ePOS Questions & Answers FAQ
Further FAQ on this topic
The items have their own FAQ section with us, please see Item master Questions & Answers FAQ.
Operator permissions have their own FAQ section, please also see Operator Authorisations Questions and Answers FAQ.
General questions

Although the difference is quite simple, there can be questions in mixed operation and special conditions of use, which we answer here: Hypersoft POS Licenses

To help yourself, you can simply restart all POS device drivers via the support button on the POS and select Devices. Further documentation: Restart devices (POS peripherals) driver
Error messages

The process is used from an mPOS mobile device or an (EC) payment terminal. The POS system corrects this operating error mostly and within approx. three minutes. Look at this: mPOS questions & answers FAQ

Since around 2020 with Windows 10 and also with Windows 11, a phenomenon can occur in connection with a Windows Update that we unfortunately cannot prevent. It appears that the cashier mode terminates or does not start after an operating system start. You may then only see the Terminal Commander. This fault can occur in connection with an update of Windows and corrects itself within Windows (provided the PC is running) within half a day or a whole day. You can therefore easily establish the chronological connection using the Windows update information. If you do not want to wait for this, you can contact our support, who can shorten this waiting time by manual intervention in most cases.
Questions when booking

The functions in the options menu refer to the functions of the same name, which are described during keyboard programming. The number depends on the situations and authorizations of the logged-in operator. The Change Inserts and Change Menu options are not offered for items that have been posted to a different price level for the current price level. Price levels can be displayed in the transaction list and thus compared with the current price level (shown at the top of the POS). If necessary, change the current price level.

The Fraud Protection System takes care of fully transferred transactions regarding cancellations. See for details: Other cancellations during transfer

There is only a highly restricted training mode and this is blocked in Germany in connection with the TSE.
Questions about WLAN

The Hypersoft POS program is intended for LAN operation. See the possibilities under WLAN alternative solutions. Alternatively, for systems with only one cash register, you can use a special monitoring mode with the station typePOS Tablet Mode.
Questions about bills

For this, Hypersoft offers a wide range of possibilities with the digital invoice in NoCOO - Digital Billing.

Yes, the programme offers a practical sorting function based on sorting numbers for product groups. If further sorting is desired within the product groups, you can also solve this with the subgroups.
Manager questions on POS systems

If you use the Phantommodus checkout function, you can post to all transactions, but the orders are created in the name of the operator with transaction responsibility.

Use the Change Operator Manager and transfer the responsibility for the operation to the remaining operators.

Most of the functions that are critical in this respect can be controlled via user authorisations and, in particular, with the Manager Status authorisation. In addition, there is the possibility to check the cash register function Manager, which opens as a macro on the desired function only if the person has the manager status.

Use the Collective order function for this.
More questions

Unfortunately, there is no good solution here. Via the Manage Price Levels, you can indeed store a discount globally for the price level, but you cannot specify a discount value for individual main groups, goods groups or subgroups. If you want to create a separate price level for an event, you can enter a 10% discount on everything at the standard price, but then you have to re-enter all other prices in the item master (possibly with the help of table editing) for the items that do not participate in the discount. There have been frequent requests over the years to create an extension in the area of price levels, but these have not yet been realised.

One option is to create separate items for such actions (May Tai x 2), which become active via the limited bookable function. This means that these items are also available at the POS or mPOS during the selected period.
However, the requirement remains if, for example, it is only to be so on Thursday. For this, one would then have to change the date to the respective Thursday on a weekly basis.
Another variant would be to make a separate product group for the promotions and to realise a layout change via the event manager. However, this would also require one of the 3 layouts on the mPOS to be occupied in this way, which may not be practicable depending on the complexity of the requirement.

Currently there is no possibility to do this, except to start another programme from the cashier mode which manages such a task list.
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