2022 News Archive

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Webshop archive

This area concerns webshop, your brand owner app, as well as related eSolution topics.


Archive of older versions from 1.2.1011...

These versions and older are no longer in use

Version Available from




Function or remark
1.3.1107 10.11.2022   X   When entering the webshop for the first time, order types were briefly displayed twice on the start page.
1.3.1026 02.11.2022 X X X In the item details of the mobile view, the reference to deposit was cut off.
    X X X Navigation problems could occur in the desktop view of the item details due to two scroll bars.
    X X X The title bar in the desktop view was displayed in a smaller size, which could cause display errors.
1.3.1020 26.10.2022 X X X The Restricted Bookable function is now supported by the shop and the SOT and is checked for date and time with each new order transaction.
1.3.1018 20.10.2022 X X   The note for removing vouchers was displayed incompletely.
    X X   Logged-in users without a stored voucher code were incorrectly redirected to the purchase of a new voucher when using the option Recharge voucher with the sub-selection "Add voucher code".
    X X   For some fonts, the opening hours were truncated in the location list.
    X     Adaptation of the reference to an installed app when using the native camera for in-house orders.
    X X   The display of the buttons for the imprint, the privacy policy and the version number were not at the same level for long names.
    X X   Corrections of the English translation for given texts.
    X X   Setting more than 50% tip could trigger an unintended "back" swipe gesture.
    X X   The shading of the "deposit labels" in the item list could look unflattering with some colour designs.
    X X   In the light colour design, slight borders were added around the images of items and content labels.
1.3.10006 ... X X   For some fonts, the opening hours were truncated in the location list.
      X   Adaptation of the reference to an installed app when using the native camera for in-house orders.
      X   The display of the buttons for the imprint, the privacy policy and the version number were not at the same level for long names.
    X X   Corrections of the English translation for given texts.
    X X   Setting more than 50% tip could trigger an unintended "back" swipe gesture.
    X X   The shading of the "deposit labels" in the item list could look unflattering with some colour designs.
    X X   In the light colour design, slight borders were added around the images of items and content labels
1.3.0909 14.09.2022   X   In the browser, a reload after selecting an order type and location led to the selection again, but then without navigation options.
1.3.0902 06.09.2022   X   In mobile use of the Safari browser, entering a web voucher amount could move the entire content upwards, causing display errors.
    X X   The order type Browse could not be called up with version 1.3.0819.
    X X   In the order types Trade and Delivery the note "Add items worth xxx..." was added. is displayed, although no value has been defined in the portal.


Available from




Function or remark

1.3.0819 25.08.2022 X X   The tip percentage displayed in the shopping cart did not correspond to the settings in the portal.
    X X   With an existing shopping cart, the display of No delivery charges from no longer worked after a reload of the website.
    X X   The labels of the order types and subtexts could not be translated.
    X X   A display error in the web voucher shop could result in the buttons not being able to be used.
      X   Payment by web voucher was not possible with a deactivated bonus system module.
1.3.0817 ...   X   META pixel (Facebook pixel) can be optionally stored in the shop as a tracking cookie.
    X X X Expansion of allergens to include acidifiers and stabilisers.
    X X   The symbol of the user area has been replaced. ... X X   Display of the order history in the customer profile. If NoCOO is in use, all invoices can also be downloaded here retrospectively.
        X In the case of unavailable item components, the product group recommendations were displayed incorrectly.
    X X   If the tip was set as a percentage and then the order quantity of an item in the basket was adjusted, the percentage was not applied to the new total.
    X X   New order type "Retail" (separate goods shop for deliveries to defined countries).
    X X   New order type "Tickets (Separate order type for tickets created in the item master)
    X X   Display of freely definable names for order types and order type explanations.
    X X   Display for "No shipping costs from X EUR" in the order type Delivery.
    X X   Locations can now optionally be hidden if they are not to appear under Locations but orders (such as web vouchers) are still to be sold via this location.
    X X   For in-house orders under iOS Safari, the redirection to the app has been optimised.
    X X   Optimisation of the "Delete customer profile" function.
    X X   Web shop orders could be displayed as "cash" at the POS if a user bought further web vouchers with a deposited web voucher, or topped up their credit.
    X X   The message "Delivery not possible" could appear if an order was placed via an external link (such as Lieferando) but no delivery area was defined.
    X X   The gesture for back is now also available in the Events module.
1.3.0708 14.07.2022   X   Gesture control is no longer available in the desktop view.
    X X   Under certain conditions, orders could be placed for delivery to incomplete addresses.
1.3.0621 ... X X   Instead of using the back button, it is now also possible to navigate with a gesture to the left of back.
    X X   In the payment dialogue, a shake animation is displayed when a link is to be entered that cannot be accessed due to outstanding entries.
      X   The listing of the product groups on the start screen in the desktop view were not arranged according to the sorting in the portal.
    X X   On iOS Safari, after scanning a table code, a banner message is displayed asking whether the link should be opened in the app (if it is installed).






Users can delete their account themselves under My Account.

    X X   The sorting of items without stored tags but with activated preferences was faulty.
1.3.0620 30.06.2022        
        X After a successful payment at the SOT, the "Payment successful screen" could be paused and then did not trigger a Are you still there? message.
1.3.0607 14.06.2022     X Icons, pictures, videos and item images are now downloaded when the SOT is started so that there are no reloads during use.
1.3.0520 01.06.2022   X   The optional image descriptions of sliders and the desktop view are suppressed.
      X   Screen readers can now recognise the icons of the payment options textually and process or read them out accordingly.
      X   For items without a product image, a long product description in the desktop view could lead to display errors.
Version Available from




Function or remark
1.3.0516 ... X X   New payment logos for VISA and Sofortüberweisung.
    X X   The item tags are now also displayed in the product recommendations in the shopping cart.
    X X   Optimisation of the display of delivery charges and minimum order quantities.
    X X   Different assortments per order type can now be processed.
    X X   On some terminals, the postcode was displayed truncated in the selection of order types.
    X     Under iOS, display problems could occur at the bottom of the screen due to the "Apple Safe Area".
    X     Under iOS, the item tags in the shop and in the user menu could not be scrolled.
        X In the item queries, the images of subqueries are now also displayed.
        X An unnecessary error dialogue has been removed.
1.3.0429 ... X X   If an order is placed within an operating break (divider of opening hours), "Fastest possible" is no longer displayed, but the first possible time is offered.
    X X   The evaluation dialogue showed an error message when sending, although the feedback was transmitted successfully.
          In the evaluation dialogue, not all buttons could be recognised in light designs.
          Under iOS Safari, the browser now checks whether the customer also has an app and offers it in a banner to open or install.
1.3.0330 ...   X   For search engine optimisation, a meta description can now be stored.
    X X   Since version 1.3.0325, orders placed in the house incorrectly asked for a billing address.
    X X   Bright backgrounds could cause a graphic error in the preferences dialogue.
    X X   Optimisation of the display of quantity and prices in the shopping cart.
    X X   The menu bar could hide part of the shopping basket on iOS.
      X   In the order type voucher and credit, differently sized tiles could appear in the desktop display for some fonts.
1.3.0327 24.05.2022     X For product group recommendations, a "cancel" button now appears on the first recommendation page instead of a "back" button.
        X In the item details for product group recommendations, the "back" button led to the start screen instead of the item selection of the product group recommendation.
        X Optimisation of transition effects when scrolling within product group recommendations.
1.3.0326 10.05.2022     X New upselling Product group recommendations.
Version Available from




Function or remark
1.3.0325 31.03.2021 X     Direct access to webshop subpages is now automatically redirected from http to HTTPS.
    X     In the modules News, Events and Coupons sporadically no linked contents were displayed.
    X     In the News, Events and Coupons modules, the temporary display of location content can now be removed again.
    X     Changed filter icon in the Bonus System module.
    X     In the Bonus System module, the colour of the circle and the trophy icon now changes when the score is full.
    X X   In the order type Delivery, the city is now preselected if only one city per postcode has been stored.
    X X   In the order type Delivery, the user's delivery addresses that cannot be delivered from the selected location are shown greyed out.
    X X   The postcode and (optionally) the city selected in the order type Delivery are now transferred to the user's delivery address and cannot be edited.
    X X   New information dialogue if no postcode or no postcode and city were entered in the order type Delivery.
1.3.0304 09.03.2022   X   For In House orders, scanning the QR code created a blank tab when redirecting to an installed app.
    X X   Ordering times could be selected even though today was closed.
    X     Optimisation of the display of bonus points in the bonus system.
    X X   Under iOS, a comma could not be used when entering the tip manually.
    X X   The horizontal scrolling of product groups has been optimised so that this is now possible by touch input and the selected product group is always displayed in the centre.
    X X   The product group selection is now fixed in the item list so that it remains visible even if the item list is scrolled down.
1.3.0302 03.03.2022   X   With a predefined API shopping cart, the token of the shopping cart was lost after a refresh of the page.
      X   If you added the same item n times to the shopping cart via API and reloaded the page, the item was only in the shopping cart once.
      X   With predefined API shopping baskets, pressing Back in the shopping basket no longer creates a new tab.
      X   The address display in the API shopping cart no longer assumes that all data is always available.
Version Available from




Function or remark
1.3.0217 21.2.2022   X   After a successful order of web vouchers, the shopping cart was not emptied again.
1.3.0216 17.02.2022   X   PayPal payment in the Safari browser on iOS has been optimised so that a separate window no longer opens.
1.3.0215 16.02.2022     X The price levels for "Eat here" and "Take away" have recently been visually swapped (this is purely a display problem).
        X Deposit was also erroneously charged for the order type "Eat here".
    x x   The display of the credit in the web voucher area could not be recognised with some colour designs.
    x x   In case of an interrupted connection to our portal servers, a notice is now displayed that no orders can be placed at the moment.
1.3.0206 08.02.2022   x   When using the Safari browser on iOS, the PayPal window could not be opened on certain versions.
1.3.0124 03.02.2022 x     For apps with more than one location, a synchronisation problem could cause old item master data to continue to be held in memory.
    x x   Rounding differences could occur for items with forced queries in the item list.
    x x   When paying by web voucher, the amount to be debited could not be automatically adjusted in the event of subsequent changes in the shopping basket.
    x x   When using discounts, prices could be displayed as -0.00 EUR in rare cases.
Version Available from




Function or remark
1.3.0121 26.01.2022   x   In the desktop view, the buttons were displayed in an incorrect format when selecting only 1-2 order types.
      x   From now on, browser icons can be stored as favicons in PNG format (128 x 128 pixels).
    x x   Sporadically, in-house orders could not be executed due to a deactivated button.
    x x   In rare cases, a rounding difference of 1 cent was generated when calculating discount.
        x During version updates, the browser cache was not updated, which is why people sporadically continued to work on the older version.
          GOT (Guest Order Terminal) During version updates, the browser cache was not updated, which is why people sporadically continued to work on the older version.
    x x   New icons have been added for the Other Addresses and Password sections.
    x     Individual fonts were not applied in all modules.
      x   Optimisation of the layout in the shopping cart.
    x     Preparing the activation of Apple Pay for YourAPP.
    x x   Sporadically, it could happen that no more vouchers could be ordered by using the back function.
    x x   If an item consisted only of automatically booked forced queries, these were not added to the shopping basket. However, the correct calculation of the price was not affected by this.
1.3.0113 19.01.2022   x   In the Footer / Copyright of the desktop view, the Company_Name is now displayed instead of the Customer_Name.
      x   The icon for selecting preferences / tags has been replaced.
      x   When using the mobile Safari browser on iOS, a display error occurred after closing the keyboard.
      x   Changes to the cookie message notice text.
1.3.0105 ... x x   Note text for the query of geo-locations adapted.
    x     On iOS, the Order button was not fixed at the bottom of the screen.
Version Available from




Function or remark
1.2.1215 from 22.12.2021 x x   When displaying tags in the item list, a display error could occur with some background colours.
    x x   Activating the holiday message had no function.
        x Sorting by the free item number was not possible.
    x x   If an order was placed in which the user only registered or logged in within the order, the previously selected time was not saved after re-entering the shopping basket.
    x x   Tags deactivated in the portal were also displayed for selection in the shop and user area.
        x In addition to the name of the product group, another text per product group can now be displayed as an explanation.
        x If more than 6 components were selected, the images of the components could cover the frame.
        x If more than 6 components were selected, the images could erroneously scroll minimally sideways.
1.2.1210 16.12.2021        
        x Correction of some font colours.
    x     In the Bonus System module, the filter marking was incorrect when a location was selected.
    x     In the Bonus System module, the user is now also directed to the details when he clicks on the title or description text.
    x     The number of points per benefit was displayed outside the circle in the bonus system under Android.
    x     The module designation of the locations was sporadically not taken over from the portal.
    x     Under iOS there was a display problem when the customer data was to be entered via "autofill".
1.2.1129 ... x x   It was also possible to enter birthdays in the future.
    x     An animation now appears when opening the bonus actions.
    x x   When ordering outside opening hours, a modified notice now appears.
    x x   Order confirmations did not show the day of the order in the English version.
    x x   The selection of tags was discarded if they were not previously saved in the user profile.
    x x   A misconfigured web voucher system at the POS now hides the respective location in the web voucher shop, so that there can be no, error behaviour.
    x x   Revision of the English translation.
    x x   It was possible to top up a voucher via the back function, although this was deactivated in the settings.
        x Item recommendations whose items are not available in the respective assortment have caused the SOT to crash.
        x For item recommendations, the price and the add button could sporadically be displayed outside the intended layout.
    x x   With in-house orders, it could happen that after scanning the QR code, you were not taken directly to the product groups.
    x x  

New payment method: Apple Pay

    x x   In the portal, order types can now be hidden for the start screen as well as the order type selection.
        x Optimisation of the start and error side at the SOT.
    x     Design update for the bonus system with a new focus on the possible benefits.
    x x   The item sorting according to the "Free item number" was not processed correctly.
    x x  

New function: Item tags also for the user: Shop tags



      Spelling corrections in the web voucher shop.
    x x   If the option Order for following days has been activated, the current day is now always displayed instead of the first possible day.
          Deviating opening hours were not displayed in some modules.


