Configuring PMS Integration

Several settings are necessary to use the hotel interface.

  1. For the checkout station, which communicates with the PMS interface hotel booking program, the settings (once for all checkout stations) must be made in the hotel PMS interface.
  2. The currency table must have numbers that the hotel booking program can use to assign the payment types.
  3. The product groups of the Hypersoft Suite must be coordinated with those of the hotel booking program.
  4. The cashier mode/keyboard must be configured with the functions for communication with the hotel booking program.
  5. The Hypersoft transfer program must be configured and always started.
  6. The settings in the hotel booking program are specified by the respective manufacturer; you must reconcileall of these settings.

Hotel PMS Interface

Start the programme for setting the PMS integration in the MCP under Interfaces.

Press the Set button to check the validity of the licenses. The available licenses are displayed in the left frame. There are 3 license models: Classic PMS interface, Classic PMS interface with billing and Oracle PMS interface. Oracle is therefore an exception, the other XML connections are also available with the Classic licenses.

PMS selection and transfer directory...

First, the licenses assigned to you should be displayed. In this theoretical example, all three possibilities are displayed simultaneously:

The directory for the data exchange is selected by a switch or entered manually.

When a local directory path is entered or selected, it is automatically converted to UNC format and checked. If the path specification is invalid, a message is output and saving is not possible. The IP address can also be used for the computer name, this may be necessary if there are different network areas.

Select the appropriate interface in the selection box on the right.

Please note that the exchange directory is safely accessible within your network. The file-level connection is a service of your network and not of the Hypersoft PMS interface, which requires this connection as a basis.

If you select a special PMS system, you will be offered the respective possible settings adapted to it.

Example Protel or Classic...

(See also Best Practice Protel Configure Data Transfer)

If there are problems with our new interface technique between an old PMS interface and the new one, you can deactivate Use New Interface. This means that the previous technology is then used. However, your goal should be to support the current connection.

By deactivating Use hotel interface, you can exclude individual stations from the participation. To do this, you must call up the interface on the station you want to exclude.

The switch Shorten reservation number is necessary if PMS programmes use the Classic interface but use longer reservation numbers than possible (e.g. Winhotel).

Log file and filing...

Communication can be logged for all connections for 90 days.

The directory was (until SP 5 2019):(S:)\Hypers-!\Cashier!\Hotel\log.

With the new interface it is: (S:)\HYPERS-!\ETC\CLNTxxxx\LOG\HOTEL.

Table overview of functions and options

Hotel PMS Manufacturer Alpha- numeric Items on RG Invoice no. instead of document number Vorg. #
Sales distribution celebrations
disbursements 0 to 5 T-phrase
ASA Hotel Software - - - switchable - - - - - -
Bosch Telecom - - - switchable - - - - - -
Casablanca - - - switchable - - - - - -
citadel - - - switchable - Fix on - - - -
gastrodat - - - switchable - - - - - -
HoRes - Semper hotel software - - - switchable - switchable - - - -
hotcom - - - switchable - - - - - -
Hotel Profi from DATAreform 6-digit - - switchable - - - - - -
HOTLine no - - switchable - - - - - -
hotmax - - - switchable - - - - - -
HS/3 Classic - - - switchable - - - - - -
HS/3 Comfort supported yes - exception - - - - - -
ibelsa supported yes yes switchable - - - - - -
infor supported   yes              
JET Hotel - - - switchable - - - - - -
lodgite - - - switchable - - - - - -
Mews supported yes yes switchable - - - Fixed on - -
Micros/Fidelio (DOS) - -   switchable - - Fixed on - - -
Oracle Hospitality Fidelio Suite8 supported - yes switchable switchable - - Fixed on - -
Oracle Hospitality Opera Cloud 1.20 supported - yes switchable switchable - - Fixed on - -
Oracle Hospitality OPERA 5.5 On-Premise / Cloud supported - yes switchable switchable - - Fixed on - -
protel and protel Air supported - - switchable switchable - - switchable switchable switchable
SIHOT/Gubse - - - switchable - - - - - -
Tourism Team - - - switchable - - - - - -
VelHotel - Velox supported - - switchable - - - - - -
WINHOTEL - CDSoft - - - switchable - - - - - -

Item on Invoice enables the PMS to create item-specific invoices from the data of the Hypersoft system. It is quite possible that in the course of further developments more possibilities will arise for the individual manufacturers. If this table does not show this, please let us know.

Element / Switch Function / Description
Use operation numbers in the interface

In the standard system, invoice numbers, pro forma document numbers, and so on are transferred to the hotel booking program as transaction numbers from their own number ranges. For special transactions that are completed without a form, the system accesses the internal number and transmits it.

If the switch is switched off, the internal number from the Hypersoft system is used. This internal number is generated by each cash register station and can be repeated monthly (so this number is not unique).

Use sales distribution for merchandise categories If the switch is active, the price of a posted item is transferred to the interface for the merchandise categories using the percentages stored in merchandise category distribution. For example, with Gin Tonic a part to AFG and a part to spirits.
Fixed width Formats the transfer information.
Convert character set

The Hypersoft POS programs display the guest names at the checkout.

Older computer programs such as Micros Fidelio for DOS write this information in an old format to the room occupancy file. Therefore, if the umlauts are not displayed correctly, activate this conversion option.

Consider expenses

0 to 5

T Set

You can use the Consider expenses switch to determine whether expenses (items without VAT rate) should also be transferred to the hotel booking program. With this you can, for example, bill cigarettes or tips on your hotel bill.

