Features and options of the items

You use the properties of the items to control their behaviour in the program. You will quickly appreciate many of the possibilities presented for optimal organization and efficiency. Items can also be assigned multiple properties. The properties are in the top right-hand corner of the item master:


The property Saleable should be given to every item that can be booked at the cash register or that can be offered in the web shop. Without this property, the item will not be displayed.

If you do not sell Items temporarily, you can deactivate this feature to remove them from the POS system the next time you update the item data. This allows you to keep all the information you have entered about purchases, prices and recipes and use it again at a later date.

Please refer to Advanced handling of this function for eSolutions.


The Availability property is particularly handy if you can foresee that certain items will be in short supply or sold out (which is why it is also a sub-item of the Sales Items property). A small list of these items can be quickly maintained and when booking at the mobile or stationary checkout, Hypersoft makes sure that you don't accidentally promise your customers more than you have. If you can't wait to find out more about availability, read on here: availability manager

info items

The Info item property is an alternative to the Saleableproperty, since the item can also be used in the POS system. It is then a so-called infoitem.

Info items can be hidden via a switch on forms (invoices). This is very practical if "medium", "on 2 plates" or "without ice" is not necessarily to be read on the bill.

An info item can be a recipe item or a base item. An info item is often used as purely textual information that can be attached to a previously booked item or that is to be selected as a query within a selection of several offered options. Later you can use another trick: If you do not use the setting Do not display items with zero price, you can skip this rule with the property Info items and still display special items with zero price. (Since the item master has price levels, you can use this switch to hide unwanted items such as whiskey in barrel strength in the personnel price level with a zero price.)

Component capable

All base items that you want to insert in the component list of recipes must have the property Component capable. Only with this property are you offered for assignment. This makes the list of ingredients clear and you cannot accidentally use similar items as ingredients.

Please also note that new basic items(queries) must be saved once in order to be selectable as a component in the selection of a recipe.

(Recipe items are unfortunately not yet to be used unrestrictedly in component lists. However, you can give a recipe item the Ingredient Capable property to use it in the special menu chaining or arrangements).

technical items

Technical item is an optional feature to special organization and is rarely used. This identifies items that are to be organized for operation but do not participate in the sale. For example decoration, tools or spare parts. You can give certain employees access to technical items and hide them for other employees. Regardless of whether you use the technology items property, when using stock management we recommend that you also control ancillary items such as knives and cleaning supplies and use a minimum stock level for organisational security.

cost item

Cost items have two variants. It can be a simple item that you call freight costs, for example. On delivery, this can be used to record freight costs or insurance, for example. Cost items can therefore not be assigned to suppliers, as you should not be restricted to individual suppliers. When creating shopping lists, these cost items can be assigned to Purchasing.

Much more helpful... is the bet with the options deposit and withdrawal. Then you can use revenue and expenditure items that you use in interface with your cash accounting. As you have an integrated cash book with the Hypersoft cash register system, you can book all arising income and expenses into the cash register and transfer them to the cash book, e.g. payments to suppliers, employee expenses, income from special sales (payments from open items of your customers are booked separately). Further documentation: Post incoming and outgoing payments


You can set a VAT rate for cost items, but this is only used in the Report Manager for display in certain reports. The POS system generally posts cost items without value-added tax so that they are not added to sales. If you use the Bonorder setting, you will receive a printout that you can use as a receipt. The various text functions at the checkout allow you to make additional notes about the booking.

unit sales

Here, too, there is more than one possibility.

If you want to sell items by weight, activate the Unit Sales property. The item receives special settings and can calculate the sales price from the weight. The weight can be entered manually or transmitted via a scale interface from a digital scale (in Germany, there are legal hurdles for use as a cash register from the weights and measures office). If you work with the CONTROLLER, the entered weight is also deducted from the theoretical stock as consumption. For more details, see the chapter unit sales.


The Query Unit Sale option is intended for items that are sold as a whole or in parts and allows you to sell them securely. Especially customers with extensive and expensive assortments (such as wines) use this function. The operators book the item (partly via scanner) and the POS system asks for "glass or bottle", "whole or piece". So not only the right item is always sold, but also in time noticed, if one wants to sell accidentally a glass of an item, which is to be sold only bottle by bottle. Further documentation: The sale of units with query

discontinued items

This function is intended for use with CONTROLLER and does not affect the POS system. A discontinued item is marked that way because you don't want to keep buying it. By assigning this attribute, the item is no longer offered for manual purchase orders and normal posting in Retail (it is no longer to be ordered, but only sold). A discontinued item is also no longer displayed in the order centre. It can still be displayed and used intentionally by switching to the Item Options tab and activating Discontinued Items when searching:

To exclude the item from participation in the MRP monitor, remove its stock specifications.

Planned item

This feature is also reserved for CONTROLLER and has no effect on the POS system. With this selection, items can be prepared for sale (or used in recipes with the Ingredient Capable property). However, they are not yet available for orders.

PP synchronize

This property is only useful for site administration. If you activate this attribute for head office items, their purchase prices for the order variants are used as a reference and specify the corresponding order variants for the stores. The prerequisite for this is that the order unit and quantity of the respective variants match in both locations. Further information in the section The APP for products.


From here on, we continue with the options of the articles. The options are located in the Checkout section of the Item Master.

Item options

The item options are located in the checkout area of the item master:

Items can have additional options, or you must activate the options in order to use functions.

Changeable receipt text

Enables the to change the receipt text at the cash register.

reporting items

Select Report Items to list the corresponding items and their turnover in the Operator Report. This is a good way to monitor the sale of individual items. Using this option also focuses the integrated item report within the operator report that you can activate in Authorizations Reports. This setting also has an influence on the live report. If report articles are activated, these articles are also specially evaluated in the live report.

Further documentation: Report item in the Live Report

No discount item

Select No DiscountItems if you do not want to grant discounts for the selected item. All discount possibilities are thereby blocked.

third-party order

The external order option is intended for special functions with the interface to the dispensing system or the ticket system.

Further documentation:

Produce items for replacement tickets

Special service external order

Not commissionable

Not commissionable ensures that the item is excluded from the commission calculation of the operators (also for the commission of the time recording).

immediate production

Activates the item for de Instant production of the stock management.

Immediate production activates items for immediate production at the production monitor.

Item assortments

Assortments are switches that can be used to mark items for specific programmes or areas. See the Item placement in the company

Divisible article and divisor

There are two options with these settings. A complex option that is used in connection with the booking assistant and is described there under Divisor. In addition, this is an easy way to divide items on the invoice into two equal parts.

To do this, activate Divisible 1/2 for the permitted articles here:

This means that after the receipt has been triggered and before payment in the booking list, the divide function is offered by holding down on an article with this setting for a longer period (this function is only available for articles with divisibility activated):

The booking is then split into two bookings with the same price and quantity:

If, for example, two guests order a large pizza and each wants to pay half, you can make this possible by activating this option and splitting the bookings into separate bills.

Further documentation::

Split bills


Item Divisor

Further documentation: Use prices and price levels

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