Wallet-Control Settings
Wallet Control can be started in the MCP if you want to use Wallet Control in the office. At the POS the cash register functions Wallet-Control are the standard for using the program. This allows you to enter change at the beginning and to settle at the end of the day or shift.
The two functions Wallet-Control cash drawer and Wallet-Control operator start the program in the respective variant.
If you enter an amount before confirming the cash register functions, Wallet-Control is opened and this amount is automatically posted as change.
Call per parameter...
(Wallet-Control can be started with the cash register function Execute and corresponding macros, this procedure was taken over from the predecessor programme PettyCash for compatibility reasons).
If you start Wallet-Control in the respective variant from the cashier mode with the following commands:
2 7 + Execute for operator accounting (stock exchange)
2 2 + Execute for cash settlement (cash drawer)
Global ward settings for Wallet Control
You need to commit to a standard with regard to the application of Wallet-Control in your operation. This means that you define via the ward management in the Wallet Control tab the decision whether you work with wallets , cash drawers or both. The purse (wallet) is used here in the standard.
Some basic settings can be defined for all stations and operators. Please see the section Global System Settings Wallet Control.
The settings made there are controlled centrally and transmitted to the respective locations via Webclearing.
In the standard system, select one purse per operator or ward under the item Purse, if it is assumed that each operator uses exactly one purse in operational mode. The options Summarise bills of exchange across systems are used for an automatic accumulation for a special type of final settlement. To limit the operator's own possibilities to recalculate, you can prevent saving of purses with Status - Leave purse open. The unit entry is the default, which you can switch off with the Entry without denomination switch to allow amount entry. A piece-by-piece registration strengthens the reliability of evidence and prevents calculation errors, as the individual totals are calculated on the basis of the number. If a counting difference occurs during closing, you can set a global individual tolerance value here. Below you will find an example and further information:
Important when using Webclearing....
With active web clearing, the settings for wallet control must therefore be made exclusively in the central office in the central client.
For clients that are linked to a master client, only the settings of the master client are taken over (and not the settings of the client with the same name in the head office). In other words, when using a master client and web clearing, all connected locations receive the wallet control setting based on the master client.
Use of multiple wallets
It is possible to use one or more wallets with an operator. The allocation of transactions to the respective purses is done by the time the new operator purse is opened.
The first exchange of the day always starts at system time 00:00:00.
recording of pure varieties or totals
For a simple recording of the amounts in Wallet Control, the denomination function can be hidden via the station settings. The program is clearer and faster to use, but the evaluations and controlling are impaired.
With denomination...
Once you have entered the denomination, the following screenshot follows below the denomination.
Without denomination...
This is what the dialogue looks like if you have deactivated the denomination.
User authorizations for Wallet Control
You can make further adjustments to the Wallet Control recording via the operator authorisation.
Cash turnover
The control of whether the cash target turnover is to be displayed in Wallet-Control can be regulated via a switch in the operator authorisations in the reports tab.
If you have manager status, the turnover for each user is displayed as a target when called up from the cashier mode or via the MCP.
Without managerial status...
With managerial status...
Forced options and automation for operators
The call of Wallet-Control can also be initiated automatically (without cash register function) during the operator accounting. Thus, the settlement, the lock of the operator against subsequent postings and the recording of the settlement information can be triggered simultaneously. To do this, enable the Wallet control forced capture option in the Operator Permissions. When starting Wallet-Control via the operator account, the acquisition can no longer be aborted.
If you have manager status, the system displays the sales for each user as debit when you call it from the cashier mode and with the MCP. Target sales are only displayed if the option for this is selected in the authorizations.
Compulsory billing
For forced accounting with Wallet-Control in Operator Z, the following setting must be set under Authorisation for Operator Accounting.
Reset / activate operator accounting with Wallet-Control
If you want to enable an operator who has actually already been billed (after operator Z) to continue working, select one of the following two options:
Unlock operator...
The operator is activated with the cash register function Activate operator and the stock exchange in the wallet control remains unchanged. A new wallet (for this operator this is another one) must again be created in Wallet-Control for the operator.
Reset operator
If you want the operator to continue working with the same stock exchange after operator Z, go to Operator accounting in the MCP and select the command Reset operator.
Wallet-control with change presets
You also have the option of using your predefined change specifications. You can then easily call up the information by entering the respective stock exchange/cash drawer number and apply it in Wallet-Control. This option is the default if you want the change to be provided by the establishment, as recommended. Otherwise, you can also book the change directly when you call up the Wallet-Control programme.
Prepare for change
A wallet and/or cash drawer must be created. There are basically two ways to do this. On the one hand, a firmly defined wallet or cash drawer can be created using the MCP program Change Processing. Here there is the possibility to create free purses or purses that are assigned to a waiter and can only be used by this waiter. In this case, the allocation of the wallet takes place in real time in the front office. Furthermore, fixed change amounts can also be assigned to cash drawers and wallets. These values can be overwritten in the Front Office at any time.
Cash drawers can be assigned to a specific sales outlet or remain blank. Thus the connection is made via the front office.
If there are wallets that are assigned to a different waiter for each shift, free wallets should be used, which are then tied to the waiter via the front office for the respective shift. This eliminates the need to maintain, for example, three shifts of five waiters each. You can also maintain different change amounts for weekdays and seasonal requirements.
In principle, a stock exchange and/or a cash drawer must be created. There are basically two ways to do this.
On the one hand, a firmly defined wallet or cash drawer can be created using the MCP program Change Processing. Here there is the option to create free exchanges or, exchanges that are only assigned to a specific waiter and can only be used by that waiter. The allocation of the exchange takes place, in this case, in real time in the front office. Furthermore, fixed change amounts can also be assigned to cash drawer(s) and purse(s). These values can be overwritten in the Front Office at any time.
Cash drawers can be assigned to a specific sales outlet or remain blank. Here, the connection takes place via the front office.
Should there be purses that are assigned to a different waiter each shift, free purses should be used that can then be tied to the waiter via the front office for the respective shift. This means that there is no need to maintain e.g. three shifts of five waiters each. Furthermore, different change amounts can be entered for weekdays and seasonal requirements.
Amount input field for external payment terminals
In the standard system, EC and credit card terminals should be connected to the POS system. This also securely records their turnover for the bookings with Wallet-Control. If the units are not connected, as was common in the past, we call them "external terminals". The input of the turnovers of the external terminals is done in the field Amount cashless vouchers.
The field is automatically hidden if you have configured cashless payment transactions at the POS system.
The presentation changes as follows:
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