Hypersoft customer base
With the new customer base 2.0, the areas of the Hypersoft system are logically connected. When customer data is used to pay bills at the POS, the current data status is saved with the bill. All other areas benefit from the central update facility in the portal, which is also available to the customer, also called User (of eSolutions).
You may be dreaming of a uniform system that treats customers at the POS, in the web shop, at the self-order terminal, from reservation systems, from voucher purchases or bonus systems (digital stamp card) in a uniform manner - here you go, that is the solution we are developing.
The customer master functions are also described in the programs that use the customer master. Some important functions in tabular list:
Functions and Links |
status |
Maximum number of customers | 7 digits |
Item tags and preferences | yes |
DSGVO-compliant deletion by user | yes |
Export | yes |
Top up credit | yes |
Instant Codes | yes |
Customer data start import | yes |
Features for clients | yes |
Password reset by user | yes |
Prices according to customer group | yes |
discounts | yes |
Location support (synchronization) | yes |
Location with different own customers | yes |
Subsidy discounts | yes |
eSolutions user area | yes |
m.E= with restrictions
License and activate customer base 2.0
You need one Hypersoft customer base licence per location. Please see Customer data with locations.
The customer base 2.0 requires the setup of the Hypersoft POS Portal Integration.
The customer base 1.0 is discontinued.
Compatibility of the customer base 2.0
The customer base 2.0 is stored for you in our web portal and replaces the customer base 1. It brings many new possibilities, but is not available in all areas of the customer base 1.0, as you can find out in the column Compatibility:
Program or function |
Compatibility |
Accounting | yes, compatible |
B2B Data Interface | /Compatibility not yet planned |
visit counters | /Compatibility not yet planned |
bonus scheme |
Customer base 2.0 compatible (old bonus points and free points from MixMatch are not compatible) |
Export: Lists and Export | /Remains incompatible. |
Lists and Export 2.0 | yes, compatible |
Kansys Invoice | /Remains incompatible |
customer pictures | yes, compatible |
Mifare customer card (catering) | yes, compatible |
Card management (1.0) | /Remains incompatible |
Card management 2.0 | Customer base 2.0 only |
Customer master in cashier mode | yes, compatible |
Customer base in MCP | /Remains incompatible |
3rd Party Customers, Reservation, Tickets API | /Compatibility is currently being established |
MixMatch & "old" bonus points | /Compatibility not yet planned |
Reservation 2.0 and eBooking reservations | compatible |
Subsidy rebates | Only with customer data base 2.0 |
TAPI call monitor | compatible |
Cashless Top-Up Terminal | compatible |
Webshop 2.0 | Customer base 2.0 only |
web vouchers | yes, compatible |
YourAPP | Customer base 2.0 only |
Further documentation:
Things to note about client data
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