Archive Change Management SP 12-14

Changes to existing services are particularly important as this can interfere with your workflow.

Portal update from 21.12.2022

  • Accounting:

    • Expenses are now shown without tax instead of with 0% tax.

    • In the VAT summary, expenses are shown separately without tax.

Hotfix 16 from 08.12.2022

Portal update from 07.12.2022

  • Live Report: Licensing has been adjusted so that daily and monthly turnover can be viewed without a special licence and annual turnover can already be viewed with the Backoffice Suite.

  • eSolutions/Webshop: eSolutions In-House Ordering can now optionally be triggered without customer data. Details follow...

Hotfix 14 from 22.11.2022

Portal update from 08.11.2022

  • Accounting: If a customer is a member of a group/company, the invoice is issued to the company and the name of the hosted customer is now indicated on the individual receipt.

Hotfix 12 for SP 14 on 26.10.2022

  • aleno integration: When closing transactions that arose from aleno reservations, we always applied the customer address for invoices. This was partly unexpected and changing the address was not easy. Now, when a transaction is completed, we check whether it came from aleno, point out the address and offer the change or application.

  • Hypersoft System VAT distribution and discounts: If an item is discounted that contains a VAT distribution, until now the total discount amount was calculated on the main part of the VAT distribution. This has now been solved differently, as follows...

  • PMS Integration: With the function Subsequent Tip it was possible to book the subsequent tip by cash on transactions that were booked for payment to the room. This only worked well until the process was reopened with process edit (because then "the tip was cancelled as a room booking"). Subsequent tips can now only be booked for payment directly to the room. If the tip is to be recorded in CASH, it must then be booked to a (separate) transaction, as it is CASH and not paid with the payment type To Room.

Portal update on 19.10.2022

  • My contracts: A simplified procedure transmits your ordered changes to software maintenance and SaaS, HaaS rental contracts in the form of calculation bases so that you no longer have to confirm this.

Hotfix 10 for SP 14 on 13.09.2022

  • Deliverect Integration: The image upload for Deliverect has been optimised to remove the image upload settings section for Hypersoft. The images are updated correctly and automatically, and no new links are created when they are updated. This also relieves Deliverect of the burden of handling item changes.

  • Hypersoft POS: The Edit Transaction function has been adapted with regard to the handling of credit cards. ATTENTION: You can cancel cashless payments in some situations without re-reading "the card", but then you cannot simply repeat them! In order to avoid misunderstandings and to be able to act quickly, you can see the new workflow under Process transactions involving non-cash payments (the elements are now no longer selected and must be explicitly selected).

  • mPOS Client:

    • The programme now uses the keyboard of the operating system (of the machine) for, for example: PLU input, fax, customer search, room search, etc.

    • It is not yet 100% certain that the mPOS client will run securely without interruption. As a quick fix, we allow operators to quickly reboot the mPOS client system. Use the two-finger right gesture (i.e. swipe from the left edge to the right edge with two fingers) to close all dialogues and return to the main menu. Should this really become necessary, please send us an incident, preferably with the incident number and time - thank you very much.

Hotfix 8 for SP 14 on 23.08., portal update on 25.08.and webshop update on 26.08.2022

  • Current on TSE Data and Export: Compatibility with Amadeus Verify. You can find all information on this in the HS-SSP document in the download area of your Hypersoft portal.
  • Front Office Reports: The Payment Type Report (No. 22 ) now totals the payment types in the heading. This means that there is a heading with the total for each payment type (cash, credit, etc.).
  • Hypersoft POS: The cash register function Logout Operator has been extended by an automatic Key Out if the transaction only consists of Cancellation before Order.
  • MCP: New tiles for calling up the new PMS Viewer and the new Task Planner.

  • Online Order Log: If errors are detected when retrieving the shopping baskets, the online order log is highlighted in red.

  • Order centre: From now on, orders can no longer be placed for blocked suppliers.

  • TSE System Germany: If the TSE system is switched on, the voucher number is always printed on invoices regardless of the switch for "Internal voucher number" in the form settings.

  • Time calendar (eSolutions): The first week of a new year must now have at least 4 days instead of 3.

Hotfix 6 and portal update for SP 14 on 28.06.2022

  • Hypersoft POS:

    • When scanning transaction cards with personal and card features, these features are now displayed when opening the transaction in checkout mode and in the card or customer properties.

    • Cancellation of web voucher top-ups can now be done until transaction closure or new balance. Before, only immediately after charging.

  • NoCOO: Invoices not yet generated by the POS can now be generated and uploaded at the user's request.

  • Report Manager:

Hotfix 4 and portal update from 01.06.2022

  • My invoices: Notifications of open items are now always sent from Monday to Friday instead of Tuesday to Saturday.

  • NoCOO: NoCOO invoices that have not yet been paid are now displayed as Open in the portal and can also be filtered according to this payment status.

  • Report Manager: Backoffice Suite users who received reports by mail will receive the reports via the new Report Collection in future. These mails contain permanent links to the reports, instead of reports as attachments.

  • TSE online archive: In the central view of the TSE online archive, the Export button and menu item are now deactivated if no site has a valid licence.

SP 14 Hotfix 1 from 04.05.2022

  • Hypersoft system: The alternative switch without login requirement for operators has been removed as it is no longer up-to-date. If you want to work without having to log in, you can create a non-personalised operator entry and use it.

  • Time calendar in the portal: From now on, the data for the time calendar will only be synchronised if you activate this function with the Using the time calendar in the portal switch.

SP 14 and portal update from 26.04.2022

  • Product groups for eSolutions: In the case of the same designation of main or product groups, the sequential number is now placed after the name of the designation used several times, separated by an underscore, so that in future unambiguity is possible when assigning the groups in the eSolutions.

Portal update from 05.04.2022

  • Web vouchers: Web vouchers from a central/branch system only show the history of the respective location in the web voucher details, no longer the history of all locations.

Hotfix 28 from 24.03.2022

Hotfix 26 from 17.03.2022

  • Enterprise B2B data: The interval of data delivery for the B2B interface in the portal has now been reduced from 30 minutes to 15 minutes.
  • Hypersoft System: Items that have a negative sales price are now blocked for discounts by forcing the not discount able switch to be active.

  • Report Manager: In the Prepaid Account History report, the transactions with the prepaid payment type are listed if no consumption item has been deposited for prepaid.

  • Master information: A switch previously used only for web clearing has been renamed Site inactive and now controls several (rather internal) functions.

Portal update from 16.03.2022

  • Customer base 2.0: The 3rd party memo field is now "read only" and can only be edited by external systems (such as Aleno).

  • MyHypersoft: The privacy policy has been updated.

  • NoCOO: The setup dialogue now requires the country and currency settings as mandatory fields.

Portal update from 11.02.2022

  • Report Manager: From now on, e-mails from the automatic report export must not exceed a maximum size of 10 MB per e-mail. Pay particular attention to this if you are also sending files, as is possible with the DATEV export. Normally, you can mail approx. 60 report pages with 10 MB (in an earlier version, 15 MB was still available, but this is not sufficient in all cases). If your report exports really cannot be delivered due to this size limitation, you have the option to split your automatic report shipping into several report exports.

Hotfix 23 from 08.02.2022

  • Bonus system: When printing the bonus actions on the form at the POS printer, empty lines were removed to improve the layout.

  • Online Order:

    • Additional information has been added to the overview list: In the name column, the order number is additionally displayed before the customer number, and in the channel, the transaction number from the delivery service or the superhero name is also displayed.

    • Orders for future days are now no longer triggered immediately, even if the order type was set that way. More advanced settings are now available (see Services and Benefits).

  • Phantom mode: So far, attempts to change payments in the phantom mode have been rejected. Now this is supported with choice.

Top Topic Value Added Tax Conversion in Austria as of 01. January 2022

On 01.01.2022, the VAT rates in Austria will be adjusted; the original VAT rates of 10% and 20% for food and beverages in gastronomy will then apply again.

In order for this to be adjusted accordingly in your system, you must therefore take action on 31.12.2021 after the daily closing or before the first booking in the 2022 financial year.

Read under Example VAT changeover Austria 01.01.2022 how you can make the changeover technically quickly and securely.

Hotfix 21 from 26.01.2022

Portal update from 13.01.2022

  • eSolutions SOT: The settings of the product group recommendations have been removed.

  • NoCOO: The font formatting options for text fields have been removed.


Archive Services and Benefits SP 12-14

This area is about new programmes and performance enhancements.

Portal update from 21.12.2022

  • Customer master 2.0: The customer master import has been extended by the field CusNo, with which external customer numbers, e.g. from Aleno, can be imported.

Documentation update of 16.12.2022 for the portal update

Hotfix 16 from 08.12.2022

Portal update from 07.12.2022

  • Self-order terminal:

    • The item information settings have been expanded to include the option to display eSolutions information. Details follow...

    • The SOT can now be used in Operation Card mode with Easy Check-In. Details follow...

    • In the operation mode Operation Card with Easy Check-In, "pagers" can now optionally be scanned. Details follow...

    • Implemented new tip query at transaction completion. Details follow...

  • Webshop:

    • The item information settings have been expanded to include the option to display eSolutions information. Details follow...

    • The annotations per item can now be optionally deactivated. Details follow...

    • The new age verification option lets users confirm their age for items with age verification. Details follow...

    • Extension of eSolutions In-House Ordering to include service call, bill splitting, menu items, age verification and much more. Details follow...

    • With eSolutions In-House Ordering, it is possible to define the radius in which the user must be located in order to place orders. Details follow...

Hotfix 14 from 22.11.2022

  • Deliverect Integration: A new filter allows you to automatically accept and set new sub-channels from Deliverect.

  • DIDIT integration: Let your guests pay directly at the table with DIDIT.

  • Hypersoft mPOS Freestyle UX: Now available in the Playstore and with Bluetooth printer support.

  • Journal export: Extension for output in Abrantix format.

  • Online Order: With the text control of the Online Order Configurator you can now also control the texts for Webshop, SOT and GOT.

  • PayPOS: The printing of merchant and customer receipts on the Bluetooth printer, as well as the possibility of reprinting receipts, have been integrated for PayPOS.

  • POS DIN A 4 invoices: a new variable is used for better understanding to use company address or customer address. It can be unclear when to use the company address and when to use the guest address. With this new variable, you can set a condition in the A4 form as to what is to be used.

  • Report Manager: Enhanced security for SFTP by supporting private key and public key.

Hotfix 12 for SP 14 on 26.10.2022

  • Report Manager: Very smart new report to evaluate the number of customers in relation to shifts: Point of sale report by number of customers and shifts.

  • Online Order:

    • The collection time was included and considered as an extra variable for the printouts. In the case of delivery, a pick-up time may be given at the same time as the delivery time; this then corresponds to the time when the driver collects the goods from the restaurant. This additional pick-up time can now also be printed on the vouchers. The variable here is &PT.

    • When copying the components of articles, Online Order texts and headings can now also be copied and pasted via the menu in the recipe input.

  • PayPOS: With the new functions for reprintingLastMerchant Receipt and Last Customer Receipt from the function menu (on the Transaction List key) you can easily reprint these receipts.

  • Location systematics and menu paths: Menu paths can now be maintained from the control centre via a switch, which has also become the standard for new installations.

