fraud protection
The topic /Fraud Fraud is used here as an indication of possible abuse of trust in the company. Some counteracting techniques are made available. is an essential motivator for control and process optimization. Apart from the financial and economic consequences, the effects of mismotivated interests disrupt the building of a loyal team and thus the economic success and meaning of the company. It is therefore wrongly understood collegiality or tolerance towards employees to renounce the confirmation of not fraud by control. In the long run, fraud cannot only be obtained through control and traceable processes.
At this point, we will only point out general and keyword possibilities. Individual concepts can be developed with our experts and specialist trade partners.
Some key points for orientation:
- Display all sales and profit-relevant processes in a digitally traceable manner.
- Always orient yourself to reality when creating processes.
- Communicate ethical and company-compliant, easily comprehensible rules of conduct based on your concept of success.
A commission system is also included. However, commissions serve to increase sales and not to prevent fraud.
Further documentation:
Fraud Protection User Authorisations
Fraud Protection with the Controller
Fraud Protection with Hypersoft Trace
Fraud Protection Credit Card Fraud
Fraud Protection Status Booking Journal
Fraud Protection Orderbon Protocol
Fraud Protection Preliminary financial statements
Fraud Protection with Wallet Control
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