In the Hypersoft Suite, this is the tax rate 0 (zero), most hotel booking programs expect the tax rate 5 based on the defined interface function. To do this, rebook fromtax rate 0 to tax rate 5 (the setting here only affects the interface, in the Hypersoft Suite the tax rate 0 remains).

In the Protel interface there is an indefinite change which in some cases results in the expenses having to be transmitted as a T-phrase. Clarify this with Protel and, if necessary, use it for the outlays in the operation as a T-record.

Technical background:

In the header data record (so-called T data record) - is a special placeholder for the sum of the expenses. In the merchandise category output (the G record), the merchandise category of the display is defined as fixed VAT. Set 5 (given before Protel).

Use invoice number instead of document number In the standard system, the document number of the forms is used for the transfer to the PMS, as not all possible documents in the Hypersoft system are invoices. If all the documents to be sent to the PMS system are invoices and you prefer these numbers, select this alternative.
Use material group instead of main group A PMS system only operates at the level of main groups. With our three-level merchandise group concept, it is often better to then transfer the merchandise groups as main groups to these PMS systems (example Oracle and infor). Further information in the section Congruent product groups and item data...
Use interface numbers Further documentation: Reconcile product groups

Reconcile Currency Table for Payment Types

The payment methods of the Hypersoft Suite must be numbered for the hotel interface. This numbering must be coordinated with the hotel booking program. The payment category of the payment type that is to be transferred to the hotel booking program for settlement must be In Room (+).

Reconcile merchandise categories

In the merchandise group settings, you add the setting for communication with the PMS system by assigning the merchandise groups from Hypersoft to an interface number there.

Hypersoft numbers the groups automatically in the standard: The product group number always consists of main group (maximum two digits) product group (maximum two digits) and subgroup (maximum three digits). Event/AFG/Coca Cola...= 639083.


With the extension switch Use interface numbers which is available for all Hypersoft integrated PMS interfaces, except for the HS/3 Classic interface (as this does not use department or interface numbers), you can manually adjust the numbering to your requirements. With Use interface number you then have the option of combining several merchandise groups at the POS using the same interface number and transferring these numbers to a merchandise group specified by the PMS. This is often necessary if the PMS system only supports a few commodity groups in the interface (e.g. Oracle only 133 commodity groups).


The Hypersoft // system uses the following rules to decide which interface number applies within the three-level group system: If an interface number is assigned to the subgroup, it has priority. If no number is stored there, the system checks whether an interface number is assigned to the higher-level merchandise category. If this is the case, this interface number of the commodity group is used, even if there is an interface number in the main group. The interface number of the main group is therefore only used if neither the commodity group nor the subgroup have an interface number. In the product group dialogue, a list of product groups and interface numbers for the PMS can be output. In this example, the product group displays was assigned the number 123 and the subgroup Ensinger 0.2l was assigned the number 567:

Setting up the POS keyboard

Hypersoft POS and CLOU MOBILE for Orderman...

To complete transactions and transfer this open item to the hotel booking program for payment, you must set up the keyboard accordingly. The following cash register functions are available for this purpose

Hotel: Room number

Hotel: room no. checking

Hotel: Reservation No. (Only tested with Protel)

Payment type: in room (dynamic cash register function - must be set up)

The bookings that are completed "On room" can be printed in the front office report.

Hypersoft mPOS and CLOU MOBILE for Windows...

The booking and locking of hotel rooms is integrated in the mPOS system. See the chapter Booking for customers or hotel guests with mPOS.

Pay with vouchers

Hypersoft supports vouchers with the payment method on room in the PMS interface.

Vouchers can also be purchased at the POS and this payment can be passed on to the PMS interface for payment.

Selling and redeeming is supported with standard vouchers and web vouchers.

The voucher data can be extended by the assignment of a merchandise category. The description and the interface number stored for the merchandise category are transferred to the PMS interface when a voucher is sold.

If you want to use vouchers with the payment type on room, check with a transaction as a test whether your hotel software supports this correctly or do without this function in the PMS interface. Always pay attention to the tax requirements when using vouchers.

The setup of product group allocation is done in the voucher management. There you set up the desired voucher and go to the Hotel Interface tab to assign the warning group.

The vouchers also have an assigned DATEV account. Only this is used for the DATEV account assignment of vouchers. The possible DATEV account assignment in the material group assigned here is not used for vouchers.

Setting Up the Transfer Program

Hypersoft must be installed on the PC used for the transfer programme, and a station must also be set up. Normally the main cash register or the server is used for this. The start is ensured by configuring it in the Terminal Commander with the head PMS interface in the start configuration. When the programme has been started, this runs in the info area as an icon:

It is advisable to place the storage directory on the server to which all cash registers and the hotel software have access.

The directory for data exchange is set up in the Hypersoft PMS interface, this transfer program and the manufacturer's hotel program.

Make sure that this directory is accessible to the Hypersoft programs - even if your hotel PMS program performs Night Audit or other transactions.

If possible, please do not set the transfer path via a drive letter but via the UNC path, e.g.: \\Server\Übergabeordner

Use the PMS Viewer to check the status of the data transfer.

Further documentation:

Classic PMS Connections

HS/3 Comfort Integration

Ibelsa Integration

infor HMS Integration

Mews Integration

Oracle integration

Protel Integration

Winhotel CD-Soft Integration

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