Portal update on 06.10.2022

  • My invoices: Invoice types (software maintenance, rent, campaigns, orders) can now be filtered.

Portal update from 21.09.2022

  • B2B Data Interface: Extension of the Customer API / sales data to query order types, subgroups and channels.

  • NoCOO: The process search in the portal now takes into account all existing data, regardless of the period filter set.

Hotfix 11 for SP 14 on 20.09.2022

  • Operator authorisations: To further optimise the new topic from the previous change management, we have added a new operator authorisation for you so that you can block certain operators from cancelling cashless payments.

  • Menu courses: When working with menu courses, you can hold them back and call up courses manually. In connection with the cash register function table transfer, these could then be issued unintentionally prematurely. Therefore, we now provide you with a solution for combining the cash register functions menu aisle release and the cash register function table transfer: Use menu course release in conjunction with table transfer......

Hotfix 10 for SP 14 on 13.09.2022

Portal update for SP 14 on 07.09.2022

Hotfix 9 and portal update for SP 14 on 30.08.2022

Hotfix 8 for SP 14 on 23.08., portal update on 25.08.and webshop update on 26.08.2022

  • PMS Viewer: Since there are always difficulties in integrating the different PMS programmes, and the status of the data synchronisation between POS and PMS is then difficult to understand, we have developed the PMS Viewer for communication insight, which shows you the status of the data transfer and also enables you to make corrections quickly and comprehensibly yourself.

  • Report Collection: Attachments can now be attached to emails instead of just sending a link to the file.

  • Report Manager: New additional discount report (customer related) with filter and export.

  • Wallet Control: A new mode supports the collection of data for the entire site.

Documentation update 17.08.2022

Documentation extension 10.08.2022

Documentation extension 26.07.2022

Hotfix 7 for SP 14 on 04.07.2022

Portal update from 28.06.2022

Hotfix 4 and portal update from 01.06.2022

  • Kitchen Monitor System III: All known requirements have been implemented in the new system, including:

    • Copy function of monitors with the Kitchen Monitor Station Image, licence-free a monitor can additionally be displayed on another unit.

    • New overview functions: Summary /summation of all items displayed on the Row Station or Workflow Manager, independent of queries and other modifications.

    • Preview and summary/summation of all bookings not yet triggered from the open transactions on the Row Station or the Workflow Manager.

    • The new Preview Manager provides an overview of orders and their manual distribution.

    • Superheroes & Pickup Numbers / Order Numbers from Online Order are now applied.

    • Numbers of external systems can be applied.

    • Online order transactions have a changeable indicator.

  • Client monitor: The client monitor can now also be designed (from the head office) for the client selected in the MCP.

  • Customer master 2.0: The export of the customer data now also includes the customer number.

  • Employee master: The employee types have been further defined as described under Employee data that are not active employees.

  • Report Manager of the Backoffice Suite: The transmission of reports by mail has been revised and can now be done very comfortably via the Hypersoft Portal with the Report Collection extension. This online collection of your reports is available free of charge for Backoffice Suite (incl. Advantage) licences (limited Report Manager licences can be extended to Backoffice Suite on request). The Report Collection collects all reports in the Report Collection section of the Hypersoft Portal. The mailing of reports can be omitted, or in addition, purely informative reports can be sent directly from the portal. The mail then no longer contains the reports, but permanent links to them.

  • Stock Reporter: The new Hide untouched items radio button can shorten the stock movement report accordingly.

Portal update from 19.05.2022

SP 14 and portal update from 26.04.2022

  • Customer base 2.0: The export of customer data now also includes the preferences "I like" and "I don't like".

  • NoCOO: New variables to design short forms: &CNUM = Mandant-Number (Mandant), &CNA1 = Mandant-Name-1, &CNA2 = Mandant-Name-2, &CSTR = Mandant-Strasse, &CPLZ = Mandant-PLZ, &CORT = Mandant-Ort, &CSTN = Mandant-SteuerNummer, &CIDN = Mandant-Ident-Nr, &CTEL = Mandant-Telefon-Nr, &CFAX = Mandant-FaxNr, &CBA1 = Mandant-BankName1, &CIB1 = Mandant-IBAN-1, &CBI1 = Mandant-BIC-1, &CBA2 = Mandant-BankName2, &CIB2 = Mandant-IBAN-2, &CBI2 = Mandant-BIC-2, &CTRR = Mandant-Trade-Register, &CCE1 = Mandant-CEO-1, &CCE2 = Mandant-CEO-2, &CCE3 = Mandant-CEO-3, &CEM1 = Mandant-Email-1, &CEM2 = Mandant-Email-2, PrePaid.CardID, PrePaid.CardOldBalance, PrePaid.CardNewBalance.

  • Online Order: Sub-systems can be assigned per sub-channel, allowing you to have the POS system respond per channel.

  • PMS Integration: New switch in Oracle Fidelio PMS Integration for using the interface number in the product groups. This enables several POS commodity groups to be grouped together vis-à-vis Oracle.

  • Report Manager: The customer item report can also output the customer addresses via an option switch.

Portal update from 07.04.2022

  • Web vouchers: New evaluation of web vouchers across all locations also with regard to time of issue and last use in the Evaluate web vouchers area. This evaluation also serves to assess whether the credits could be derecognised.

Hotfix 28 from 24.03.2022

Hotfix 26 from 17.03.2022

  • Item master: When entering barcodes, the new button Entry without checksum can be applied. This allows no checksum to be calculated or appended to 8,12 and 13 digit codes in order to freely capture barcodes.
  • Club Check-In card evaluations: Evaluations are now also possible without entered personal characteristics and a (*) in the search field starts a full text search for the card number.
  • Deliverect Integration: A new option checks the item master for Deliverect per hour for changes. If a change to the master data is registered, an update is automatically made by uploading to Deliverect.
  • eBooking Reservation: In cashier mode, the table number, customer name, number of customers and reservation time span are now displayed during walk-in.

  • NoCOO: In the layout of the NoCOO documents, the FaxInfo is now also available as a variable.

  • Report Manager: The automatic report export has received six more variants for the previous month and halves of the month.

  • Stock Management: The new stocking Placement Report lists both manual and automatic internal bookings.

Portal update from 16.03.2022

  • Campaigns: All campaign-relevant content can now be viewed under the new menu item My Campaigns.

  • Payment methods: Under the new menu item My payment methods, you can now independently adjust the payment data you have stored with us at any time.

Portal update from 10.02.2022

  • 3rd party customer and reservations integration:

    • Extension of the shop to process 3rd party shopping baskets.

    • Extension of the API 3.0 to include the receipt of shopping baskets that are transferred filled with items from the Hypersoft item master.

    • Extension of the webshop order overview as well as the order details by the order type "3rd party shopping cart".

Hotfix 23 from 08.02.2022

Hotfix 21 from 26.01.2022

Portal update from 26.01.2022

  • NoCOO: The payment method Apple Pay can now be activated in the NoCOO settings.

Hotfix 20 from 20.01.2022

Portal update from 19.01.2022

Hotfix 20 from 20.01.2022

  • Hypersoft POS: Operators can now also be easily released from the key without unlocking after completion.

  • Card management and data backups: The card data (and thus also credit balances etc.) are still backed up with the internal data backup, but are deliberately skipped when restoring them. This data contains master data as well as transaction data. The output window shows the skipped files when playing back. If you really want to overwrite them, please contact our support.

  • Online Order:The window for the ingredient query texts in the Online Order now remains open so that several recipes can be checked one after the other (previously it was a separate window per selection).

  • Report Manager: Locations that are no longer active could always be excluded from updates. What is new is that this switch also deactivates the participation of these locations in cross-location reports of the Report Manager.

  • Team function: An operator who has been assigned to the team with the per capita distribution option but has not created any percentages or even any bookings is no longer included in the team report.

  • Payment type: The old payment type by cheque (no longer used) has been changed to the new payment type by invoice. This applies to all receipts at the cash register as well as all reports (operator report, front office reports and also Report Manager reports). If (like many users) you have used "by cheque" for on account, you do not need to do anything.

Portal update from 19.01.2022

  • eSolutions/Webshop: When using the name list in the webshop, the names are now transferred to the POS with the prefix SH:.

Portal update from 13.01.2022

  • Customer base 2.0: The external customer number is now also displayed in the customer details, this can be filled by 3rd party applications (such as aleno) with their own customer number.


Archive Administrators and Installers SP 12-14

Special technical information for your IT support, Hypersoft resellers and Hypersoft employees.

Important to TSE: Since the first TSEs (without online archive) will soon no longer have any free memory and also in order to store data securely, we recommend that all administrators, consultants and specialist dealers point out the importance of archiving to customers without online archive. The TSE online archive can be ordered by mail (for only 2,-€/month) from the vendor. TSE failure (because memory is full) or manual copying of data from the TSE stick are not the responsibility of Hypersoft Support as standard.

The support for the customer base ends on 01.01.2023. Until then, switch to the better customer base 2.0.

Documentation update from 15.12.2022

  • Licensing: Permitted and non-permitted combinations of UX and Classic licences...

Documentation update from 15.12.2022

Documentation update from 09.12.2022

Documentation update from 07.12.2022

Documentation update from 03.12.2022

Due to the additions to the Order Centre, its old documentation had to be revised and restructured. A level as a subdirectory could be resolved, all links were reassigned. All texts have been preserved.

Hotfix 14 from 22.11.2022

Documentation update 17.11.2022

Documentation update 10.11.2022

Documentation update 05.11.2022

  • The description of the licences is currently being revised. The standard will be Hypersoft UX licensing, the previous licensing will continue as Classic Model licensing.

Hotfix 13 for SP 14 on 02.11.2022

  • mPOS Freestyle UX:

    • The download link for the client programme has to be deactivated today 02.11.2022 due to a repair and will be available again shortly.

    • Beta version of the new mPOS Freestyle UX system is available. The Google Play Shop will be activated shortly and the product will be released to all interested parties in the near future. Until then, use our link to download the Android programme.

  • mPOS: The component for accessing Windows Mobile ( ActiveSync ) has been moved to an external programme and is now called from the System Settings tab of the mPOS system.

  • TSE System: When changing the cash register number in the ward management, a message is displayed that the TSE setup should be checked.

Hotfix 11 for SP 14 on 20.09.2022

Hotfix 10 for SP 14 on 14.09.2022 Reload

Hotfix 10 for SP 14 on 13.09.2022

Hotfix 9 and portal update for SP 14 on 30.08.2022

  • Journal export: Since there are always questions about the journal export and the use of the files, we now provide sample files.

  • wallee: Unfortunately, the completion of the connection has been further postponed by wallee. We look forward to the acceptance and subsequent use and point out that until then it is still not possible to install wallee integration.

Hotfix 8 for SP 14 on 23.08., portal update on 25.08.and webshop update on 26.08.2022

A great facilitation for the configuration through the new Task Planner is available! This means that no more tasks are needed in Windows! Customers can resend reports themselves, and much more...

  • Task Planner: The new Task Planner facilitates the configuration of your Hypersoft system in the areas of report dispatch, cash closure, restart, data backup.

  • Online Order Log: In future, the list of activities in the Log tab will be highlighted in red if an error occurred when retrieving the shopping baskets.

Documentation update:

  • Hardware Sonic V2: When repairing and reordering, be aware that the manufacturer has circulated a variant 2, where the charging cable and battery are different.

Licence extension from 22.07.2022

  • For 3rd party payments such as luca Pay, an inexpensive variant of the eSolutions API has been added: Variant IF 01: eSolutions Payment-Only......

  • wallee integration:

    • New installations are suspended until further notice. We are expecting new wallee portal updates and back office updates.

    • Information for compatible firmware per terminal has been integrated into the table Performance table and Firmware of payment terminals.

Hotfix 7 for SP 14 on 04.07.2022

Hotfix 6 and portal update for SP 14 on 28.06.2022

  • For the Hypersoft POS, an XP compatibility mode was activated as standard in Windows some time ago. With newer Windows versions, this could lead to noticeable slowdowns depending on the hardware. The mode has therefore been deactivated by default. If there are unexpected side effects, the mode can be activated with our support in individual cases.

  • For HS/3 Classic connection, the XML connection is now also used and no longer the Hypersoft Classic interface. In general, however, new installations should be carried out with the HS/3 Comfort Integration.

  • Unfortunately, wallee installations cannot be carried out at present, as the interface has not yet been released.

Hotfix 4 and portal update from 01.06.2022

  • Hotfix algorithm: From now on, a hotfix can also create new directories. Thus, as of HF 5, new programme parts can also be distributed by hotfix.

  • TSE System: TSE master data archives are written to the database approx. 1 minute after the creation of a financial statement (previously once a day). The storage of the master data for the TSE data was changed to one database per contract ( XML became too large ).

