name for the Hypersoft main program on your PC or server. With the MCP, they have extensive access to master data, programs and evaluations. and the programmes started from the MCP, the help call is generally located at the top of the menu bar and can be recognised by the designation "Help" and the question mark. The current version of the help downloads itself from our server to your computer and can then also be used without an internet connection.
If you are already registered in the MCP, you can report an incident directly here by clicking on the Hypersoft button and view past incidents. Your customer number is displayed in the MCP at the bottom right. For more details see: Request support directly from the MCP
Help options at the POS
At our checkout terminals, you can contact Hypersoft by selecting the Hypersoft logo in the top left-hand corner. In the support dialogue that appears, you will find our support telephone number and your customer number for queries. Depending on your login status to the POS system, you can immediately send an incident to Hypersoft by pressing Request Support. For details see here: Request support directly from the POS
Frequently asked questions / FAQ
Where can I track the incidents I have created?"
Both in the portal under Incident Management and in the MCP under the Hypersoft button in the top navigation bar.
"When can I reach Hypersoft support?"
The experts in our support team are there for you every day from 9:00 - 23:00. Outside these hours, our call centre staff will take your request and forward it. Emails and incidents created by you are sent directly to our support staff at any time.
Further documentation:
Send error message from Windows
Manage incidents in the portal
Check licence and service status
Request support directly from the MCP
Request support directly from the POS
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