Things to note about teams

Important information about the team function

The programme is designed so that you can set up the teams directly in cashier mode using the touchscreen. Alternatively, this work can also be performed on the MCP.

The team function is only available with Gruber / Dirmeier dispensing systems. If you want to use teams on this dispensing connection, you must set this option in the dispensing connection. A maximum of 250 teams are possible in the hypersoft system; individual limits apply to dispensing systems.

Activate and inactivate team

When setting up a team and at any time when you return to the team settings, you can choose whether the team and its settings are already usable (active) or not usable (inactive).

If the last team member is deactivated by an Operator Z, the team itself is automatically switched to inactive.

Team functions with the mPOS

The mPOS system applies the specifications of the POS system and handles the bookings and transaction closings in the standard way, but taking into account any team specifications and settings. Preparations for teams and their billing are not carried out in the mPOS system, so there is no special documentation for the use of mPOS in this context. Use the mPOS documentation: Hypersoft mPOS in practiceand see the Team structure and areas of responsibility in the POS system.

Operator authorisation Access to all teams

Operators with manager status can set up teams. In addition, an existing table of (another) team can be accessed by any operator with the operator authorisation Access to all teams. All further postings are made exactly like the existing postings. This means that the bookings are created further under the original team. If a non-team member is responsible for the transaction, the subsequent bookings are also created with this status. For an existing customer, customer or employee transaction, the new postings are made in the same way as the existing postings.

Cash functions for teams

The following team functions are provided exclusively at the POS and can be integrated in checkout mode:

Check operator for affiliation

An operator can be assigned to multiple teams as a member, but can only participate in one active team at a time. When the operator logs in, the system checks whether he belongs to a team and displays corresponding information for the operator. Each time a team operator opens a table, the status of the current team is checked. If the team has been deactivated (after settlement), this is reported to the operator, who attempts to log on to this team,

Exceptions in the Transaction Area

Each process that is used within a team receives the information about the team number. Each time a task is opened, it is checked beforehand whether this task has been assigned to the task area of the team. When a team member opens a new task within the team's task area, it is created with the team information. If it is outside the operation area, the operator has the /operation responsibility and the turnover as if he were not working in the team. This also applies to new customer, debtor or employee processes. Here, too, the system checks whether the operator is allowed to book outside the transaction area, otherwise he receives a rejection message. If no transaction area has been defined, existing bookings are assigned to the team when a team member accesses existing customer, accounts receivable, or employee transactions.

If there is a process in the area that contains bookings without a team number, the system first checks whether the operator with the process responsibility is currently a member of the team:

  • If yes, the team number is added to all existing bookings of the transaction (the booking operator remains the same).
  • If the operation is outside the area, it remains accessible to the operator, regardless of whether or not the operator has permission to work outside the team's operation area. New bookings in the same process are also printed outside the team on the operator with process responsibility.
  • If a task has been created by a non-team operator within the assigned task area of a team, the team members are denied access until the task has been completed.
  • If the table exists outside the transaction area, the other bookings are posted in the same status as the existing bookings.

So if you want an already created task to be transferred to the team, define the task area accordingly and accept the operator as a team member, or alternatively execute a user transfer to a team member or team member-to-be beforehand.

  • The operator transfer into the process area of a team is possible at any time, but if the process does not yet have team information, a team member must open the process once in order to transfer the bookings to the team.
  • An operator transfer from the team is possible at any time, the process remains assigned to the team for further bookings.
  • The table transfer within the team is allowed, if the target process is outside the assigned process area, the transaction is rejected.

The operator authorization Access to all tables and the area protection of the operator authorizations is deactivated for operators within the team. Instead, when defining the team, operators can be given permission to book outside the team's process areas. To allow an operator access to the operations of all teams, use the Access to all teams permission setting in the Operator Permissions. The operator change is possible in teams without restrictions.

Control loss postings

In large transactions you can check loss postings directly at the POS by using the cash register function Show reason for loss. See also the section Check complex losses at the POS.

Synchronise team number with dispensing system

This is about the interface to the Connection to dispensing systems The dispensing system can manage a total of 255 operators or teams, from 1 to 255. To be able to implement teams in the dispensing system, teams must be above the maximum operator number. If operators 1 to 200 are used in the dispensing system, the team numbers start from 201. In order to conveniently number a team starting with 1 and to establish the reference to the team number of the dispensing system, a team number offset can be stored in the dialog Setup dispensing system areas. This offset is then added to the team number in the POS system. Example: Team 1 cash register system becomes the 201dispensing system team with an offset value of 200.

Analysis of team sales and commissions

For the evaluation of team turnover and commissions, use the front office report The team overview report (No. 36) and in the Report Manager the commission settlement, Dynamic commission report Commission Report.

Further documentation: Teams with dispensing systems

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