Portal update from 19.05.2022

Hotfix 2 and Refresh from 06.05.2022

  • Hypersoft Reservation powered by aleno: A powerful new FAQ section is at your disposal: Aleno Questions & Answers FAQ
  • mPOS Client Android: It has become necessary to work with two applications for Android. For the Rocket (2), the name com.hs.mposclient.apkremains. The app for the Adyen terminals will be named com.hs.payposclient.apk. The uninstallation with subsequent installation on the Adyen terminals took place on 05.05.2022 at approximately 10:30 am. For customers who have already received a setup of the app, the basic configuration with password, IP address and port must be carried out once again after installation, this is unfortunately unavoidable.

  • Orderman Hardware: Orderman 7 discontinued by manufacturer. End of Sale 30.06.2022. End of Support 30. June 2027. Whether the Orderman 9 is compatible with our mPOS client server is still being determined.

Documentation update:

Hotfix 30 from 06.04.2022

  • Hypersoft Pay powered by Adyen: Setup has been made easier: the API key and merchant information are no longer required for Adyen terminals. Thus, in the future, these do not have to be created in the portal, nor do they have to be configured in the terminal integration.

Documentation update from 31.03.2022

Documentation update from 30.03.2022

Hotfix 28 from 23.03.2022

Hotfix 26 from 17.03.2022

Documentation update 12.03.2022

Documentation update mPOS Client-Server

  • mPOS client server: The Android client will soon be released for specialist dealers and employees. Accordingly, we are expanding the mPOS Server Onboarding documentation.

Portal update from 15.02.2022

  • eSolutions: The Firebase Key can now be stored in the eSolutions under YourAPP Setup.

Documentation supplements 26.01.2022

Hotfix 20 from 20.01.2022

  • Documentation: Instructions for suppressing order receipts in the Quick Service with Online Order and SOT.

  • Hotfixes without service: Hotfixes are no longer generally delivered without a service contract, but only in certain cases (service packs not anyway).

  • Report Manager:

    • Thereport automation has been extended by the variable settings Current Calendar Week (TTA) and Last Calendar Week (TTA).

    • Thecross-client reports have been extended to include the hourly frequency report TSVD, operator turnover (booked) and operator turnover (collected).

  • Subsystems: Subsystems were revised and further secured.


Archive Quality Management SP 12-14

Improvements to existing services.

Portal update from 21.12.2022

  • Webshop:

    • The menu settings in the portal now also show the respective name of the POS.

    • Optimisation of the designations in the portal for setting up the in-house landing page as well as the service call.

    • Sporadically, the settings of the delivery country could not be saved for the order type trade (merchant).

Hotfix 16 from 08.12.2022

  • Controller: The error that possibly no throughput is calculated during a control could be corrected.

  • Deliverect integration: In future, automatic feedback of preparation times to Deliverect (on delivery or collection) will only take place if immediate delivery or collection is requested. This means that it is no longer possible if the customer does not specify a desired time when placing the order.

  • Hypersoft Pay: With the Saturn EL, the bottom navigation bar was not hidden after a payment.

  • Hypersoft Pay powered by Adyen: With NoCOO activated and the form selection Form without NoCOO info, no merchant receipt was printed.

  • Hypersoft Pay with wallee:

    • No trader and customer vouchers have been created for NoCOO.

    • Automatic check of the last payment and the correct completion of the transaction.

  • Hypersoft POS: The internal security system only checked and stabilised a maximum of 20 subsystems at a time.

  • Hypersoft system: VAT distribution for items that had a negative sales price did not work. Be sure to enter negative values in the distribution if the sales price is negative.

  • Report Manager:

    • The invoice report now checks up to 62 days after the "to date" if any credits have been made. Thus, for a report for the period 1.1 to 31.01, the system checks until about the end of March whether credit notes can be found, in order to then display the corresponding date in the report. For credit notes outside the audit period, only the credit note number is shown behind the invoice without a date.

    • The financial overview could not take the levies into account and calculated them into the "EURO sum" instead of out of it.

  • PMS Ibelsa Integration: Due to an unexpected change in the Ibelsa system, room payments on a Paymaster account were no longer possible.

  • Wallet-Control: When Wallet-Control was started via the MCP, the TTA date of the logged-in operator was not used. As a result, the stock exchange of the selected operator was not displayed correctly or not at all.

Portal update from 07.12.2022

  • eSolutions:

    • Optimisation of the notices when removing uploaded images.

    • Optimisation of the entry of deviating opening hours.

  • eSolutions/Webshop:

    • If not all settings had been made and saved for a new webshop, it was possible that the product groups were not displayed after selecting the order type.

    • Optimisations in the description of the name list (superhero function).

  • NoCOO:

    • When searching for processes, the desired entry could not be opened sporadically and an error message appeared.

    • When selecting a customer document, a blank page was sporadically displayed.

Hotfix 15 from 28.11.2022

  • Hypersoft POS: There was a problem with interim payments and change back in HF 14.

  • Live Report: There was a problem uploading the turnover data in HF 14.

Hotfix 14 Reload from 28.11.2022

  • Bonus system: The bonus system had an error in connection with cost articles, which also removed bookings under certain circumstances.

  • Deliverect Integration: The feedback of lead times on collection or delivery to Deliverect was missing. Instead, this feedback was only given after acceptance at the POS.

  • Hypersoft POS: In the method for booking by selecting merchandise groups, the programme could crash if you have more groups than free space on the monitor.

  • Live Report: The system was unable to report sales when the frequency of sales was particularly high (high throughput of payments e.g. in discotheques), but only reported them again when the frequency dropped.

  • Report Manager: The four analysis reports Operator Sales Analysis, Operator Quantity Analysis, Cashier Sales Analysis and Cashier Quantity Analysis did not support the option switch Grouped by VAT Rates. In addition, the quantity from the first data line was always incorrectly written in the headings of the quantities.

Hotfix 14 from 22.11.2022

  • gastromatic integration: Data retrieval from gastromatic did not work if half a number of children was stored.

  • Hypersoft mPOS: When reading multiple bonus vouchers into one transaction with multiple tax rates, too much of the voucher could be used if the bonus portion is larger than the rest of the open amount. A credit balance was then created in the transaction.

  • Hypersoft mPOS Client: A message that no barcode can / may be scanned in certain dialogues was displayed in the background.

  • NoCOO: Integration with Online Order improved.

  • PMS Integration: Improvement of the filter for faulty messages from PMS systems.

  • PMS Viewer:

    • The PMS Viewer now displays the values of the closing as "Date / Time" (previously the time of the first booking).

    • With the Infor Hotel Interface, an incorrect status was displayed for the PMS Viewer for cash payments.

  • Price groups: When uploading the items for the price groups to the portal for the first time, the main, goods and subgroups were not filled.

  • Report Manager:

    • The presentation in the loss booking report did not react to the option switches Without EC or Without CC.

    • The Item Bookings report took into account the options of the selected outlets. However, the outlet selection area was not visible and thus filters were not aware.

  • ticketbro integration: Ticket control of ticketbro tickets can now also take place in POS checkout mode.

  • Ticketviewer: The ticketviewer now shows the number of tickets in the list of sold tickets.

  • Web Voucher Shop: When processing voucher sales via the web shop, some processes were not closed automatically.

Portal update from 08.11.2022

  • Bonus system: Selecting a start date for bonus actions could lead to an error message due to a duplicate execution.

  • NoCOO: The process search in the portal was no longer possible after changing the module.

  • SOT: When setting up new SOTs, the blank screen for setting up was not displayed in the portal.

  • ticketbro Integration: The interface to ticketbro incorrectly asked for an API key of another interface partner.

  • Customer master 2.0: The selection of the customer status incorrectly also displayed customers with a different status.

Hotfix 13 for SP 14 on 02.11.2022 (Reload 04.11.2022)

  • Online Order: On 02.11.2022, after the installation of a hotfix due to a programme error, non-cash paid webshop transactions (online order) were settled in cash. These incorrect bookings were corrected by a hotfix as of 04.11.2022 and, if a TSE was used, were also correctly signed there by corresponding offsetting bookings. We have made an addition to the HS-SSP document and it is available to you updated.

Hotfix 13 for SP 14 on 02.11.2022 (Reload 03.11.2022)

  • Online Order Connector: Paid online order transactions with immediate triggering were settled immediately even without assignment of an invoice form.

  • Hypersoft mPOS & mPOS Client-Server:

    • Interim invoices could not be executed if no form was deposited.

    • Improvement of the one-hand mode in connection with the visibility of the fixed keys.

    • In the case of a reopened transaction, the selection also marked the rebooked items as "ReOpened".

    • Print jobs could sporadically be output to the wrong station.

    • Significant improvement of the scrolling.

    • The font size of the menus has been increased.

Hotfix 13 for SP 14 on 02.11.2022

  • Hypersoft mPOS Client Server:

    • Prevent duplicate connections that led to with black screens.

    • Improve the display for the WiFi signal.

    • Disable calling up the camera via the Android back button (in the status bar).

    • For availability items, the screen update was not in order.

  • Hypersoft mPOS:

    • Graphic table overview on had too small buttons.

    • The zoom of the graphic table overview could hardly be used.

  • Hypersoft POS: A problem with the calculation of the minimum consumption in connection with tips after the fact has been fixed.

  • PMS Viewer: The new check programme reported errors where there were no errors. Unfortunately, old error entries remain historically visible, but are insignificant.

Hotfix 12 for SP 14 on 26.10.2022

  • Call monitor: A grey window was displayed instead of the programme if the customer master 1.0 is still active. This has been corrected, but please switch to the customer master 2.0.

  • Item master: Newly added item images were not always loaded into the portal.

  • Controller Stock Management: Filter error when changing the lists for filtering / sorting fixed.

  • Deliverect Integration: Extension of the error tolerance when receiving data.

  • Hypersoft mPOS:

    • Scanning several vouchers one after the other in one transaction could happen "too quickly", so that the transaction total ran into the "minus", i.e. too much voucher was redeemed.

    • Unfortunately, no more item barcodes could be read.

    • It could still be transferred to a "parked table".

  • Hypersoft mPOS Client:

    • The gesture to call up the table overview (also accidentally from bottom left to top right) resulted in a black fixed key field in one-hand mode.

    • The note on accounting for other tables (no authorisation) led to the programme coming to a standstill.

  • Hypersoft PayPOS: Printout of card receipts secured with PayPOS.

  • Hypersoft POS:

    • An item that is in the blacklist in the location and is removed from the location in the head office triggers the following: If someone then goes to the blacklist in the location and saves it, the item is removed from the blacklist. The blocking list is deliberately updated with the shop at short notice, but the item master is not yet uploaded to the shop. This leads to an unclear item status. This is solved in such a way that an affected item remains bookable in the shop until the item master itself is also uploaded. If you do not want to wait, you can force the upload of the item master if necessary.

    • Tips from the multi-payment are no longer rounded after the second decimal place.

    • In A4 invoice forms, the abbreviation of the payment type was output instead of the abbreviation of the main currency when paying the total amount in a transaction with an interim payment. Example 25 vis = 25 vis instead of 25 vis = 25 EUR.

    • In the cash register function Check customer payment type, the option 10 from Accounting (cost centre) from Card Management was not taken into account.

    • New payment types had to be taken into account in the split, transfer and cancellation dialogue if they remain in the table after reopening.

    • In the video customer data, the discount was displayed in the wrong place in the person characteristics (centre left instead of bottom right).

  • Journal & Export: Adjust text lengths and voucher entries.

  • Cash book:

    • Subsequent changes (e.g. by modifying transactions) which were made from BAR to Unbar or from Unbar to BAR are now also reported as corrections to the cash book in the portal. This was not the case before.

    • Expenses were listed in the cash book in the group of tips. You could only recognise the display by the extra designation. In future, there will be an extra expense group in the cash book.

  • MCP: If the MCP was started from the cash register, the main window was reduced and then the cash register mode was called up in the background, then the MCP was no longer brought to the front when it was called up again via the cash register.

  • NoCOO: Adjustment for the entry of NoCOO receipts (address of the customer). If it was created shortly after midnight, the NoCOO code could point to an invalid date before midnight.

  • Online Order: Web voucher sales could not be completed correctly with certain configurations.

  • PMS integration with Infor: Tips and expenses were not transferred as separate items in the Infor hotel interface.

  • PMS Integration Classic: New radio button to shorten reservation numbers for Winhotel.

  • Report Manager: The commodity group payment types report had not taken into account the included tip totals in the distribution when determining the cash totals.

  • TSE System: When checking the TSE Mastertoken, the application sometimes did not respond.

  • Currency table: The currency table with the change from "By cheque" to on account must hereby be installed again.

