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Best Practice

The aim of a company with regard to processes, methodologies and working methods is always to apply best practice. For more than three decades now, Hypersoft has been pursuing the characteristic goals of this market requirement and is using the results of its thousand-fold success in the market. In consideration of all relevant aspects in this context, the three key aspects user-friendliness, speed and functionality are the most important factors and we are convinced that they will always remain so. In this respect, this positioning explains the working and application methods of corresponding Hypersoft products.

Best practice on installation and technology ->

Best Practice Type Best Practice Theme



Orientation Find best practice topics in the documentation
Operational safety Best Practice Use IP Printer
Operational safety Best Practice Printer Reliability
Operational safety Best practice for emergency operation of the card units
Facilitating work Best Practice Use Hypersoft Sidepanel
Technology Best practice replacement for missing LAN connections
Technology Best Practice with own layouts
SQL Fraud Best practice against fraud via SQL accesses
TSE Problems (D) Best Practice: TSE Error Report (D)

Live Report


Evaluations Best Practice: Customize Live Report
Control & Communication Best Practice: Location communication


Best Practice for Hypersoft POS -> and mPOS ->

Best practice Type Best Practice Theme
item master Best Practice Use layout templates for articles
automation Best practice key removal closes process
automation Automate best practice day-end closing
External image Best Practice external presentation of documents
Cashless Payments Best practice for payment corrections with integrated payment terminals
Cashless Payments Best practice for payment terminals emergency operation
Cashless Payments Best Practice SB Enabling Online Payments
Revenues and quality Use best practice purchase prices
Guest satisfaction and workflow Best practice messages to operators
Guest satisfaction and workflow Best Practice Only prohibit closure
Guest satisfaction and workflow Best Practice Orderbon Pictures say more than 1000 Wait
Control/Fraud Best practice with keys and secure secret numbers
Control/Fraud Best Practice Working as an Operator
Control/Fraud Best practice real-time control of operators
Control/Fraud Best practice against fraud with fax functions
Control/Fraud Best practice with cash drawers
Control/Fraud Best practice for redemptions
Control/Fraud Best Practice through Cancellation Loss and Informative Cancellation
Control/Fraud Book Best Practice Tips
Control/Fraud Best Practice Protection against "false invitations
Control/Fraud Best practice single-variety denomination recording with Wallet Control
Operations Best practice Number of Customers
Operations Best practice with change
Operations Best practice in selling valuable wines
Operations Best Practice double receipt only on demand
Operations Best practice for multi-lot orders (without Kitchen Monitor)
Operations Best practice by using the splitting aid
Speed Best Practice Quick Service / Retail in the background

Hypersoft POS Full Service & Quick Service


Upsellings Best practice operator turnover per customer
Upsellings Best Practice Evaluate commodity group index for additional sales

Hypersoft POS Quick Service & Delivery


Employee motivation and customer loyalty Best Practice Direct Tipping in the Quick Service
Quality management and external presentation Best practice for labelling in pick up and deliveries


Best practice on reservations ->

Best practice Type Best Practice Theme
strategy Best practice with reservation programmes for your success
Marketing Best practice for ratings with aleno reservation
Workflow optimisation Turning best practice walk-ins into check-ins
strategy Noteworthy information on reservations
organization Best Practice with Concurrent and Limit in Hypersoft Reservation


Best Practice for Report Manager ->

Best practice Type Best Practice Theme
Workflow optimisation Show and hide best practice reports
Workflow optimisation Best Practice Automatic report export and dispatch
Strategy & Revenue Best practice by optimising your offer with the profile analysis


Best Practice on eSolutions ->

Best practice Type Best Practice Theme
Master data maintenance Best practice for article master data for eSolutions
Master data maintenance Best practice for images in different eSolutions areas
Marketing & SEO Best Practice Your own shop URL
Marketing Best Practice: Presenting your performance on digital channels
Marketing & Revenue Best Practice Extension of Price-Range with Couponing
Customer satisfaction and workflow Best Practice Use Superhero Function for Collection
Operations Best practice for handling eSolution payments
Operations Cancellations with integrated eSolutions
Operations Introduce Best Practice In-House Order in your business
Payments Best practice eSolutions payment methods and warning against errors with smartphone payment!

NoCOO Digital Billing


Workflow & Marketing Best Practice SB Billing Address from User
Workflow & Marketing Best Practice SB Enabling Online Payments

Self Order Kiosk (SOT)


Operations Best Practice: Which lead time on the Near End Sensor paper is relevant for you...



Best Practice on Stock Management ->

Best Practice Type Best Practice Theme
The whole chapter is about best practice Choosing the optimal inventory management system
automation Best practice with automatic ordering
automation Best Practice for Goods Receipt
inventory management Best practice with individual points of sale
inventory management Best practice: Different place of consumption of goods
inventory management Best Practice: Book differences as consumption
control Best practice on recipes and their tolerances
control Practice Valuing stocks and differences with EK or VK


Best practice on web vouchers ->

Best practice Type Best Practice Theme
strategy Best practice for the voucher strategy
control Best Practice: Security through Closed Loop Web Voucher
evaluations Best practice on vouchers with turnover distribution and on the service date


Best Practice on PMS Hotel Integrations ->

Best Practice Type Best Practice Theme
Hotel PMS Connections Best Practice with hotel connections
Hotel PMS Connections Best Practice Using Protel YourAPP in the Hotel
PMS Integration Best Practice Protel Configure Data Transfer


Best Practice on Hypersoft Pay->

Best practice Type Best Practice Theme
Facilitating work Best Practice: Correct accounting with cashless receipts
Customer satisfaction and workflow Best practice minimum amount for cashless payment

Other best practice topics

program area post

live report


evaluations Best Practice: Customize Live Report
Control & Communication Best Practice: Location communication

Staff Organizer:


evaluations Best practice with theoretical hourly wage 1 and 2



Connection to dispensing systems Best Practice Activate pre-tap mode

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