
There are many ways to make payments in the Hypersoft system. The standard is the term BAR, with other payments increasingly taking precedence. You can post interim payments to the transaction without closing it directly. Final payments are made when the transaction is closed. With functions such as splitting or invoice splitting, postings that were previously collected in one transaction can be separated to create a separate document and pay for this transaction. If you want to separate bookings without closing them immediately and possibly insert interim payments, you can transferbookings. When splitting and transferring, the same payment options are used, so these two things are not discussed here. Extensive functions for the use of foreign currencies are also available.


Please also familiarise yourself with the different types of forms and the best practice in the area of types of forms.

Payment method query and multi-payment

The multi-payment area is used to execute more complex payments. Payments can become complex if, in addition to cash and non-cash payments, currencies, payment on room, with vouchers, on customer account and other things come to bear. The multi-payment is a function at Hypersoft POS.

Interim and final payments

List of payments and devices:

payment POINT OF SALE mPOS CLOU MOBILE for Windows CLOU MOBILE for Orderman
BAR as payment yes yes yes yes
BAR as interim payment yes no no no
Prepaid customer card as payment*1 yes yes yes no
Unbar without device interface as payment yes yes yes yes
Cashless with payment terminal as payment yes yes yes yes
Web voucher as payment no no no no
Web voucher as interim payment yes yes yes no

*1=The prepaid payment requires that the card has opened or accepted the transaction.

Customer accounts for payment

There is a separate area for this: Customer payments and customer account

(EC / KK) Card devices

Depending on whether you have connected payment terminals and which type of connections you use, there are different solutions. When transferring a non-cash payment to a payment terminal with an open payment method, the note non-cash...appears on the invoices .

The introductory theme: Other payment terminals

Information on different payment requirements: Card payment in practice

Web Vouchers and Bonus Points

The use of credits through prepaid web vouchers and the redemption of bonus points "for payment" is described in the section of the two programs. For web vouchers please read Web vouchers in cashier modeand for the bonus Bonus system in cashier modesystem .

on mPOS and CLOU MOBILE, this message does not appear.

For this system, the chapter Settle mPOS transactionscan be found in the documentation.

Further documentation:

eSolution payments

Customer payments and customer account

prepaid payments

Payment method query and multi-payment

Post interim payments

Interim payments and foreign currencies

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