  • Web clearing: An unnecessary message could occur during web clearing.

Portal update on 19.10.2022

  • Accounting: Adjustment of the SEPA file creation according to the current regulations.

  • eSolutions: Correction of the entry of "time from" and "time to" when creating events and coupons.

  • Cash book: Unnecessary clearing entries could be created sporadically, which is why the order of the import was adjusted to deposits, payments (each with type, tax and amount).

  • My payment methods:

    • When changing the location within the dialogue, incorrect values could be displayed under certain conditions.

    • False statements could still be saved under certain conditions.

  • Customer base 2.0:

    • Customers without registered surnames were not displayed in the customer master.

    • Inactive and anonymous customers were output in the export.

Portal update on 06.10.2022

  • Customer base 2.0:

    • Subsidy group settings in the portal were not saved.

    • The list of anonymised clients also shows inactive clients.

  • My payment methods: Direct debits for invoices for software maintenance and rent that have already been issued can be displayed as a bank transfer under My payment methods.

  • NoCOO: Sporadically, filtered NoCOO processes could not be displayed in the portal.

Hotfix 11 for SP 14 on 20.09.2022 Reload

  • Live Report: With Hotfix 11, no more data was transmitted to the Live Report. With the correction, all turnovers have already been retransmitted, also retroactively since 20.09.2022.

Hotfix 11 for SP 14 on 20.09.2022

  • Hypersoft POS: If the form was changed for a transaction and an address was also stored (with the function Address from x Euro), the same address could be output unintentionally on the next form.

  • Card management: In the log file for card balances for HugWitschi cards, there was a dimension error in the transferred cent amounts in the internal log file multiplied by 100.

  • mPOS: If data is missing in the price levels, only corresponding items are blocked. Previously, all items were blocked in such a case (in general, data should not be missing, of course).

  • Task Planner: The detection of available printers did not always work.

  • Web clearing: Internal algorithms were optimised to react even better to unexpected situations and to optimise the data flow because of errors in the transmission sequence of master data that had been changed several times.

Hotfix 10 for SP 14 on 14.09.2022 Reload

  • Hypersoft Pay powered by Adyen:

    • A transaction could not be completed if it was sent as a partial payment from the cash register to the payment terminal and this payment was cancelled by abort or error .

    • In the case of an incorrect card payment at the mPOS, the receipt with the error text at the Bluetooth printer first had to be confirmed with OK before printing.

Hotfix 10 for SP 14 on 13.09.2022

  • Call monitor: The application crashed for contact details that require more than 64 characters in combination.

  • Clou Mobile for Orderman:

    • When booking recipes that contain a turnover distribution, an incorrect status was transferred to the Kitchen Monitor.

    • For items with information on Restricted bookable, the first day was not correctly taken into account in the From date.

  • Deliverect Integration: The upload of item images has been optimised to save significant time when updating.

  • Hypersoft POS: Removing the optional setting without booking operator logins could cause malfunctions in subsystems.

  • Journal export for statistics: The column Actual turnover was set to No if the tax rate is 0%, from now on this is only No if the tax level is set to Expenses (internal tax level 0). Example: A stamp sale has no VAT but can be turnover.

  • Card management: The reset whitelist function at the end of day could not capture some cards with zero turnover and a loss feature.

  • mPOS:

    • For items with information on Restricted bookable, the first day was not correctly taken into account in the From date.

    • The payment method Online Payment could no longer be booked.

    • The mPOS web service did not yet support online payment via a subsystem.

    • Printing for mPOS / PayPOS has been revised. The transfer of the printer number to the cashless payment system, which also creates the customer and merchant receipts, was faulty. The wrong ward number was also handed over.

  • mPOS Client:

    • The messaging view was missing.

    • The client did not reconnect when the login for the system settings was cancelled. Under unfavourable circumstances, however, the client connected to the server twice, which led to a misbehaviour.

  • PMS integration: The interface of the POS system could be locked in Switzerland and Austria by hotel bookings.

  • PMS ibelsa integration: Certain guest names could interfere with the interface.

  • Deposit system: The deposit return system included superfluous data layers, which meant that it did not always work.

  • Report Manager:

    • After a formatting error was issued, the following days were also listed, although there was no formatting error on these days.

    • The retrieval of customer data from the portal had to be optimised as there were cancellations due to timers.

  • TSE System:

    • At the end of the day, it is checked whether failed TSEs are available again and, if necessary, they are put into operation.

    • In the event of a TSE failure, a red bar now flashes on the POS system in addition to the information display.

Portal update for SP 14 on 07.09.2022

  • eSolutions/Webshop: The order type Delivery has calculated the shipping costs, although an order had reached the threshold for Free shipping from....

  • NoCOO:

    • In the Trader Receipts module, the print function could not be used.

    • Sporadically, no image of the dealer receipt was displayed in the portal.

    • Searching for amounts with a comma was not possible.

    • The list of displayed operations has been increased to 50 per page.

Refresh Hotfix 9 for SP 14 on 05.09.2022

  • Task Planner and Scheduler:

    • The database connection could be terminated after some time.

    • Accidental multiple execution is now prevented.

    • Incorrect parameters for the data backup are checked and corrected.

    • A faulty completion task now only prevents further tasks from being executed for a maximum of 30 minutes.

    • Internal mail dispatch for: no data backup set up, backup on same drive, only master data is backed up.

  • When starting the FTP manager, an error message was displayed if no Internet was available or the respective servers were not available.

Hotfix 9 for SP 14 on 30.08.2022

  • (Reload) Data backup: The transfer of the parameters had to be adapted, otherwise the variant of the data backup could not be clearly recognised.

  • eSolutions: The determination and transmission of article data for Deliverect has postponed the retrieval of shopping baskets, now it can take place in parallel.

  • Front Office Reports: The presentation of turnovers in the operator accounting compact and the financial report compact could be misinterpreted and have been improved so that turnover-neutral turnovers are better recognisable.

  • mPOS Client-Server: Several timing issues and screen updates have been addressed.

  • Price groups: The subgroups of the price group function in the portal were transferred incorrectly, resulting in a sporadic consequential error.

  • Report Manager: The gross profit for turnover or merchandise group distribution was always too low in the cost of sales reports when the report manager used the entries from the journal (and not the master data).

  • Task Planner and Scheduler:

    • The Task Planner can now be started in a central office. The head office sees all tasks of all clients. The lists are filled on a client-specific basis.

    • The Task Scheduler checks for correct parameters when starting a backup.

  • Terminal Commander: The Task Scheduler is now started at every station.

  • Wallet-Control:

    • During cross-system bill of exchange entry, a data record with the wrong status was created due to premature closing of the entry. For subsequent counts on the same day, the wrong date of the last count was read and incorrect data was displayed.

    • If the switch Tip subsequently creates no BZV receipt is set in the report settings, the receipt totals were displayed incorrectly for manual card payments.

  • Web Clearing: Optimisation to transfer only the latest version when keyboard programming changes.

Hotfix 8 for SP 14 on 23.08., portal update on 25.08.and webshop update on 26.08.2022

  • 3rd Party Voucher Integration: The cent rounding when charging 3rd party vouchers has been corrected.

  • aleno Integration: The interface to Aleno now shows if and when the webhook between both systems has been activated.

  • Clou Mobile for Orderman: In the case of item bookings with sales distribution, the wrong source was saved in the booking record, if a Kitchen Monitor is then in use, the item was displayed incorrectly.

  • Call Monitor:

    • The position of the call monitor has been adjusted with default values.

    • In the call number display, the database ID was displayed behind the name, this has now been removed from the display.

    • When checking the telephone number to the customer, the business telephone was not included, this has been corrected.

  • Item master: When synchronising prices with several clients, the following could happen: if a price was changed back after a change without saving, this change to the original status was not transferred to the clients, as the programme could not detect any change to the price.

  • Deliverect Integration: Deliverect, or Uber Eats, sometimes passes a comma in the street name and no street number, which resulted in the rest of the street name being truncated.

  • Event manager: The date selection field for the special days is now preset with the current date.

  • GOT: Fixed a display error in the portal when orders could not be retrieved from the POS.

  • Hypersoft Portal:

    • The list of contracts in My Contracts and Documents can now be filtered by status: All Contracts, Current Contracts, Archived Contracts.

    • The filters of contract types, location selection and status have been optimised.

  • Hypersoft Reservation 2.0: The reservation widget could still be kept in the browser cache after an update, which meant that changes were not displayed.

  • Hypersoft System: Better communication about used servers and ignoring missing servers in the configuration (due to licence revocation, changes etc.).

  • Hypersoft mPOS and mPOS Client:

    • Problems with graphic table overview.

    • Free attachment and split function on fixed key was corrected.

    • Hotel payment had a mistake.

    • Black screen problems could occur on the Sonic.

    • Colour in the queries had only considered the background colour. When the keys were light, the font was too bright.

    • Missing or faulty key images are now ignored.

    • Depending on the Windows-internal order of the windows, the bonus dialogue was not operable.

  • Hypersoft POS:

    • With a headcount of more than 1500, a problem with the key allocation.

    • After printing a copy of a transaction containing a tip, the payment type was not displayed on the NoCOO invoice. It only said "Euro"...

    • If you opened a transaction and booked items with a menu course, and then immediately transferred them to another table, the receipt order was only printed out after you had opened and closed the target table.

    • If a printer for a copy was stored in the receipt order settings, the receipt was printed on the printer, but the note "*** COPY ****" was missing on the printout.

    • The payment type customer account could be modified and is now blocked.

    • If a cash register created a new opening day but no booking was made, it was no longer possible to close the cash register with a manual daily closing. The opening day stopped. Only an automatic closure worked then.

  • Cash book: Saving a new entry could be executed several times with a double click.

  • Customer master 2.0: The function Check payment type of customer did not work with customer master 2.0 at the POS.

  • Supplier master: New delivery points were always stored for client 1.

  • NoCOO:

    • The representation of the umlauts from the master information on the NoCOO short document were incorrect.

    • Address changes were not always transported.

  • Onfleet Integration:

    • The transfer of data to Onfleet has been adjusted. The team and the maximum number of operations are now transferred.

    • When transferring to Onfleet, the quantity is now set to 1 so that drivers who can only process one order do not have any problems.

  • Online Order: Extension of the timeout time when retrieving shopping baskets, from 15 to 60 seconds.

  • PMS HS/3 Integration: The sale of vouchers on rooms is now supported with HS/3 Comfort.

  • PMS Mews Integration: Items with quantity "0" caused an error in the Mews hotel interface.

  • PMS Oracle Integration: Expenses were not transferred to the Oracle hotel interface. Search queries during the processing of bookings caused errors.

  • Report Collection:

    • Adjustment of the contents and the file names for Report Collection (time-synchronous file names).

    • If a user did not have edit authorisation for the report collection, an error message was displayed when entering the module.

  • Report Manager:

    • If an identical item was posted in a transaction with the same cancellation function (e.g. Before Order) but different inserts by the same operator, only the quantity was added in the report, but not the sales price.

    • The discounts from the webshop 2.0 could partly not save the original prices in the process. This then allowed the discount reports to list the percentages but not the monetary discount.

    • The prepaid card history report could not apply the customer filter when working on customer master 1.0 or 2.0.

    • If a tip was booked with a number greater than 1 (e.g. 2 X 0.50) these could not be taken into account in the DATEV report.

  • Stock Reporter: Values in the goods booking analysis could partly no longer be determined due to a new switch.

  • Terminal Commander: The time-controlled maintenance mode did not go off if the times were cross-day but the following day was not an "active" day.

  • TSE System: The signing for 0 Euro vouchers changed in SP14-HF4 has been reversed. According to the TSE check programme, the display mode was correct before the change. A new HS-SSP document has been created which contains fundamental innovations.

    Before - SP14 - HF4




  • Webclearing:

    • Barcodes that have been stored multiple times at the head office are not transmitted to the location.

    • If tables were defective or the content defective, the web clearing had stopped at that point. In future, it documents the error and then continues with the next tables.

    • The switch to make an item inactive was not transferred via web clearing for location items.

  • Web vouchers: Free voucher data from unused information.

  • YourAPP: In the modules Events and Coupons the selection of the date as well as the display of the runtime was corrected.

Portal update on 13.07.2022

  • Enterprise Reports: When combining locations, the price level and loss reason filter were not taken into account.

  • Customer base 2.0:

    • The import of customer data could produce an incomprehensible error message.

    • Queries of customer data with more than 50,000 entries could result in aborts or error messages at the POS and in the portal.

  • NoCOO: If NoCOO was licensed by a customer but the settings in the portal were never called up, the POS was not informed of the activation.

  • Report Collection: The download of several reports now receives the text from the e-mail subject as file name.

