The shop from the user's point of view

The shop is the basis for theeMENU, it can be your web shop, or a part of your extensive app concept. Depending on the version, it is displayed in the browser or as a native Android or iOS app. The representations are largely identical, so we make no distinctions here. For the web browser, an extended view is added when it is accessed on a large desktop system or tablet.

(Wherever the Hypersoft logo is displayed here, you will see your logo in your shop) Examples of views from all areas:

User screens and comparable functions

Listing of the possible user screens with regard to the order of shopping. The comparable functions serve as an orientation for you, so that you can translate and apply digitally every thing that has been important to you in the real world. Individual digitisation with Hypersoft gives you the technology and the space to present your individual services and also implement them digitally.

user screens

Comparable function

splash screen The home screen corresponds to your public image, the experience before entering the restaurant and when sitting down on a seat.
Home Screen - User Avatar If the customer chooses the "empty" avatar, he/she is given the opportunity to enter his/her data.
Shop or menu Your menu
Order type (selection) The order type selection serves you at this point, so that you know what the user actually wants and the user, because he learns which services you offer. All subsequent processes are optimized by the selection.
Site selection Information and marketing
Itemitem list The items list contains the selection of the merchandise category. It can be compared to a page or section in your menu. Item lists should not be too short or too long, so you can combine short lists or add matching items twice. You can avoid too long lists by dividing them into different "booking goods groups".
Item Tags Shop tags
ItemItem details overview  
Check-Out Hypersoft Pay  
Check-Out Own PayPal account  
Instant Codes The customer generates his own loyalty card or QR code and can also top it up with money himself.
Web vouchers buy The web voucher shop is an optional extension of the web shop. Irrespective of its use, web vouchers received elsewhere can also be used for payment in the web shop.

m.E= with restrictions

*1=the functions of the eMENU are included in the webshop and can be added by you with a mouse click.

Further documentation:

My customer data

My orders

Shop Desktop View

Shop start screen

Shop Order type (selection)

Shop location selection

Shop Items

Modify items

Shop with coupons

Shop Shopping cart

Shop Payment

Shop tags

Instant Codes

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