bonus scheme

The bonus system is seamlessly integrated into the POS and the eSolutions. Start best in combination with the web vouchers.


Web vouchers and bonus system in Green Lovers

The Hypersoft bonus system allows you to start almost any bonus campaign for your customers and at the same time keep control over the collective receipts and free goods (benefits). For example, give every 10. Hot beverages free of charge by your customers with each order points collect. The score and current promotions are displayed on the payment document. So you only need any card with a QR code from the web voucher database. All existing web vouchers can also participate and cards for the bonus system can be used as web vouchers.

Benefits issued free of charge are automatically and correctly processed by the Hypersoft system in terms of merchandise management and accounting. In the Hypersoft portal, you receive appealing and informative evaluations via a dashboard.

Bonus system functions

The functions of the bonus system are described in the following chapters. Some important functions in tabular list:

Functions and Links


Item bonus yes
Benefits with inventory control yes
Benefits with DATEV connection (general accounting export) yes
Bonus actions configurable in the portal yes
Bonus actions on POS receipt yes
Bonus actions selectable at the POS yes
dashboard yes
Turnover bonus yes


Currently, the bonus points can only be used in conjunction with a QR code of a web voucher.

Licenses of the MOBILE PEOPLE bonus system

Note: with the licence for the bonus system, your master data is transported to the Hypersoft portal in order to be able to work with it immediately after activating the bonus system. (Master data includes item master data, price groups, and loss reasons).

You see Bonus system licences.

Further documentation:

Bonus System Settings

Bonus system Dashboard

Define bonus actions

Define bonus system sales bonus

Evaluate bonus system

Bonus system in cashier mode

Bonus system in YourAPP

Codes for web vouchers etc.

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