3rd Party eSolution API

This eCommerce connection is designed as a web service. It makes the master data of the item master used in Hypersoft and adjacent information available to other systems. As a return channel, it receives the bookings or orders as transaction data. This integrates self-order terminals, order services on smartphones, delivery services and cash register systems from other manufacturers.

The well-known functional depth of Hypersoft can also be found in the eSolutions interface, as Hypersoft also uses it for its own eSolutions programmes. Therefore, the item data has additional information such as price levels, queries (modifiers), and numerous others such as image channels and text descriptions (also as HTML).

When returning bookings to Hypersoft, price levels, menu changes, queries and free attachments are supported, among other things. All bookings are stored in accordance with the place of deployment (country) in a legally compliant manner. The orders appear in the programme Online Order, and can be automatically forwarded or manually checked in there depending on the channel:

Technical access to the interface is provided to 3rd parties on request. The basic description can be found on the page 3rd party eSolution development.

For more extensive connections, there are also interfaces for customer data and reservations and others: 3rd Party Customers, Reservation, Tickets API, External ordering system, Interface 55: MOBILE PEOPLE Customer Data API, Interface 56: MOBILE PEOPLE Reservation API.

The Hypersoft system solution

The Hypersoft system solution is considered at different levels (see Figure 1) due to its complexity and cross-location structure in the standard (best practice). The 3rd party connection is implemented in the Hypersoft system landscape on the basis of this documentation.


Target setting

This documentation aims to describe the connected 3rd party interface in its current mode of operation. Here, primarily the Hypersoft perspective is considered, which is released as Hypersoft Best Practice under corresponding restrictions.

If there are any deviations from the approved Hypersoft Best Practice, these must be processed as part of a change request procedure. Any deviations from the functionalities described here are not certified by Hypersoft and are not released for the market.

Operating level

Access point/ external systems...

The interface described in this document currently communicates exclusively from the operating level. Consequently, corresponding accesses must be ensured as a basis for communication of the interface.

Requirements for using the eSolutions interface

Please book for the connection (two to three days of support (depending on the task, this can also be more) of the Hypersoft development department. This allows us to assist you in setting up a test bypass, answering questions and, if necessary, obtaining certification.

  • Written description of the desired function and workflow
  • Enterprise support level (minimum term 12 months)
  • Signed LOI (Letter of Intent) between the technology partner and Hypersoft
  • Naming of the technical contact person/ developer of the technology partner
  • Assignment of (at least) 3 days support & development support


Once the above requirements have been met, the following steps are taken:

  • Provision of a virtual cash register. *1
  • Activation of all licenses for unproductive use
  • Training in Hypersoft basics (via Teamviewer or similar)
  • Preliminary discussion between our and the development department of the technology partner
  • Handover of the eSolutions interface description
  • Support of the interface on the part of the technology partner
  • Joint unproductive tests
  • going-Live & project completion

*1 = We provide you with a virtual cash register online for test purposes. This is done for 12 months as standard and can be extended in exceptional cases. After this time, we look at the number of clients we serve together with your connection. If a corresponding success has been achieved from the cooperation, we can continue this service free of charge. Otherwise, we can then offer you the continuation of our service with a flat fee.

This topic concerns project work that is subject to planning.

The Hypersoft // system is a standard programme that can be used in many different configurations. The correct application of the topics described here requires expert knowledge and an alignment of expectations, and not all Hypersoft employees and partners are equally trained in all of the topics labelled in this way. For this reason, we characterise these topics as project work requiring planning, so that you can contact your Hypersoft sales partner or Hypersoft Support in good time with this necessary planning. This approach ensures that we record your requirements carefully and respond to them in a targeted manner.

eSolutions connection some important functions



Item data per location yes
Detailed item texts yes
Allergens and Ingredients per item and recipe yes
Retrieve and supplement items of a transaction yes
Inventory information and quantity control yes
Transmit payment status yes
Fiscal signing of transactions left
customer data yes
Multiple 3rd party channels on one POS system yes
Nutritional values per item and recipe yes
Connection to dispensing systems yes
Superhero function yes
tips yes
Table numbers (with pager numbers) yes
Product groups (also main and subgroups including picture channel) yes


If you use these techniques and data for your solution, the corresponding root information must be obtained from the hypersoft system. The non-use of provided resources in connection with "manual supplementation", for example, with item images, is not provided for in connection with the use of a Hypersoft POS system. However, as each eSolution partner determines the scope of services themselves and does not require all the functions provided, we strongly recommend that you compare your expectations.

Methods for co-operation with the eSolutions partner

Tabular overview of the components and functions of some of our eSolutions partners and the Hypersoft programmes. Hypersoft uses the same interfaces as the 3rd parties, so it is resilient standard technology for all. However, each 3rd party decides on the scope of the supported services itself, so in this table and in the table Comparison of functions in the online order area we give you an approximate impression of the functions supported per 3rd party from our point of view:

Functions and Software



Item master data from Hypersoft yes yes yes
Item queries conform to POS (compulsory and multiple) not known yes not known
Item Price and text changes not known not known not known
Item pictures from Hypersoft no yes no
Item Category pictures from Hypersoft not known no not known
Item Allergens/Contents of Hypersoft no no no
Items/orders to Hypersoft yes yes yes
Supports stock block, manual block not known not known not known
Operations with superhero function no yes no
Mobile People customer data compatible no no not known
Pick Up Screen (from 3rd party) no yes no
Self Order Terminal (from 3rd party) not known yes no
Menu/Webshop Webside iOS Android Webside
Master data update Real time Real time Real time
mobile payment m.E. yes not known
vouchers - - -
Evaluation by /UserClosed End user of the program, a website or app. not known not known not known
YourAPP Coupon (Free item number) not known not known not known

Licensing for the use of the eSolutions API

Further documentation:

IF 01: eSolutions and app integration

Variant IF 01: eSolutions Payment-Only...

Further documentation:

Set up 3rd party eSolution integration

3rd Party eSolution fiscal requirements

3rd party eSolution development

Back to the parent page: Integrations and Interfaces