  • Reservation 2.0:

    • When making reservations via the widget in the Safari browser, the date was always automatically set to the 1st day of the month. of the respective month.

    • In the widget, it was not possible to create a reservation without a customer account and without having to enter a password, even if this was marked as "optional".

  • Web vouchers: Created web voucher numbers that were directly assigned to an invitation group and thereby received an invitation amount have only been charged with the integer invitation amount without decimal places.

Hotfix 7 for SP 14 on 04.07.2022

  • Deliverect Integration: When transferring item data to Deliverect, the information 1000 for no allergens is now transferred for items without assigned allergens.

  • mPOS:

    • The key colour of sub-queries and queries was wrong. Now it is the set colour for fixed keys.

    • There was a problem with price levels for events and use of seats. After a change through an event, the price level was not applied, or possibly still applied after the event expired.

  • Report Manager: The FIBU report could not be printed on a Windows printer using the automatic function.

  • Stock Management: The ending of the Transfer Acceptance application had to be adjusted.

Hotfix 6 and portal update on 28.06.2022

  • Deliverect Integration:

    • Extension of the item data for Deliverect. The allergens are now also transmitted for the queries (modifiers).

    • The transfer of the number of inserts from the Deliverect integration could not be processed if the number was higher than 1.

  • eSolutions API: The country is now also supported when transferring customer data to the eSolutions API.

  • Front Office Reports:

    • The reports 51 and 53 (billing help) could not be output correctly in the automatic billing chain.

    • Front Office reports have also tried to evaluate this data on the basis of the item master in the event that the corresponding switch was activated in the Report Manager for sales distribution, although the programme is not designed for this. The front office reports now take only the booking data regardless of these settings.

  • Hypersoft POS:

    • Extension of the feedback from the terminal with adaptation to our standard texts and check for missing card data.

    • An error was triggered for wallee payments with TWINT.

  • Hypersoft POS: If you open the transaction of an operator as a manager, you can choose whether you want to do this as the transaction owner, transaction cashier or in your own name. If an operator was selected who had the option Compulsory login to time recording and the manager did not have this option, the process was opened but could not be completed via New balance or a payment.

  • Hypersoft Update Service: The algorithm for synchronous updating of location systems had to be further secured.

  • Cash book: Non-cash expenses (not tips) were not taken into account in the cash book. This led to a discrepancy in the cash total in the cash-only ledger. Now the non-cash expenses are reported in the cash book just like the tip.

  • Kitchen Monitor: Minor adjustments to the font size of the new preview.

  • My Campaigns: The download of the campaign invoice in the My Campaigns module now corresponds to the performance period and no longer to the invoice date.

  • NoCOO:

    • Any missing NoCOO data is recreated and users can reload the PDF if required.

    • With the one-time NoCOO address entry, the lines are wrapped from 40 characters. This limitation interfered with DIN A4 documents and was removed there.

    • The display of vouchers on the NoCOO DIN A4 receipt now also contains the voucher number.

    • The Invoices and Card Receipts modules could not be sorted by date.

  • PMS HS/3 interface: Booking files were not transferred in the HS/3 Classic hotel interface.

  • PMS Oracle Integration: With an odd number of payment types in a multi-payment in connection with negative totals, a rounding error occurred with the Oracle Integration.

  • PMS Integration: The ward number entered in the Smart Swap of a PMS Interface Ward was not applied when reopening operations.

  • Report Collection: In a central system, the files for Report Collection are now stored in the FTP folder of client 1 (master client). This means that you only need one FTP manager for client 1 and not for each sub-client.

  • Report Manager: Hourly frequency report TPV could not sort correctly for different transactions that had exactly the same booking time, which falsified the calculated customer figures due to a side effect.

  • Online Order:

    • The automatic tip booking on overpayment sometimes hit an error if there was already an interim payment in the transaction.

    • An error occurred when checking whether an order must create a new customer.

  • TSE System:

    • The time in the printout of the TSE signature was incorrect. Thus, the code can only be checked from HF6 onwards. However, the signature itself is correct in the TSE unit and the DSFinV-K export is also correct. Since the code in the expression is for ad hoc findings, this should not be critical. A HS-SSP entry with more details has been created for security.

    • The archive export did not start if the station was never switched on for TTA.

    • The internal variable for determining the correct time on the TSE stick was not reliable. The error message is now also evaluated during the signing process and the time of the TSE stick, if applicable. reset.

    • The TSE signature on a TM-J7700 printer (web printing) was 3 characters too long and caused an awkward line break.

  • Point of sale clearing: The programme checks whether the main computer is still available before transferring booking data and repeats the attempt if necessary.

  • Commodity groups: Commodity groups for independent clients could not be edited in a central system.

  • Web vouchers: The account assignments of the items for accounting had problems with interim payments with web vouchers.

  • Webshop: The saving of delivery areas has been optimised so that even a high number of entries can be saved within a few seconds.

Portal update from 16.06.2022 (Refresh)

  • Data backup: An error message could be displayed during the automatic data backup at the daily closing.

Portal update from 16.06.2022

  • eSolutions/Shop:

    • The order overview could not be filtered by the payment method PayPal and web vouchers.

    • In the details of the order overview, the booked extras can now also be called up via an icon.

  • Customer base 2.0:

  • NoCOO: If the invoice contained a special character in the file name, the invoice was downloaded without the extension *.pdf and could not be opened.

  • Zeroing: Zeroing could not reset the bonus system data.

Hotfix 5 from 09.06.2022 Refresh

  • Report manager: The report manager in a central system could not mail reliably if the reports were not set up and executed via the central client.

  • Journal export: The internal function for saving the master data for a TSE export (if several trades are posted consecutively) could not be executed completely. The master data of the previous financial statement was used as a fallback, which is why no retroactive correction is necessary.

Hotfix 5 from 09.06.2022

  • Clou Mobile for Windows: The staff list (when logging in) could trigger an error.

  • DATEV Export: The content of the DATEV export file could contain special characters due to copied content of the names on an invoice. The " (inverted comma) led to an error during import into DATEV. The sign is now removed.
  • Front Office Reports: Some fields and areas of the X and Z reports were not correctly activated / deactivated depending on the setting.

  • Hypersoft POS:
    • Fixed a problem with staff discount on deposit items.
    • The compulsion to query In-house/Out-house, no longer appeared with operators.

  • Cash book: Correction during data transmission.
  • Kitchen Monitor: Superhero names were not displayed in the Workflow Manager.

  • Employee master from head office:To prevent unwanted changes at the location, the switches are locked for editing at the location if the employee master is maintained at the head office.
  • Onfleet Integration: The transfer of telephone order taking to Onfleet could only be done for transactions that were completed at the POS.
  • PMS Integration:
    • A problem with the sale of vouchers and billing to rooms has been fixed.
    • Problems with guest names from the hotel interface that are longer than 64 characters have been fixed.

    • An error in the transfer of the guest name to the hotel interface was fixed.

    • Fixed an error with Subsequent Tip when handing over at the hotel interface.

  • PMS Integration Oracle:

    • Tip was not transferred to Oracle in the case of a line item.

    • After reopening a transaction containing a multi-payment with tip, the tip was not transmitted to the Oracle hotel interface.

  • Commission settlement: Depending on the booking behaviour, an employee could be listed twice in the commission settlement.

  • SOT: From a cancelled card payment transaction, it was not possible to switch to payment at checkout.

  • Terminal Commander: When restarting with IIS, the IIS was started after the mPOS clients, which then led to error messages.

  • TSE: The LOG files for TSE stored in the location were not moved to the server the following day.

  • Point of sale clearing: optimisation and safeguarding of data handling.

  • Web voucher shop: Internal quality improvement carried out.

Hotfix 4 and portal update from 01.06.2022

  • Clou Mobile for Orderman: Exceeding the number of available licences for Orderman now prevents the start of further devices not included in the list.

  • Disposition monitor: For stock specifications with times between "0.00" o'clock and TTA, problems could occur when an entry in the stock specifications comes after the current time of day.

  • eBooking powered by aleno: Customer webhooks were triggered for locations with head office, only in the head office, but not for the respective location.

  • Front Office Reports:

    • The list of cash register numbers from a profit centre only shows cash register numbers for which booking data is currently available.

    • The current report number could not be determined correctly if a new transaction was carried out on the same cash register immediately after a cash register transaction and only the bookings from the first cash register transaction were still in the D_Tables.

  • Hypersoft mPOS:

    • The mPOS SMS keyboard was too small, so the space constraint authorisation no longer worked.

    • In one-handed mode, you could click "through the table" when it was "expanded".

    • Seat selection defective, automatic query missing, with "multi-object" deactivated, seat "0" was always selected.

    • The graphic table overview had not yet been completely converted to Reservation 2.0.

    • When scanning a QR code with a stored Internet address, the browser on the Rocket under Android was opened unintentionally.

    • The function keys were a bit too narrow in Rocket one-handed mode.

  • Hypersoft Pay powered by Adyen:

    • In the CSV file for the reports, the tip was not taken into account (total sum and payment sum were the same).

    • The English currency GBP was not supported.

    • The PayPOS client could not be set up correctly when there is only one subsystem.

  • Hypersoft Pay (Webshop and NoCOO): If there is a problem with the payment via Klarna or Sofortüberweisung, whereby the payment is made but the forwarding to the Shop(APP)/ NoCOO is cancelled so that the order cannot be processed, an automatic cancellation takes place after 5 minutes. With Adyen, the payment is blocked accordingly for the cancellation (refund). Due to the internal processes on the part of Adyen and Klarna or Sofortüberweisung, the chargeback of the amount can take up to 72 hours.

  • Hypersoft POS:

    • If an intermediate document was issued without closing the transaction, the payment type of a previous transaction was issued on the intermediate document.

    • Adaptation of non-multi object and table transfer. The behaviour had changed from the previous version. Transfer to an empty table did not book the customer as before.

    • If a transaction discount was given to a transaction and the discount was corrected via the side panel, the item booked on it was not discounted with the transaction discount.

  • Kitchen Monitor:

    • For the variable "&BA" for operator alias, the name is printed if no alias is available (default).

    • Better representation of long superhero names in Full Station.

  • Customer master 2.0: The salutation of a customer was not displayed in the title bar of the detail dialogue.

  • NoCOO:

    • Display error in the NoCOO layout preview with "&TN" corrected.

    • The NoCOO PDF programme had an error when the cash register created a job file that was too large.

  • Onfleet integration: When sending the tasks (pick-up/delivery) to Onfleet, automatic distribution is prevented, so that the same driver gets the pick-up and the delivery. The alternative that only the same team gets the task is not practicable in our standard.

  • Online Order:

    • The completion is now queried at Deliverect.

    • The individual distribution of order types to wards was incorrect.

    • The new option to distribute order types per checkout, sometimes caused a subsequent error and the order could not be saved.

    • If the eSolutions interface encountered an error during processing, the shopping basket was in an undefined state. This is now intercepted and the shopping basket is processed again.

  • POS printer: The Tcplink basically used the logo from the C: drive. From now on, the search is carried out on the set data drive and only as a fall-back on drive C:.
  • PMS Integration:
    • Ibelsa could not process records that did not contain any items (due to a cancellation from the list and items with a negative number), so we adjusted the format accordingly.

    • During multiple processing of booking files, the return file with the result was evaluated incorrectly, thus the guest position was transferred to Oracle incorrectly, so that Oracle did not book the transaction.

    • Subsequently entered payment types in the Mews hotel interface were incorrectly assigned.

  • Report Manager:
    • From now on, cash tips can also be evaluated for non-cash transactions.
    • The loss reports could not always take into account the decimal places when filtering for certain loss reasons.

  • SOT: If the system groups were not saved at least once in the portal, the SOT could not determine the start page.
  • TSE System:

    • The TSE ID is now also printed after the signing box number, which gives you a better overview if more than one stick is connected to a station. In the case of missing signatures, you now only get one line (previously always one line per TSE) and then the cash register number at which the booking was made is listed and no longer the cash register with the TSE.

    • Various adjustments in the output format of the export were necessary.

    • TSE document signature has been added to zero euro documents. The VAT rates were shown, but the payment methods (cash / non-cash) were not. Before: voucher^0.00_0.00_0.00_0.00^ , from now on: voucher^0.00_0.00_0.00_0.00^0.00:bar.

  • Product groups: The printout of product groups had an error in determining the number.

  • Webshop 2.0: In the order details in the portal, the street was not displayed for a different delivery address.

  • Time recording: If the switch that the end time should be left open is switched on, the "original end time" was reset when manual changes were made to the start time.

Portal update from 19.05.2022

  • eBooking powered by aleno: Optimisation of the webhook system so that the creation of tables & reservations take place simultaneously.

  • eSolutions:

    • Optimisations in the synchronisation of item data.

