SOT / Kiosk devices

For safe use, we recommend that you use the devices we have selected and tested for compatibility. For exceptional cases, you can also use other devices after consultation with us.


SOT Pyramid Passport 32

SOT Pyramid Flex

SOT Pyramid Passport 32 Outdoor

SOT Krystal 21

"Your provider" after positive test


100% compatible

100% compatible

Evaluation, compatible

100% compatible

? *1

Mounting options






Wall Mount yes yes no no -
Floor stand yes yes yes yes -
Double Floor Stand yes no no no -
Ceiling Mount yes no no no -
Table Top no yes no yes -
Compact no yes no yes  
Customisable design ex works yes no no yes -







Rental model yes yes no yes -
Purchase model yes After consultation yes yes -
Installation service After consultation After consultation After consultation Option from the manufacturer -
On-site service After consultation After consultation After consultation Option from the manufacturer -
Remote installation with Hypersoft Support yes yes yes yes (yes *1)
Driver package included yes yes yes yes no, accessories

Special Features






Hypersoft Payment *2 Adyen, VR Payment, PayTec Adyen, VR Payment, PayTec Adyen, VR Payment, PayTec Adyen, VR Payment, PayTec Adyen, VR Payment, PayTec
Payment option at the checkout yes yes yes yes yes

Special features hardware






Printers 150 m paper roll, pre-print before ejection *3, removal signal 80 m standard thermal paper, smart positioned *4 150 m paper roll, pre-print before ejection *3, removal signal 80 m standard thermal paper is said to be Epson-compatible Thermo

*1 = For installation on third-party devices, the device must be tested positive by us beforehand or already be known to be positive.

*2 = We ask you to use Hypersoft Pay for payment, as this is the best way for us to ensure trouble-free self-service operation. For example, if you also use Adyen payment terminals at the POS, you can even correct the SB giropay payments at the POS if you wish.

*3 = The pre-print before ejection ensures that the document is pre-printed and cut very quickly. Only then is it moved out a little for touching, this prevents disturbances that could occur when pulling on the document before it is ready for printing.

*4 = The position of the Flex printer at the side behind the card terminal protects against premature removal and possible fault messages in this regard.

Performance of the SOTs

See the Performance of Self Order Kiosks (SOTs)section of for information on the performance of the devices.

Further documentation:

SOT Pyramid Passport 32

SOT Pyramid Flex

SOT Pyramid Passport 32 Outdoor

Pyramid SOT Printer VKP 80

SOT Krystal 21

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