eSolutions Basic Information

Hypersoft Digitisation

In the area of eSolutions we are dealing with the digital change in digitalization, because the current digital change in hospitality-IT involves not only the functional interrelationships of our basic products but also the guests of our customers as direct users of our products - this enables a completely new strategy for new success stories.


The big change is that Hypersoft opens up the boundaries of operational (sites) beyond the boundaries of your own company and turns your target group into direct users of our products. Even more so, because virtual guests and brand ambassadors of your business will become if the tools we provide (basis) are used.


Basically, every existing product in Hypersoft is also influenced or has been influenced by the digital change and the resulting tools. Let's look at the classic things in this context: in order to optimise the sales process with the POS system alone, one could mention hundreds of possibilities for digitalisation, in addition to stock management for controlling and automating the inventory, the digitalisation of the kitchen with the Kitchen Monitor, which was essentially not developed to save on printers, but to coordinate employees and thereby enable fast and secure processes. This alone, however, does not relate to the user, whom we want to include in these things.

One of Hypersoft's key USPs is not complexity, but expertise in every area relevant to this topic. Because the task is complex and our solutions are efficient. Planned efficiency requires, especially at the beginning, a look at your own setup. Let's take a look together:


Instead of just talking on the phone, everyone uses asynchronous communication, facebooking, instagramming, chatting, zooming, booking, yelping, shopping and at the same time almost every one of your clients works for a marketing agency (why?), brings a computer, a camera, a sound and editing studio with a worldwide broadcast area and listeners into your business. The whole equipment is often used at the table, on the terrace and even on the toilet (the smartphone dominates).

20 years ago, when serving with the other guests at the table, if a guest hadn't "just yet!" and then photographed Food & Drinks (because we can take photos for a while already), what would you have thought back then? And if he does it again on your next visit, you might have asked the guest why he is doing all this? The guest then replies: "I like everything here just enough to show it to all my friends and the whole world."


Are you aware that this and much more happens every day...? - Very good! Then let us accompany your business in the digitalization process. To offer you the best possibilities and, because we think it is good, to take along as many partner companies and service providers as possible via interfaces, connections or integrations. For us it does not matter whether you use our own solutions or those of our partners in the field of digitization, the main thing is that you achieve your goals efficiently!


Transformation of the experiences

"All digital experiences are humanly motivated and by no means new. The only thing new about it are the tools we use for these experiences." (Hypersoft)

Previously important Equivalently digitised today important
Building (representative of their brand) It stays with buildings (representative of their brand, unless you have a dark kitchen). In addition a representative Google My Business Account
Notice A well maintained menu on the notice board remains good for a range of 5 meters. With a menu on your homepage or in your app, for example, you can reach 5 km of your area. For this purpose, these menus are automatically updated within seconds within a digitized operation. Did you know that studies discovered years ago that a digital menu alone, which is easily accessible to all interested parties, can increase sales by up to 15%?
Announcements (ad-hoc) Loudspeaker vehicle, radio advertising, skywriter... all things that are not readily available. You have a good idea to wow all your guests right now and want to share it with them? Simply use Push-Notifications from the YourAPP project.
Business customer hospitality voucher An absolute USP is the NoCOO possibilities to charge the customer digitally. The secretariat or the department itself can create the original invoice on the web and then if it suits with the required details. If you want a little more for your business customers, use our time-shifted and optionally grouped billing for your business customers.
Kitchen organisation or even an advertiser The Kitchen Monitor System organises and synchronises all production processes almost silently (can even be helpful with drinks).
Delivery service and to-go Increasingly important today as this segment has been growing strongly for years. Hypersoft connects all possibilities with Online order at the POS and bundles them clearly for you in the POS system. Optionally, you can use the Deliverect Channel Manager and professionally use all interesting channels to your advantage. In addition, take advantage of the growing number of integrated functions in the area of eSolutions Delivery.
Menu card for food and drinks created to a high standard High-quality food, drink menus are good, digital menus are equally important, note the possibilities with a eMENU
Service staff The best service staff, supported and relieved by modern eSolutions and shopping systems integrated into all processes.
Service reorders "Waiter a beer" can now also be done smartly directly from the guest's mobile phone. Especially from remote guest rooms or conference rooms. Use In-House Ordering and bring your guests their digital order.
Vouchers Vouchers are and remain the cash cow, the marketing++ tool. Web vouchers from Hypersoft can be much more than that: an invitation, e
Optimize food and beverage menus This should be done regularly. Many successful brand owners rightly listen to their emotions. But behind it all is the same thought of happiness and success. Therefore, a neutral partner should simply be consulted when considering sales. This could be the profile analysis for you.
Knowledge about regular customers Digitise the information of your regular customers with features. This is not only free of misunderstandings, but allows your customers to be treated accordingly everywhere within your concept.
Stamp cards Stamp cards are never out. Consumption as a game, I save smart, it's just fun. However, it is less fun for you if these cards are "misused" or if unpleasant enquiries or even back tax payments arise later during an audit. Therefore, bonus cards must also be digitised and integrated into the POS system in the unified commerce strategy. Just like our bonus scheme.
Phone You used to take reservations and orders by phone. If their business was doing well, there was usually not enough attention for it, so many unconsciously limited their success. Now, fortunately, you can rely on reservation systems and the Online Order Integration.