    • In the order overview in the portal, PayPal could sporadically not be displayed as a payment method.

  • SOT: Sporadically, the SOT product group information could not be loaded in the portal.

  • Web Vouchers:

    • Various optimisations in the redemption of web vouchers, prepaid cards and web tickets.

    • Sporadically the export of the web vouchers could not be executed in the portal.

Hotfix 3 11.05.2022

  • B2B Data Interface: If the throughput could not be calculated, the warehouse data was unfortunately not transferred.

  • Deliverect Integration: Deliverect had sporadically not transferred the house numbers, this led to Hypersoft not outputting the street either.

  • Hypersoft Pay: If the card was not hung up when cancelling with credit cards and the process was ended with a timeout, the system still assumed a successful cancellation.

  • Hypersoft mPOS:

    • The operator change on the mPOS no longer works.

    • Due to a Windows error there were problems with sub-queries.

  • Hypersoft POS: Problems with the printing of the POS printer logos have been fixed.

  • PMS Integration: Since the new support of multi-object transactions, it could happen that the room numbers could not be assigned to the transaction.

  • TSE System: There is a formatting error in the TSE data that no longer occurs as of this hotfix, but remains in the inventory data. Totals for individual amounts over 1000 were erroneously output with a thousand separator . "DOT". Since the TSE format also provides for the dot as a decimal separator, illogical texts result here for totals from 1000. These are therefore incorrectly issued as "1,000.00" instead of "1000.00". To sum these values, the thousand separator must be removed by an appropriate formula. This can be achieved by "remove all 'points' and divide the result by 100". So far, this has not led to any queries during audits. A HS-SSP entry will be created for this purpose and Hypersoft will be available to answer any queries. The TSE Error Report could not process these amounts either. From now on, you can use this to check whether and how often it has happened to you, because under the error name Formatting incorrect, you can have the tag, the number and the value listed.

Hotfix 2 and Refresh from 06.05.2022

  • Hypersoft mPOS: Personnel transactions could no longer be posted.

  • Hypersoft POS: If a tip was booked via a payment terminal, this tip could not be reliably transferred to the hotel interface.

SP 14 Hotfix 1 from 04.05.2022

  • Hypersoft mPOS: An online payment could not be selected, also design corrections.

  • Multi-object transactions: The new transaction variant did not work with the automatic transaction closure. Now it works as described here: Multi-object operations during automatic operation closure......

  • Report Manager: The DATEV report in relation to turnover distribution had unnecessarily recalculated the distribution although the booking data had already been taken into account.

  • Superhero function: If an operation has a superhero name from both the POS and the portal and only one can be displayed, the name from the portal takes precedence.

  • Terminal Commander: The automatic restart of the POS system did not work reliably on days with hotfixes.

  • TSE: The TSE printout on the belt printer was revised because the print width was too large. In addition, the justification method was used.

SP 14 and portal update from 26.04.2022

  • Accounting: Invoice runs with two SEPA files for different countries displayed a message that the creation of multiple SEPA files was not possible (but it was still successfully executed).

  • Hypersoft POS:

    • In the settings of the payment terminals, it happened that terminals from other clients were displayed incorrectly.

    • Improving the return from emergency operation, as certain circumstances kept the client in emergency operation.

  • Hypersoft mPOS:

    • When dropping the bonus dialogue into the taskbar, a black bar remained visible on the sonic.

  • Hypersoft mPOS Client-Server: Various improvements and bug fixes for roll-out.

  • Hypersoft POS:

    • In the case of cancellation/transfer/split lists, card payments were not included in the calculation in reopened transactions if a negative amount remained on one "side" of the columns. As a result, "incorrect operation" could lead to an HSSSP message when completing the process.

    • The automatic completion of online transactions at the end of the day has been revised. The status was not changed to checked out.

    • The printing of the overview voucher at the POS has been revised. There were problems with the Hypersoft printer during the output of the menu courses.

  • My Campaigns:

    • The display of the activities already jumped to the following month, although the current month had not yet been completely reported to the portal.

    • The campaign invoice of a completed month could not yet be called up via the "Invoice" button.

  • My payment methods: Invalid IBAN/BIC could still be saved.

  • NoCOO: The indication of the channel of NoCOO operations now also appears SOT. In addition, all unknown channels are no longer displayed empty, but with the number of the source, e.g. #123.

  • PMS integration: If the total number of a product group or item summary in the hotel interface is 0 (due to cancellation), it is no longer written to the interface file, as some hotel programmes do not react stably to this.

  • Portal clearing: The import of the Adyen CSV logs was imported several times due to a name change.

  • Reservation powered by Aleno: If customer data was added or changed via API, this was not displayed in the Last change on... area.

Documentation update:

  • Cash book: If you were working with the cash book and profit centres and made errors when closing the PO, parts of the cash book could be missing from SP 12 Hotfix 26 this has been solved. Now a HS-SSP entry has been created for it.

Hotfix 32 from 12.04.2022

  • Terminal Commander: The new automatic restart of the Terminal Commander to the TTA could unintentionally trigger another security system after four days, so that the POS system did not start.

Hotfix 31 from 08.04.2022

  • Self-order terminal (SOT): Invoices from the SOT have not been signed with TSE or RKSV since 30.3.2022. For this purpose, a HS-SSP entry has been deposited for possible questions regarding examinations.

Hotfix 30 from 06.04.2022

  • Hotfix RefreshTerminalCommander: The Terminal Commander could not process all POS licences.

  • Hypersoft ePOS Tablet: Internal buttons were visible in the ePOS Tablet / 2-column view.

  • Hypersoft Pay powered by Adyen:

    • Due to changes in the Adyen firmware, our procedure for multi-payments had become dysfunctional and had to be adapted.

    • Also due to firmware changes, Reversal for offline transactions had become dysfunctional and had to be adapted.

  • Hypersoft POS:

    • An error message could be issued when starting the POS system with serial POS printers.

    • To ensure availability, the main subsystem on the main cash register is restarted once a day at TTA from now on. Thus, the connected subsystems are also restarted by the Terminal Commander.

  • Self Order Terminal: The message to the message system in case of a failure or error of a SOT printer has been revised.

  • Station management: In the station settings for the mPOS handheld, the COM port for Bluetooth printers was not displayed correctly.

Portal update from 05.04.2022

  • User administration: Profile pictures were also taken over without saving.

  • Cash book: Deleting tax rates was without function.

  • My Campaigns:

    • Not all channels and licences were always displayed under "My Campaigns".

    • The selected location is now taken over in the licence overview.

    • If a Campaigns invoice has been created for a location and month, it can be accessed under the Invoice button.

    • Exporting activities and checks could have incorrect headings per column.

Portal update from 31.03.2022

  • GOT:Sporadically an endless loader was displayed in the portal settings when saving.

  • My Campaigns: Campaign channels sometimes did not display the correct billing type.

Hotfix 29 from 30.03.2022

  • Hypersoft mPOS:

    • Haptic special keys on certain devices were not supported in every situation.

    • The PLU number was not visible when entered.

  • Hypersoft Pay: The new PayPOS invoice, customer and merchant receipts were not printed out completely. With the PayPOS system, cashless customer and merchant receipts are printed on the belt printer when the invoice or payment receipt is also printed there.

  • Zero setting: A zero setting could possibly not be carried out completely in merchandise management data.

  • Online Order: Changes in the settings could result in error messages due to the system.

  • PMS integration: When changing payments for hotel room bookings, it happened that the room information was lost.

Hotfix 28 from 23.03.2022

  • mPOS:

    • An active loss reason was deactivated when calling up a fixed commodity group.

    • Support the new rule that items with negative prices are not discounted.

Portal update on 23.03.2022

  • Cash book: When using a central (or support) login, the address of the logged-in user was inadvertently used for printouts instead of the address of the respective location.

  • My Campaigns:

    • Users with the authorisation level contact person for finances could not open the module.

    • The days of the week are now displayed in conjunction with the date.

  • My payment methods: Users with the authorisation level contact person for finances could not open the module.

Hotfix 27 from 22.03.2022

  • DATEV Export: Combining foreign turnover (VatTab = 8) and normal turnover (7%,19% etc.) in sales is now also taken into account in the export. When selling third-party turnover mixed with normal turnover, these transactions could not be transferred to DATEV in the area of payment types, the difference always remained unconsidered. From now on, the turnover will be distributed among the payment types on a percentage basis so that no difference remains in DATEV.

  • Hypersoft Pay: A HS-SSP message could occur when using the Tip Subsequent function at the payment terminal in combination with the Wait mode.

  • In-House Order: Correction of the handling of payments when combining In-House Order and payment by web voucher.

  • Customer monitor: The configuration of the customer monitor could no longer be called up at office stations, servers and in control centres.

  • NoCOO: When changing a payment type from one card to another, a new PIN for the NoCOO system was not printed (only by copy printing).

Hotfix 26 from 17.03.2022

  • Accounting: The query of invoice numbers has been adjusted so that in case of an error it is repeated after 30 minutes and executed at least 60 days into the past.

  • aleno integration:
    • Several minor display corrections.
    • Misbehaviour in the display of customer info corrected.
    • If the first eBooking action at the POS was a walk-in, the occupancy period may not have been queried.

    • The settings of the delayed check-out at the POS system were defective. If you select 0 minutes, an internal 60-minute lock was not reset and the check-out was only executed after 60 minutes.

    • Changed the wrong wording "house guest" to walk-in.

  • Item import: The item import now also supports the last extension of the number of product groups.

  • Item Master :

    • Fixed various surface and handling errors.

    • When creating recipes at several workstations at the same time, an error could occur when saving.

    • If new items are entered in the item master in a head office via several RDP sessions at the same time, errors could occur when saving due to the same ward number.

    • If deviations were added in a head office and at the same time deviations from other items were resolved (by removing the deviations), the removed deviations could not be deleted and remained erroneously.

    • Copied ingredients could not be added to a recipe if the selected location had "own ingredients" and ingredients were already present at the destination.

    • When saving in a certain constellation, there could be a crash when reading the deposit settings.

    • When printing out the basic items + basic purchase list, the sorting Bontext1 / commodity groups /(Alpha-Nr/Freie-ARtikelNr did not work.

    • When synchronising the item images, the date of the external image creation was used instead of the date of insertion into the item master.

    • In the case of a full match of the item data with the locations, the location data is saved beforehand and saved back again after the full match.

    • When synchronising the price levels in the head office, only changed values are now synchronised to the locations.

  • Deliverect Integration: The item data for Deliverect now also supports the query count and query constraint (corresponding to the Min count and Max count fields of the inserts).

  • Fingerprint Reader: In connection with a Windows update, the calibration dialogue could no longer be closed.

  • Hypersoft mPOS: For mPOS bookings, the product group commission was no longer calculated since the number of product groups was changed.
  • Hypersoft POS:
    • A HS-SSP message was triggered if intermediate payments were mistakenly made when changing the payment type and participation of non-cash payments. The latter is now being prevented.

    • Online payments were missing from the Modify Payment Type dialogue.

    • Vouchers and prepaid payments can now no longer be accessed with Modify payment type.

  • Journal Export:

    • The journal export did not work if a single day was exported and no insert was booked on this day.

    • During the GoBD export, a character was cut off from the date in the status file and the hash code check was logged incorrectly since Hotfix 20.

    • In the statistics export, the product group filter was not yet functional.

  • Cash book: Transmission ofcash book data optimised when working with profit centres and with incomplete financial statements.

  • Kitchen Monitor: Faster and more secure processing of booking data.
  • Customer cards: Possible rare card data errors regarding customers fixed when converting to customer master 2.0.
  • Live Report: Despite the new option switch, time recording data or wage costs were only loaded into the portal when the first booking was made at the cash desk.
  • NoCOO:
    • The line break in the client names in the NoCOO PDF has been removed.

    • Defective print jobs caused NoCOO to stop. In the future, this error will be logged and NoCOO will continue to run.
    • Revision of the DIN A4 documents for NoCOO. Interim payments entered by credit were shown as Visa, Mastercard, AMEX,..., but not of type -credit- but as CASH.

    • Special or control characters at the end of a text could not be recognised in NoCOO PDF and are now removed.

    • When reprinting a NoCOO receipt, despite the operator logging off, the subsequent entry was displayed in "plain text" (the PIN was visible if necessary). Please also note Best practice with keys and secure secret numbers.

  • Online Order:
    • As soon as possible is now displayed as "immediately" instead of with date and time.

    • If the programme was restarted when processing orders, it could happen that an online order was processed incompletely.
    • The receipt order is now triggered much faster and it could happen that the data was not available for printing.

    • The new channel account assignments for DATEV are now applied to all clients in the central system.

    • The text POS acceptance was duplicated.

  • Report Manager:
    • The two FIBU reports ABACUS and SAGE could not correctly account for sold web vouchers.
    • The turnover distribution can also be selected if the "Journal" format has been chosen.

    • The summarisation for FIBU report and export had an error.

  • Terminal Commander: The licence check could issue an incorrect warning due to missing POS licence.

  • Ticket system: eSolution tickets could not be reliably checked in access.

Portal update from 16.03.2022

  • Accounting: Various text corrections.

  • NoCOO:

    • Sporadically, no customer numbers were displayed in the invoice overview.

    • The "Export" function could no longer be used since the last portal update.

    • Layout adjustments for the user areas Insert billing address and Download invoice.

  • eSolutions/Webshop:

    • Sporadically, the webshop settings had to be called up twice to open the dialogue.

    • Due to the change of the pagination, the table columns of the order overview could no longer be sorted.

    • In the order details, not all links to vouchers and tickets could be opened sporadically.

  • Guest Order Terminal (GOT):

    • Due to the change of the pagination, the table columns of the order overview could no longer be sorted.

  • NoCOO:

    • The user view showed an error if not all settings were saved in the backend before.

  • TSE online archive:

    • The export history incorrectly showed "Download expired" while the export was still provided.

    • The sorting of the table columns has been corrected.

Hotfix 25 from 10.03.2022

  • Hypersoft POS:

    • A certain type of error from the 3rd party or integrated payment terminal could previously only allow further work after the set timeout had expired, now this is immediately processed as an error in order to be able to repeat the payment immediately if necessary.

    • After going from offline to online mode, a setting for Hypersoft Pay was not reactivated.

Portal update from 28.02.2022

  • Accounting: If the POS had transferred the customer number 0 to Accounting, this was used as the customer number, even if a different customer number was stored for the customer in the customer master.

Portal update from 17.02.2022

  • eSolutions: A new method has been introduced which checks the availability of the portal servers and stops order processes with a notice in the event of an error.

  • eSolutions/SOT: Locations that have a SOT licence but no active location (such as a SOT head office) are no longer displayed in the item synchronisation.

Hotfix 24 from 15.02.2022

  • eBooking: The walk-in function at the POS was revised, because the number of persons was always displayed as 0, although the correct number was processed.
  • Hypersoft Pay: In the case of a read error of the currency table, the message "Error 1000 terminal not ready" was triggered by incorrectly exiting the application for this case. The reading of the currency table has been secured.
  • Hypersoft POS: In the case of a voucher sale, it may happen that a top-up cannot be carried out due to unspecified technical problems. In such a case, the voucher will be removed from its transaction after a message. This left an empty transaction with a reserved invoice number. The security system then prevented a transaction with an invoice number from being completed without any bookings. The only option for completion was then to book an item and cancel it again. Now the invoice number is no longer reserved prematurely.
  • Web Voucher Shop: In the case of voucher sales, the recharge takes place when the voucher is printed. Therefore, a definition of the printer and a form for voucher sales in the webshop was also absolutely necessary. If these settings were missing, the vouchers sold in the webshop could not be booked at the POS. This means that the voucher was created correctly, but the sale was missing from the POS sales. If a subsystem is responsible for this, no error message could be issued. If the connection of the webshop was not tested during the set-up, the bookings remained unnoticed in the POS system until this hotfix. We are currently determining the extent of the affected bookings and will either contact you directly or publish further information here.
  • Web vouchers: The notice text when using web vouchers and missing connection to the Hypersoft Portal has been adjusted (in preparation for planned work on the portal server).
  • Report Manager: The use of the current commodity group assignments for DATEV caused an error since the number of commodity groups was extended to one.

Portal update from 15.02.2022

  • eSolutions/Shop: The search in the webshop order overview could display an empty table when searching for special characters.

  • NoCOO:

    • Adjustments to the buttons, step size and font in the payment dialogue.

    • When using the Safari browser on iOS, the address bar could cover the Next button on the advertising page.

    • Various optimisations in the use of the Safari browser under iOS.

  • TSE online archive: Exported log files now contain the respective period in the file name.

Portal update from 10.02.2022

  • eSolutions / Shop:

    • The download link in the notification email for ticket orders was incorrect.

    • If a user was registered in the webshop, he could only pay with a web voucher linked in his profile. It was not possible to pay with a free web voucher.

    • Adjustments to the barcode ticket layout, as ticket numbers that were too long could not be displayed.

Hotfix 23 from 08.02.2022

  • Barcode Manager: The barcode manager could not list items that had a barcode only in the order variant but none itself.

  • Clou Mobile for Orderman: After interim payments in a splitting process, one had to register again.

  • eSolutions API: When placing orders via the eSolutions API, it could happen that form 1 was printed instead of forms 17/18.

  • gastromatic Integration: Tolerance when receiving partially filled records that previously triggered errors.

  • Hypersoft mPOS: Repeated correction of themes: Wrong colours for items with sales merchandise group when the item list is displayed via the merchandise group. Duplicate entries if an item had several sales goods groups that differed only in the subgroup.

  • Hypersoft POS:

    • The function Remember Filter in the item search triggered an error if there was no filter to remember.

    • If one changed the payment of a cashless transaction twice, a HS-SSP message was triggered the second time.

    • If only the NoCOO short receipt was used and the form was subsequently created via the POS logo, then the bonus information was missing on it.

  • Hypersoft Webshop: The determination of a query, whether compulsory or not, could not always be carried out without errors for recipes with in multiple queries.

  • Map management: History of loads and unloads were no longer displayed.
  • Report Manager: When determining the payment type for voucher sales, cancelled transactions were not correctly taken into account.

  • Product groups: The listing of assigned items in the product group dialogue could be faulty recently.

  • Webshop Ticket: The mail with the NoCOO receipt was not always sent.

Hotfix 22 from 26.01.2022

  • mPOS: Undo change: Repairing the entry could lead to errors:"Hypersoft mPOS: Item bookings via a fixed merchandise group could no longer be cancelled with the function Cancel before order". We have decided to ad hoc restart the Hypersoft software on the main tills/server of all customers between 9:45 and 10:00 (unnoticed by most) with a one-minute duration, for all others we apologise for any inconvenience.

Hotfix 21 from 26.01.2022

  • Item master: The App Description area has been locked in the location against changes.

  • Clou Mobile for Orderman: Cancellation on Orderman has been further optimised. A logical lock has been integrated when swiping to the right and then to the left.

  • Hypersoft mPOS: Item bookings via a fixed merchandise group could no longer be cancelled with the function Cancel before order.

  • Hypersoft Pay: Not all information for reporting was transmitted at the day change.

  • Hypersoft POS:

    • Revision of the Start and Stop commands in connection with the Terminal Commander. Now the StopCashier Mode button also stops the programmes that were and are started by the POS.

    • With slow PCs, the customer display appeared to stop or be invisible at start-up.

Portal update from 26.01.2022

  • eSolutions/Webshop:

    • Optimisation of the pagination in the order overview.

    • Linked customers in the order list have only a blank page open instead of the customer details.

  • GOT: The order overview in the portal could not be called up.

  • My Invoices: Fixed the bug that typing in the search box had no effect on the receipts displayed.

  • NoCOO:

    • In the mobile view, the notice about the use of cookies has covered the checkbox.

    • The settings for language and domain could not be saved sporadically.

    • The query and filtering of NoCOO processes in the portal has been significantly accelerated.

Hotfix 20 from 20.01.2022

  • Item import: The item import had not yet been converted to the extended product groups.

  • Item Master :

    • When trying to delete an item, the system now checks whether it is still being used in the deposit system.

    • Various elements such as tags were displayed in a shifted position when the window was enlarged.

    • Item prices were not transferred from the site to the head office if more than 50 changes were made specifically to site items in a site.

  • Bonus system: If a web voucher was redeemed first in a transaction and then a bonus voucher, then the bonus voucher was only charged correctly in terms of value, but any VAT distribution of the bonus portion was not.

  • Budget planning: The budget planner did not yet support the new commodity group structures.

  • DSFinV-K Export:

    • The dates written were repeated per booking day.

    • The date fields are filled with the respective system date, as some "check programmes" declare a date with the value "0" as an error at this point.

  • infor PMS: In the Infor hotel interface, the obsolete security protocol TLS was deactivated and it was necessary to switch to the security protocol 3072 so that the data can be transferred again.

  • Voucher Management:

    • Picture 2 was not displayed in the picture assignment dialogue.

    • For the generation of automatic vouchers with the invoice output, which were calculated with the property "from invoice total", the consideration of the new VAT levels 5,6 and 7 was still missing.

  • Hypersoft POS:

    • Added missing licence count for IF 13.

    • Fixed wrong memory request when switching between terminals.

    • If the first payment was initiated by a handset, a transaction could remain open (blue table).

    • The automatic selection for receipt printers and report printers for payment terminals did not work. Now, as expected, the last active printer is always used for this.

  • Hypersoft mPOS:
    • When transactions via eSolutions API had the payment type Per APP, they were correctly posted as a credit payment in Hypersoft, but signed as a cash payment in the TSE. This deviation has been described for you in HS-SSP document 5.3.

    • For certain documented support interventions, individual payments can be transferred from cash to credit using the support code 1 available from us. For example, if a payment terminal made the payment but reported it as not made (or reported nothing) and the operator thoughtlessly closed the transaction with cash. In these cases, the payment was correctly reposted in Hypersoft as a credit payment, but the TSE remained signed as a cash payment. This deviation has been described for you in HS-SSP document 5.3.

    • Wrong colours were displayed for buttons when preselecting with sales product groups. Duplicate entries were also offered for selection.

  • Hypersoft POS:

    • If a delayed receipt order was triggered from an online order, an incorrect collection time (of the previous receipt) was printed.

    • The check whether the BZV In-Out directory has all rights failed when starting several subsystems of a ward.

    • Wrong colours were displayed for buttons when preselecting with sales product groups. Duplicate entries were also offered for selection.

    • If a transaction contained an interim payment and this transaction was transferred to another operator, the amount of the interim payment was not correctly shown on the operator change report. Only interim payment amounts of type cash payment are now shown on the operator change report.

  • Hypersoft Webshop: If superhero names were assigned in the webshop, they appeared on the receipt together with the superhero names of the location. From now on, no superhero name will be generated at the POS if a different name has already been transferred from the webshop.

  • Journal export: The archive of master data was always incorrectly filed as year 2020. Now the year is determined on the basis of the opening date

  • NoCOO:

    • The customer number in the NoCOO info data was sporadically missing.

    • The automatic creation of NoCOO subsystems for "inactive clients" was faulty.

    • The variables for the bonus information were missing in the layout templates of the NoCOO PDF. Existing layouts can now be adapted manually if necessary.

  • Online Order: After restarting the cash register, the receipt information that could be configured there was missing on the first receipt from the online order.

  • Order centre: In the cost of goods, it was no longer possible to change to the next line with the enter key if the user did not have the right to change EK prices.

  • PMS Hotel Interface: When combining Cancellation Before Order and Cancellation After Order on the same item, problems occurred when transferring the item to the PMS interface.

  • Price levels: The switch with Synchronise standard was recently no longer saved.

  • Master information: The labelling of the tax rates partly still showed outdated information.

  • Stock Management: The checking of orphaned stock specifications has been optimised.

  • Top-Up Terminal: A lock screen has been integrated to reject emergency operation without a file server and a restart of all applications by when the server is available again.

  • Point of sale clearing: The subsequent import of a changed or extended day has been improved.

  • Wallet-Control: If Wallet-Control was started via the MCP and was running, transactions booked in the meantime were not included in the count.

  • Web voucher shop: If the transaction is closed immediately at the POS, the operator name could be missing.

Portal update from 19.01.2022

  • Customer base 2.0: When searching for customers at the POS, incorrect customer data was output if the search did not produce a hit.

  • eSolutions/Webshop: Calling up the settings Payment & Vouchers could display incorrect data due to a missing loading animation.

  • NoCOO:

    • In the process overview in the portal, the column Customer could not be sorted.

    • The loading times of the process overview could be significantly reduced.

    • Adjustments in the information text on the use of cookies.

Portal update from 13.01.2022

  • eSolutions/Webshop:

    • The list of orders in the portal is now paginated in steps of 50 and the retrieval of order information is significantly accelerated.

    • Deleted deviating opening hours were not transferred to the shop and the app.

  • eSolutions SOT: But uploading an image or video file for the home page or banner ad could cause an error message.

  • eSolution YourAPP: Linking the rating module from individual content entries in the portal led to a notice that the rating module was not available.

  • Bonus system: Opening a bonus action in the portal could lead to an error message.

  • My invoices: The filtering of a location could not be used with certain client constellations.


Further documentation: 2021 News Archive