Reservations and reservations by self-service and, depending on your orientation, individual reservationadvice .

Take-away and delivery service Integrated take-away and delivery service. A channel manager who matches your item master as far as possible with all sales channels and a cash register system that receives all sales from all channels and feeds them congruently to the production (preparation) for punctual and expected delivery.
Map device Card device that can do "everything", tokenization, mobile payment, prepayments, omni-channel payment providers. See the integrated complete solution with extremely low ancillary costs Hypersoft Pay powered by Adyen

LMIV and eSolutions

The Food Information Ordinance (LMIV) regulates the labelling of foodstuffs in the European Union (EU). She was born on the 25th. October 2011 as Regulation EU No. 1169/2011, effective from 13. December 2014 in all member states of the EU and replaces all national regulations such as the Food Labelling Ordinance in Germany.

The labelling obligation and the desire to offer your lines as versatile as possible only works in practice in compliance with the law if you use a central item master that processes, holds and distributes this information.

We have made all the preparations in the item master and in the webshop to manage this information within the Hypersoft Suite and to communicate it to your guests and customers. For example, the areas of Additives, allergens and tags, the Range Nutritional values and the Area App Descriptionarea are used for this.

Best Practice Directory on Shop & Order

Best practice Type Best Practice Theme
Master data maintenance Best practice for article master data for eSolutions
Master data maintenance Best practice for images in different eSolutions areas
Marketing & SEO Best Practice Your own shop URL
Marketing Best Practice: Presenting your performance on digital channels
Marketing & Revenue Best Practice Extension of Price-Range with Couponing
Customer satisfaction and workflow Best Practice Use Superhero Function for Collection
Operations Best practice for handling eSolution payments
Operations Cancellations with integrated eSolutions
Operations Introduce Best Practice In-House Order in your business
Payments Best practice eSolutions payment methods and warning against errors with smartphone payment!

NoCOO Digital Billing


Workflow & Marketing Best Practice SB Billing Address from User
Workflow & Marketing Best Practice SB Enabling Online Payments

Self Order Kiosk (SOT)


Operations Best Practice: Which lead time on the Near End Sensor paper is relevant for you...


Maintenance and Down Time

Maintenance and downtime of the Hypersoft servers

Please understand that our servers from are not available every first Tuesday of the month between 3:00 and 5:00 due to maintenance and updates.

Maintenance and downtime of your Virtual Machines (VMs)

Due to security updates and maintenance work, we check all customer server VMs on every third Wednesday of the month between 04:00 and 07:00 (every APP or webshop customer has their own VM with us). During this time, your eSolutions may be sporadically unavailable.

Further documentation:

Data basis for catering webshops

NoCOO - Digital Billing

eSolutions POS Relationships

Presenting your offer in a contemporary way

bonus scheme




eSolution YourAPP

Global eSolution configuration

Continued under eSolution Webshops

eSolutions Webshops Questions & Answers FAQ

eSolutions Webshops Questions & Answers FAQ